Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1872: Let's go!

Chapter 1872 Go!

The heavenly **** bell resounded between heaven and earth. Originally the bell rang, and somebody would die.

But this time, no one died.

Shi Feng, still looked at the presence of Mori.

In fact, with the power of Shi Feng's keen soul, Senrou had long been hiding in the crowd.

Mori's martial arts state today, but in the five-star demigod state, after the evil devouring power of the previous demon scepter, the energy in Dantian is still full, and his face is not half old.

In fact, she had already discovered that it was Shi Feng secretly protecting herself with an invisible force of extremely cold cathodes.

Like a ghost, the white shadow flickered, and in an instant, it flashed in front of the 37 people of the Sen family.

The sound of Zhongming reverberating between heaven and earth gradually went silent.

At this time, Morou's pretty white face was full of begging. In a begging tone, he begged Shi Feng: "Shi Feng, look at our past friendship, please let them go!"

"The friendship of the past!" Shi Feng murmured these five words that Morou said, and then spoke coldly again:

"The Lord of the Devil is to see you and my past friendship, to protect you well to the present, but also to see the past friendship, just let them go alive, it is their own death!"

When it comes to the word "finding death," Shi Feng's voice has become extremely cold.

And just as Shi Feng's voice had just fallen, the voice of the Sen family's owner, Sen Yi, sounded immediately: "Rouer, you retreat! How can we, the people of the Sen family, ask for this rebel!"

"Aba!" After hearing the thick voice from behind, Senrou turned his head and looked at the man.

"Rouer, let's go back, our people in the Sen family must not ask for this inverse thief!" At this time, the elder of the Sen family, Sen Wei, also spoke to Senrou.

"Rouer, we in the Mori family have no fear of death! It would be a humiliation to ask this rebel! We are dead and we have no face to see the ancestors of the Mori family!"

"Well! Nothing wrong! Rather die!"

"Ning! Dead! No! Qu!"

At this time, shouting again and again.

"You ... you!" After hearing these shouts, looking at these extremely firm faces, Senrou's pretty face was full of helplessness and helplessness.

At this time, Sen Yi also slowly spoke, and said to Sen Rou: "Rouer, you step down!"

"No! I don't!" Immediately after, seeing Sen Rou's cheeky face, suddenly full of firmness emerged, shouting his head to the 37 elders of the Sen family.

"Have you thought about it, if you die, our Mori family will be all over!"

"Have you thought about your wives and children, and they are looking forward to your safe return! Have you thought about what you should do if you die? We have a lot of enemies in our forest!"

If these strong men of the Mori family die, those who are still undead in the Mori family will definitely not end well.

"I haven't thought of these!" Said an elder of the Mori family of eight stars and a half-god, said, "When we decided to crusade this rebel, we had a death consciousness. People in the family must be I already have this awareness! "

"The rebel is dead, and we will go back alive! And if we kneel to the rebel and ask for mercy from the rebel, we will have no face to go back alive."




The people of the Mori family spoke sternly again, saying.

Sen Rou looked at the elders of the Sen family, watching one by one the stance that was desperately trying to fight with the evil, and the scene was about to get out of control.

"Shi Feng!" At this moment, Sen Rou turned his head back again, looking at that person helplessly and begging again, as if asking for help from that person.

"Forget it," Shi Feng said secretly, saying these two words.

"Oh!" Then, the sound of Zhongming burst out immediately.





Immediately after, Sen Rou heard the painful screams and kept ringing from behind. Jiao's body fluttered suddenly, she turned her head back quickly, and looked at her parents.

Senrou saw only one individual from the Sen family, his body trembling, and at this moment, the screams suddenly stopped, and Senrou saw everyone in the Sen family and closed his eyes.

"Ah! No! No! No!" Senrou, panicked and overwhelmed, shouted again and again, and followed closely, and saw that her abba Senyi was the nine star and half. The Peerless Power of Divine Realm is no exception.

"Ah! Abba!" A cry of sorrow yelled from Senrou's mouth, and when she saw her body moving, she flashed forward, helping her Abba Senyi to fall Body.

At the same time, an extremely cold and intangible force swept out of her, and the deceased body of the Mori family was then supported by her invisible force and suspended again in the void.

Then, Sen Rou sensed it, and her pretty face changed dramatically!

She has sensed that the 37 elders of the Sen family, including her abba Senyi, have no breath!

Already dead!

"Shi Feng you! You! Shi Feng, why are you!" Mori yelled at the person in front of the void, and at this moment his face was full of hatred.

At this moment, Sen Rou already seemed to be out of control. After all, among the dead, her biological father was.

"Take them away." And just then, just listening to Shi Feng's young cold voice, and then echoed:

"Senru, the demon Lord did not kill them, but sealed their breath with mystery, leaving them in a state of death. In this way, they can be unconscious for a longer time, and you can take them away from this place.

These humans are violent. If they are just in a coma, when they wake up, they may be killed back.

So Shi Feng simply let them sleep longer.

"Ah! You! Shi Feng!" Sen Roujiao's body shocked when she heard Shi Feng's words, and she was shocked again.

She knew that she had misunderstood him.

It turned out that he had not forgotten his friendship with himself.

Later, I saw Shi Feng say again: "Take them away, away from the abyss of evil, the farther away the better.

If they dare to step further into the abyss of sin, if they dare to commit this demon again, they will die! "

"If they dare to step into the abyss of sin again, if they dare to commit this demon again, they will die!"

"If they dare to step into the abyss of sin again, if they dare to commit this demon again, they will die!"


Extremely cold, with Ling Ran's murderous voice, echoed for a long time.

Shi Feng's failure to kill these Mori people does not mean that he does not want to kill these people.

But they came to sue themselves, and now not only do not surrender, do not kneel, or even speak well, if not because of Senrou, they would have turned them into 37 dried corpses.

"I see." Senrou responded to Shi Feng's words.

At this moment, gratitude appeared on her pale face, and said to the void ahead, "Shi Feng, thank you!"

In the face of Senrou's words of gratitude, Shi Feng didn't take it to heart at all, and Leng Jun's face was still full of coldness, saying, "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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