Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1831: Mysterious man!

Chapter 1831: The Mysterious Man!

Artifact has spirit!

But even the artifacts produce dreaded strong men, how terrible is it?

Is it above the true God?

"The reckless continent, and the existence of the true god?" Shi Feng said secretly.

Then, Shi Feng said again, and asked the broken army demon master: "Ziyi, what is his identity in the end? What is his origin?"

"Ziyi! He is a descendant of that man!" Said the Demon Lord of the Broken Army.

"That person?" Shi Feng frowned again.

The Demon Lord said: "That man is very mysterious, including his identity and the exercises he has practiced!

And his talents are even the most outrageous people I have ever seen in my life. Countless years ago, it was him who built the abyss of evil with the three of us at the very center of this reckless continent! However, we do not know where he came from.

One day, he disappeared suddenly, and we don't know where he ended up. After so many years, he has never appeared again, and we have never seen him again. About him, it has always been a mystery in our hearts. "

"So, the reason why Ziyi was taken away may be related to the person you said?" Shi Feng said again.

"We thought about it at the time." Hearing Shi Feng's words, the broken army demon nodded again.

Then, he added:

"After all these years, the three of us have been hovering at the peak of the nine-star demigod, unable to take that final step, and he, with his peerless anti-natural talent, must have already entered the legendary state Maybe he's more than that!

Combined with the identity of Ziyi, that day when I appeared in the Sinister Demon Temple to take away Ziyi, it is very likely that he entrusted him. Only the strong ones can ask him to move! "

"Hmm!" After listening to the words of the broken army demon master, Shi Feng frowned again and responded gently. And he looked like he was lost in thought.

This step has now come, and the three old guys have no need to lie to themselves.

Anyway, the fate of these three old guys is the end of death!

After being silent for a while, the broken army demon spoke again, his voice was low, and said to Shi Feng, "Well, you want to know, I told you all. Give me three, a decent way to die!"

Hearing the words of the broken army demon master, he just closed the eyes of the dark demon master and the flame demon master, his eyes slowly opened.

Shi Feng's meditation was interrupted immediately by the words of the broken army demon master, but Shi Feng did not nod to the three demon, but said,

"Previously, your three old guys let Ben Shao commit suicide. Ben Shao Ben planned to wait for you to kill himself! But I have one last question. After you answer them, you can go on the road."

"What else do you want to know?"

"You know, God is fighting the continent!" Shi Feng finally asked this question.

These three old guys have survived for a long time. Shi Feng had long thought about it. Perhaps these three old guys will know.

"God fights the continent!"

"God fights the continent!"

"God fights the continent!"

When I heard the words "God Wars the Continent", I saw the evil San Lao demo's face, and at the same time, he was surprised.

Seeing these three old guys look like this, Shi Feng immediately said again, "You really know!"

"We have heard of God fighting the continent," said the Demon Lord.

Hearing the words of the broken army demon, Shi Feng's eyebrows twisted again: "Just just heard? Do you know how to get to that **** war continent?"

The Lord of the Broken Army replied: "In that year, we broke into an ancient relic, and in that ancient relic, we obtained an ancient scroll, and in that scroll, it was recorded about the war on the mainland, but There is no mention of how to get there. "

"Oh, are you?" Shi Feng's tone and complexion immediately became cold again when he heard the words of the Demon Lord.

It seems that at this moment, he is not convinced by the words of the Demon Lord!

"It's already like this now, we don't have to lie to you at all!" Seeing Shi Feng's appearance, this time, the evil Lord of Flames finally spoke.

Later, he saw a flip of his right hand, and a mysterious ancient scroll made of gray animal skin appeared in his hand.

Followed by, he threw up, to Shi Feng, and then said: "This is the scroll that records the warland of God, see for yourself!"

As the scroll flew, Shi Feng grabbed it gently, and the hand was about to be grasped. The power of the soul swept, and the ancient twisted text in the scroll kept emerging in his mind.

Reading the contents of the ancient scrolls, I saw Shi Feng's original cold face, his eyes widened, and then he was surprised.

"God fights the continent! God wars the continent! God wars the continent!" When surprised, Shi Feng's mouth kept saying these four words.

In this regard, for the shocking color of Shi Feng, the three old demons below seem to be not surprised at all. At that time, when they saw the content on this scroll, they also had similar expressions.

Then, Shi Feng put the ancient scroll into the storage ring, and then lowered her head, looking at the three old demons below, saying, "Well, you three can go on the road!"

"Hehe!" When he heard Shi Feng's words, the three old demons laughed at the same time, as if laughing at themselves.

After living for a long time, the three of them finally embarked on this path.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou! Over the years, the warriors who died in the hands of the three of them are countless, and there are even many peerless powerhouses in the nine-star demigod.

Today, it is finally his three!

Then, the three demon masters made an appointment, and at the same time bowed their heads, looking down at the terrible death battlefield below, looking down at the evil waste city below, and looking down at the endless vast land.

This boundless territory, the abyss of evil!

Everything here once belonged to the three of them. All the living and living on this land were controlled by the three of them. They were once the peerless masters of this territory!

But at this moment, it is not.

Because the three of them were defeated!

Lost in the hands of the evil spirits from other continents.

"Haha! Hahahaha!"


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, the three demon masters suddenly laughed at the same time, and in the long years, the scenes that once appeared, like the movie, constantly appeared in their minds.

"Cangtian is on the sky. Today, the three of us are brothers of different surnames. We are blessed and share the same difficulties. We do not want to be born on the same day of the same year but to die on the same day of the same year!"

In the storm, I saw three young boys with knees on their knees, fists in both hands, looking up at the sky!

When the vows were spoken, the three teenagers had firm faces and strong voices!

"Boom!" God seemed to resonate with the vows of the three teenagers, sounding the sound of thunder and thunder, shaking the world!

(End of this chapter)

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