Chapter 1869 Escape!


Shi Feng's cold drink sounded like the cold voice of death, and sentenced the lives and deaths of countless living beings, echoing again in this vast void.

"Boom!" A sound of peerless rumbling sounds like the destruction of heaven and earth re-emerged again, the emperor bell and the demon skull, two real **** warriors hit the demon scepter again fiercely.






The screams of screams resounded from all directions, and among the crowd in all directions, a large number of dried corpses fell, and countless soldiers died.

Fear and sorrow have become the main theme of this void, and the color of this world seems to be gray in people's eyes.

And with more and more people dying, with the constant resounding screams, the smile on Shi Feng's face became more and more, he liked the feeling that dominated his life and death.

Let the others prosper, and those who oppose the other die!

She and Wei came to take refuge. He Shifeng gave them the supreme glory of the future.

Those who came to kill him, he wanted them all to die!

And as a force of death raged from all directions, Shi Feng's originally exhausted energy was replenished, only to hear him drank again and again: "Thunder, God of War!"

"Boom!" Another pesky thunder sounded like the anger of Thor.

This evildoer even used Thunder God of War again!

However, at this moment, the people in this void have already seen the numbness, not as shocked as before.

And just now, countless people saw with their own eyes that this demon evil constantly devoured the force of death raging to him.

Countless forces in the abyss of evil have long collected information about this evil evil maple, knowing this evil evil, has cultivated a evil method that can devour the power of death, the blood of souls, and the soul of souls.


After death without regret, there will be only nine people in the top ten demons. At this moment, under the constant strike of two true **** war weapons, the nine demons will be heavier and heavier and look more and more embarrassed. Has already completely lost the resistance.

"Shock!" But Shi Feng didn't care about these people, she opened her mouth and drank coldly.






"Ha ha, won, did you win? My lord, really won!"

Looking at the stone maple above, watching your nine wolverine magicians, listening to the painful misery and the falling dead corpses, the family members and the Wei family, now full of excitement and excitement.

At this moment they have seen that the overall situation is set!

Their new owner, with all his strength, set the battle for this worldly war.

From now on, their new master will be the new master of the abyss of sin!

And the people of the Qiang family and the Wei family will not forget that their masters have been sealed by the new owner as the left and right protection of the evil abyss, with a high weight. In addition to the new master, they will It's their owner!

From now on, their uncle's home and Wei's home are really a skyrocket! They alone can walk away in the abyss of sin in the future. Who dares to stop?

"Ah yes! Ah yes! Haha, my uncle's family is indeed right!" An old man in the uncle's family touched his white beard with a smile on his face and was pleased with the spring breeze.

He is called Yu Yu. Martial arts talent is limited. Although the realm is only in the state of Qixing Demigod, he is now the highest-ranking person in the Qiang family, and he is an elder of the Qiang family.

A few days ago, he had always advocated refuge in Shi Feng.

At this moment, Yu Yu's waist rod was already straight, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, turned his head slightly, and looked at another old man beside him.

The old man was named Yun Yun. He was the same generation as Yun Yu, and he was also a very senior man. He was also an elder of the family.

At that time, Yu Yu advocated to rely on Shi Feng, but Yun Yun was strongly opposed. Now that the overall situation is uncertain, he cannot act in a brave way. He should wait until after the war.

Today, Yu Yu looks at Yun Yun, as if she were a winner, as if her family can have the status it is today because of herself.

"I am the one who really has the big picture and vision, and you are lucky and humming! Just look at it!" In my heart, I said this secretly, and on top of my old face, a pride came to me. Content.


"Victory! Victory! He sure enough, victory! I know that he is invincible! He even ..." The white-clad woman Xue Ying was still kneeling under the crowd, her eyes still staring at the way above. Murmured secretly on the white figure.


"Shock!" At this moment, another young cold drink sounded.

And just when Shi Feng just uttered the word "shock", he heard only a weak, anxious voice, and then immediately resounded, "Shi Feng, please wait!"

This voice shouted from the mouth of the magician Xi Mu again.

"Oh?" After hearing Xi Mu's words, Shi Feng gave another soft "Oh", looked at him again, and said, "What else do you say?"

After all, it was Xi Mu, who was the one who taught him the Thunder God of War, so he said, "Wait a minute," and Shi Feng waited.

The two true fighters that had been violently slamming into the scepter of the demon immediately became another meal.

"Ah!" Xi Mu stared at Shi Feng on the five-lily serpent in the distance and sighed deeply. At this moment, besides the wolf howl, he was full of decadence, weakness, and said softly,

"Shi Feng, we lost!"

When Xi Mu's words came out, the other eight demons would also become full of decadence. It seems that they also acquiesced to Xi Mu's words.

They lost!

They know that the battle is set. Their top ten demons defeated this evil.

Later, I saw Xi Mu's hands move, and concluded a handprint.

Followed closely, the other eight demons will also seal their seals. When these nine ancient and strange handprints appeared, people in all directions suddenly felt that the power or vitality in their bodies was no longer lost.

"It's gone! That weird power is gone!"

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"


"Quick! Let's leave here! Hurry!"


Chaotic shouts continued to scream. When this void person felt that the strange power that had swallowed their elemental force or life force disappeared, his body immediately moved to prepare to escape.

The evil devouring power of the Scepter of the Demon had been added up before, they could not move, they could not escape, and at this moment, those who survived were one after another.

This place is definitely a nightmare for them. Many of their relatives, friends, brothers and sisters have become dry corpses and stay here completely.

"Oh!" And when countless people wanted to escape from this place, they only heard the sound of Zhongming, and immediately echoed in this void, like a death knell from hell, ringing at this moment.






There were countless screams, and countless people who urged their bodies to flee from this place were immediately shaken to death by the sound of that ringing bell!

(End of this chapter)

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