Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1833: Sweep the Abyss of Sin

Chapter 1833 Sweeping the Abyss of Sin

Shi Feng's hands were changing rapidly. At this moment, his hands could not be seen anymore, and what he could see was only the ghostly ghost image.

Shi Feng's face looked more and more dignified, his eyebrows tightened tightly.

To him, this method of Jiuyou's preservation is really important, and it must be perfected.

"Roar!" After the roar of a fierce fierce beast sounded, everyone who rushed up was dead under the body of Wuli Snake.

From the evil demon soldiers and demon generals, when they heard the evil demon Lord's order and rushed to the void, the death toll has reached hundreds of thousands!

After the death of hundreds of thousands of people, everyone in this world was finally deterred, afraid to resist the demon in the void!

"Dead, dead, all dead!" Someone in the ruins stared at the empty blood-stained void, he said.

"Shi Feng, this **** of killing, Shi Feng!"

"Our abyss of sin, will we change hands? From now on, there will be no great three evil devil!"

"This man is so murderous. He sees life as grass, if we let him rule the abyss of sin, we sinners will certainly not have a good life!"

"I seem to see the chaos in the world! The abyss of sin will never be the same abyss of sin! The abyss of sin will be in chaos and will never rest!"

"But in this world, does anyone dare to resist this peerless killing god? He, however, forces the great three devil masters to exist!"

"Yes! Of course! We have the abyss of sin, and there are ten powerful monsters!"

"Ten Mages! Ten Mages who rule the ten areas of our evil abyss!"

"In the rumors, if the top ten demons will join forces, their combat power will not be weaker than the existence of the three demons!"

"Well! It is even more rumored that the top ten monsters are in charge of a true **** weapon, and only the ten monsters will reach the secret place at the same time and perform the secret method at the same time, you can unlock the seal and let the real artifact be born!"

"Now the three evil devil masters have fallen, and the top ten demon generals will definitely slay this demon head Shi Feng! He Shi Feng wants to settle down as the master of the evil abyss, it will not be so simple!"

"So I say that the abyss of sin will be in chaos, and there will never be peace ..."


The Sin City of Sin has swept across the abyss of sin like a wind.

"Why! What! The great three demon masters! Actually ... how could this be possible! How could you say such a thing, are you crazy? You know, such rebellious words are a great sin for the Jiuzu tribe. , I can never say more in the future! "

When the evil abyss first heard the news, they didn't believe it at all! How could the invincible three evil masters die in the hands of others!

"Sin ... we sin abyss, the great three demon masters! Hiss! It's hard to believe! It's hard to believe! The name of this stone maple, I also heard that, it is said that this is the first person in this arrogant battle , But did not expect that this person has reached such a terrible level! "

"It's so horrible! It's so horrible! The countless years when the three evil masters established the abyss of evil, they were killed by that stone maple! What is the origin of that stone maple?"

"Yeah, what is the origin of this stone maple? It seems to have popped up during the battle of Tianjiao. In the abyss of our sins, we have never heard of this character before, but we never thought that when this person was born, It ’s such a terrible feat! It ’s terrible! It ’s terrible! ”


"What! The three evil devil are killed!"





Unbelievable exclamations sounded everywhere in the abyss of evil!

"Since I am one of the top ten magic generals, the stone maple must be crusade! Come on, put me on a shirt, and I will meet the nine magic generals!" A cold middle-aged man's voice.

"Subordinates obey!"


Ten days have passed since the peerless battle over Sinister City.

However, in the past ten days, Shi Feng's figure still stands proudly above the ruined Sinister City, the Nine Secrets are still in operation, and Sen Bai's hand shadows continue to flash.

Shi Feng is still improving the Nine Secret Secrets.

After ten days and nights of continuous improvement, this sealed secret method has gradually been improved, but although it has become more perfect than before, Shi Feng has not achieved perfection through practice.

And the ruins below, at this moment, people have already run out.

At the beginning, in the ruined land, no one dared to act rashly, for fear that if he left without permission, he would cause the killing **** in the sky to become angry, and manipulate the peerless beast to kill himself.

There is nothing else this God can do to kill God!

At that time, a person was frightened and felt that this **** of killing had killed three demon masters, killed so many people, and finally came to a massacre, killing everyone in Sin Demon City. possible.

However, some people later thought that it would be a death sooner or later anyway, it would be better to run away now and fight together, maybe they can make a living.

As a result, a group of people began to flee the ruins with the idea of ​​desperation.

However, after the group left the ruins, they found that the person in the void had no action at all. Even the five beasts above him were unheard of and ignored!

Then, people fled the ruins one after another. Ten days later, to this day, only a woman in white, Xue Ying, is left in the ruins.

Xue Ying didn't want to leave, but her body had the imprint of that person. Even if he escaped to the ends of the earth, he would die immediately if he thought of it.

This person, however, killed all three evil demon masters. The mark that he put into his body, if it was not for him to unravel himself, no one could be broken in this world.

So Xue Ying sat in the ruins quietly, waiting for that person in the void. Xue Ying didn't know that she had brought him to the Sin City of Sin, and he killed three demon masters. Next, What will he do with himself?

Free yourself? Or kill yourself?

"Nine meditation exercises, only my God work, only my use, sealed!" At this moment, Shi Feng in the void sent out a cold, drunk, fast-moving hands, suddenly stopped at this moment, coagulated into a Looks very strange fingerprints.

Shi Feng, with the nine secrets improved after these ten days, sealed up the power of death and blood that had been sucked into the fingerprints.

"Presumably, it's okay!" Shi Feng said secretly, gazing at the handprint on the chest.

However, whether this secret method is perfect depends on whether the majestic death force and blood will break through this secret method.

At the time when he created this secret law, he thought it was perfect, but an accident happened while he was confining the world.

(End of this chapter)

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