Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1853: The most hated person!

Chapter 1853: The Most Hateful Person!

Years ago, as a humble maid of the Xue family, Xue Ying was careful.

She always advised herself, always telling herself that when she really left Xue's house, it was when she flew into the sky and smiled proudly!

When the so-called geniuses of the Xue family entered the two-star demigod, in fact, she had already entered the four-star demigod!

However, she couldn't pretend to be better than them, and she pretended that she did her best to walk into a star and a god.

Even the half-sister Xue Ning, holding her head up and walking proudly in front of her, had a sweet smile on her face, catering to her and saying: Sister Xue Ning is really amazing! Sister Xue Ning's talent is unparalleled. Xue Ying wants to target Sister Xue Ning.

In fact, in her heart, Xueying was extremely disdainful of this so-called "tianjiao"!

Until later, when she participated in the battle of Tianjiao, she Xueying inadvertently exposed her strength better than one star and demigod. At that time, she could only create it in front of Xue's family. Her potential was forced by the enemy's persecution Excited and stepped into the two-star demigod.

Fortunately, everything is so natural and undetected by anyone. Later, she had luck and her real strength. She successfully stood out and became one of the top ten in the battle of Tianjiao.

However, at that time, because she played a good show, the Xue family thought she was so lucky.

After entering the top ten, even if Tianjiao is defeated in the battle, as long as he does not die, he will be eligible to enter the evil forest experience!

At that time, Xue Ying was still reluctant and did not leave the Sinister City. She was still not successfully separated from Xue's family, and she had not escaped the magic palm of her so-called father.

In the top ten battle, Xue Ying abstained when she met her first opponent on the ground that she was only a two-star demigod.

Later, she Xueying finally successfully separated from the Xue family, finally entered the Temple of Sin Demon, and finally, she entered the yearning mysterious and dangerous place, the Sin Forest!

At that time, Xue Ying only felt that she was relaxed and truly enjoyed the feeling of no **** at that time. At that time, she finally realized the feeling of becoming a real Xue Ying.

However, although she entered the evil forest, she Xueying did not forget the people in the Xue family, and did not forget the faces that made her sick. She Xueying told herself that one day, she Xueying would be proud. On Yu Xue's house, look down at these people and let them look at themselves one by one!

Holding these beliefs in her heart, in the evil forest, she Xueying is not afraid of any danger. As long as she becomes stronger, she can commit any danger.

Not long after, Xue Ying's name gradually sounded in the sinful forest. For six years in this sinful forest, many people in the sinful forest knew about the heavenly pride of the Xue family, Xue Ying!


"You! You! You! You Xueying, you are so brave, how dare you deceive Xuejia up and down, you dare ... deceive Abba! Xueying, you will get severe punishment from Xuejia's family law, I must Let Dad break your legs first! "

In the ruins of evil, Xue Ying's words were heard. Although Xue Ning was still shaking in the cold coldness of Xue Ying, she was fiercely facing Xue Ying's face and said violently.

A humble maidservant dared to call herself a waste!

A humble niece is even stronger than himself! This made Xue Ning proud and unacceptable.

"That's right! Xue Ying, just wait and see!" At this moment, Xue Ling also spoke, yelling with a threatening tone.

"Our Xue family, in response to the call of the top ten magic generals to crusade the inverse thief Shi Feng. Soon after, our Xue family will arrive here with tens of millions of troops together, when that time, hum!"

"Huh!" There was also a young man Xuejian, who snorted coldly, followed, even a sneer appeared on his face, and said to Xue Ying:

"You Xueying, we saw you kneeling here before. Who are you kneeling on? Kneeling Shifeng Shifeng? Hum, you Xueying dare to take refuge in Shifeng Shifeng! It is simply a treason. punish!"

When it comes to the end, the sneer on Xue Jian's face has become even more serious, regardless of whether Xue Ying has taken refuge in the inverse thief, Shi Feng. At that time, they will fix it and even cheer on the fire. , Trusted in that rebel!

Although the three of them were shaking in Xueying's cold chill, although they knew that they were no longer worthy of this humble Xueying, they still did not take this humble niece in their eyes as many years ago.

Instead, I felt that after waiting for the three of them to report to the adults of the Xue family, this Xue Ying would definitely not be able to eat.

In their minds, even the appearance of Xue Ying's panic, helplessness, and regrets after seeing Master Xue's family even appeared.

"Give me all, go! Die! Come on!"

But at this moment, the three of Xue Ning suddenly heard an unusually cold sound, which rang from Xue Ying's mouth.

And at the moment her cold voice sounded, she saw three young skulls, and then flew into the sky.

The three men, Xue Ning, suddenly felt an unusual pain coming from their necks. Then, they only felt that the whole world had turned around, and then they suddenly saw that among the ruins below, there were three bloodless swollen blood. Head corpse.

How familiar these three headless corpses looked, and they even felt wonderful.

Immediately afterwards, the faces of the three rotating heads were all changed, and the face was extremely shocked, horrified and incredible.

These three headless corpses ... are not the bodies of the three of them ... this Xueying ... this humble niece ... unexpectedly ... really ... dare to kill myself.

She is such a humble maid ... what a courage ... ah ... she ...

Immediately following, the consciousness was like a surging tide, and quickly retreated from these three heads. The three young people of the Xue family fell down!

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Soon after, three rushes fell from the upper heads and fell together, falling in front of Xue Ying's feet, Xue Ying lowered her head, and stepped on Xue Ning's sweet white face with terror. on.

Stepping on this foot, Xue Ying felt that her whole body was extremely comfortable!

Today, she finally took the life of the woman herself and stomped her head under her feet.

At this time, Xue Ying's eyebrows were suddenly twisted, her eyes suddenly looked at Xue Ning's headless body. She just saw that Xue Ning's waist shone with a snow-colored light.

Xue Ying reached out her hand and saw that a snow-colored waistband flew from Xuening's waist and flew towards her, and soon fell into her palm.

Just now the snow light shining from Xue Ning's waist was issued by this waist card.

"Ice and snow order! Hum!" Looking at the ice and snow order, Xue Ying once again issued a cold hum, and then a snow family secret spell appeared on the snow-colored token.

Followed by, Xue Ying put it on her forehead. Suddenly, she saw her delicate body tremble suddenly, her left hand suddenly clenched, and her five nails pierced her palm fiercely.

At this moment, Xue Ying heard the voice of the person she hated most in her life!

(End of this chapter)

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