Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1845: Chilling Claws!

Chapter 1845: Cold Heart Claw!

Although the ice light tornado disappeared, at this moment, Xue Ying's heart was beating violently, as if she had passed away from the ghost gate.

"Why ... what happened?" But realizing that she was indeed alive, realizing that the ice-light tornado had just appeared and disappeared, Xue Ying's face was miserable, he said.

Then, I saw Xue Yingqiao's face turned and looked at the three figures in the distance again.

"Uh!" And at this moment, a moaning sound was emitted from Qing Yan's mouth, and I saw that face had become extremely pale and ugly.

Immediately afterwards, Qingyan's Jiao's body trembled suddenly, and her face was uncomfortable.

"Youth girl!"

"Youth girl!"

At this moment, the two young men next to Qing Yan shouted in surprise, and quickly reached out their hands to help Qing Yan.

"You young girl, are you okay?" A young man began to speak with concern. At such a critical moment, how could he not care. If there was something wrong, who would deal with Xue Ying from the Xue family in front?

"I ... I'm okay." Qing Yan shook her head when he heard the man's words, and he answered with a painstaking effort.

But now that she was like this, where was all right, the faces of the two young men were immediately worried.

"Huh!" Seeing Qing Yan so, Xue Ying immediately issued a cold hum, everything seemed to have suddenly opened up:

"I see! This slut, the realm is only in the realm of four stars and demigods, but forcibly urged that secret treasure to break through my attack, and it certainly took a lot of demigod power, and I see her status at the moment, Dan Tianzhong The energy should almost reach the point where the oil is exhausted!

Huh! Such a secret treasure, it really is not a ants like her can have! "

When she said these words, Xue Ying's previous shock and the thoughts of the rest of her life instantly disappeared, and on her fair face, the pride of her seven-star demigod appeared again.

The regret that was just about to be swallowed by the ice light tornado was long forgotten, and the figure flashed again, Xue Ying, once again the three of them appeared not far away, and scorned the three again. .

Just now Xue Ying was still afraid of Qing Yan, but looking at the state of Qing Yan at the moment, Xue Ying didn't look at her at all.

"Huh!" Another cold hum came from Xue Ying's mouth, and when she saw the corner of her mouth, she showed a disdainful chilly smile, looking at Qingyan, and said, "Bitch, hurry up Give me that secret treasure, and I will make you die happier! "

Xue Ying said this, and it seemed that she had no intention of letting go of the three trio in front of her.

She thought about it just now. This woman is actually carrying such a secret treasure. Her origin must not be simple. Since the hatred is settled, it is better to cut the grass and root it, so that the spring breeze will not be born again!

"You!" Qing Yan's complexion was still white. After hearing Xue Ying's words, he bit his teeth coldly and said, "If you want to kill, kill, I won't give that secret treasure to you, this woman!"

"Huh! It's already like this, but it's still stubborn. If so, I'll let you taste it, life is better than death!" When Xue Ying said this, her feet began to move gently, toward Qing Yan walked step by step with the two young men.


Seeing Xue Ying coming, for the two young men, it was like an unshakable mountain approaching slowly towards them. The two opened their mouths and issued a panic exclaim, pulling Qingyan. Dao's figure flashed at the same time, and then flew back sharply.

"Girl, stay in the mountains. Do n’t be afraid that there is no wood burning. You, you should first hand over that secret treasure, and ask Xue Ying for his life! Let ’s meet Master Shi Feng, and let Master Shi Feng help you. Just get that thing back. "

When flying back quickly, a young man persuaded Qingyan.

"Yes, young girl." Another young man followed, persuading, "As long as we live, it's more important than everything! Otherwise, wait for the woman in Xue's family to catch up with us. Taken by her, we even lost our lives! "

"No! No!" Hearing the words of the two men, although Qingyan was full of weakness, she still spoke firmly and resolutely:

"This is what my mother left me, how can I give it to others! No, absolutely not! If you want me to surrender this thing, unless I die!"

"But young lady ..."

"Even if you surrender now, you must die!" And just then, the cold woman's voice sounded again.

The flying back was the three of Qingyan. Immediately after seeing the white shadow, they appeared in front of their eyes, and their bodies flew quickly, following the three of them.

As he got closer and closer to the three, at this moment, Xue Ying's disdain sneered at the corner of his mouth became more and more sneer, looking at the three men in front of him, like a cat and a mouse.

For Xue Ying, the three were just three mice who were fleeing but could not escape their own control.

"Xue Ying!"

"Xuejia Xueying!"

Although she knew that the Xue family woman would not give up on this, she would catch up at the speed of her seven stars and demigods, but seeing that she really caught up, two young men's mouths immediately exclaimed.

Bad feelings surfaced instantly.

"It's over, it's over, is it really going to die here?" Said a young man in his heart.

"I knew this before, so I won't come to this Sinister City. Who knows, Lord Shi Feng didn't find him, but he encountered the fierce tigress of the Xue family." Another young man said secretly in his heart. .

And at this moment, I saw Xue Ying's figure, less than one meter away from the three of them, and saw her right hand turned into a claw, and a cold white air came out of her claw.

Xue Ying glared at Qingyan, and then sneered and said, "Slut, from the moment you show up, I look at you as the most unhappy. I will let you taste it first, the taste of Hanxin palm grabbing into the heart!"

"Cold Heart Claw!"

"Xue Jiahan's heart claws!"

When they heard the words "Cold Heart Claw", the two young men's expressions changed suddenly and suddenly, and they could not help but exclaim.

Snow family's cold heart claws, they have heard of it. It is said that it is a very vicious and cruel one. It broke into the heart of the warrior, grabbed the heart directly, and frozen the heart directly into ice, but it did not let the warrior die directly. Let the other party suffer from the cold, cold, and painful heart.

Then, the frozen heart melted at a very slow speed, and disappeared little by little. Every time it disappeared, the person who suffered the cold heart claw would taste the heart severely cut by the knife.

It's better to die!

Unexpectedly, Xueying of this Xue family turned out to be so vicious and cruel to Qing Yan! Just thinking about the cold heart claws of the two young men made their legs tremble involuntarily, and their backs became cold!

(End of this chapter)

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