Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1889: Ancient Demon Bloodline

1889 Ancient Demon Bloodline




On the demon girl Dai Qi, a strong demon power swept out, and swept fiercely towards the twelve demon guards.

Under the power of this demon, the tragic roaring sounded loudly. The twelve guards burst out instantly, the stumps of the broken limbs flew, and the blood splattered. For a moment, the scene looked abnormal Bloody, filled with a strong **** smell.

The stone maple floating above began to devour again.

Now, since the power of his soul has reached great consummation, this time, he also sucked these twelve souls into the space of the blood stone monument.

After doing all this, Shi Feng said to the demon girl below, saying, "You have already given you the less of the sentiment, and then, you should do it yourself."

After Shi Feng said these words, her figure flickered.

"Ah! Wait a minute." At this moment, Dai Qi shouted into the sky.

However, at this time, Shi Feng had returned to the demon skull, standing proudly between Qingyan and the old man.

"Huh? Anything else?" Shi Feng frowned when she heard the monster girl shouting at herself, then looked at him again.

Dai Qi's beautiful face was also facing the direction of the demon skull at the moment, and she said respectfully to Shi Feng, "Since you are going to leave my demon land, can you take me away?"

Today, she just got rid of the control of the two demon lords and those demon guards, but she has not completely left this infernal wasteland.

The land of my demon monster is the land of the king! If it were here, sooner or later it would be reduced to that tragic end.

Seeing this person's strength now, Dai Qi would not want to miss such an opportunity.

Hearing the words of this demon woman, Shi Feng said, "This young man has already shot for you once, not next time!"

After speaking these words, Shi Feng no longer cared about her, turned and faced the east again.

At this time, the green face and the old man beside Shi Feng also turned to the east and stopped paying attention to the demon girl.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng thought about it, and the huge demon skull would soon gallop east.

"This ..." Dai Qi staggered for a while, looking at the black skull that disappeared into the sky and the figure like a fiend.

Unexpectedly, he really left like this!

Daiqi didn't think about it. She crushed Yujian herself, and this person came because of her unique beauty.

He is showing his power in front of himself at this moment and has gained his admiration and favor. He should want to be closer to himself!

But he didn't expect that he would be like this ... left.

"Why did he shoot for me and kill two demon lords in the realm of eight stars and demigods, really just because I showed him the way? This ..."

At this moment, Dai Qi was even thinking, if her enemies showed him the way and let him kill himself, would she be killed by him?

"Jinling!" And at this moment, Dai Qi seemed to realize something suddenly, and her face moved, and Jiao Yin sang from her mouth.

"Oh!" A sound of dragon yin, and then roared from the mouth of Jinling Demon Dragon.

"Let's go east too!" Dai Qi immediately ordered to the Jinling Demon Dragon.

Today, the Jinling Demon Dragon is still flying all the way to the southeast. If it has been in this direction, it is going to the Wusen Demon Mountain of the Demon King Yin.

Now that she has escaped for a while, Dai Qi doesn't want to be sent to her door automatically.

"Well!" The Jinling Demon Dragon roared again, and the huge golden dragon body suddenly turned and hurried to the east.


In fact, not only the demon girl Dai Qi, but even Qing Yan thinks that the reason why Shi Feng shot and killed the two demon strong men was because of the beautiful beauty of the demon girl.

From the moment the demon girl killed her demon companion, Qing Yan knew that the demon girl was originally under house arrest.

But she also didn't understand why Shi Feng left like this?

Then she slowly turned her head, and then stared at the mighty figure beside her.

At this moment, Shi Feng was indifferent, looking at the sky ahead, and where they passed, under the mysterious ancient power of the demon skull, the world changed color and instantly became dark.

Above and below the earth, from time to time came panic bellows.

And after Shi Feng not long ago killed two demons at the same time, it has caused an absolute shock. So far, there are no demons who will come to the door again.

Soon after, if the news of the killing of the two demon statues spreads, it is estimated that it will make a sensation in the whole prison of Wu prison!


A golden jungle surrounded by golden mist is full of solemnity and solemnity, like an extremely sacred place, silent.

And at this moment, a sound of anger suddenly echoed in the whole golden jungle: "What! The bones of the immortal and immortal souls have been broken, they are dead!"

And just after the voice of anger had just fallen, it immediately sounded again: "Who is it! Who is it! In the land of the demon king, kill the two demon respects of the demon king! Take away the demon king princess!"

"The new princess of this demon king has ancient blood from the blood of the demon gods. It took all the hard work of the demon king to finally find her. It must be found! Certainly!"

When it comes to the end, the sentence expresses immense anger and determination.

"Yes!" In the golden jungle, an extremely respectful response should be heard.


"My lord, that demon woman has caught up."

The three of Shi Feng stood proudly on top of the giant devil skull, and still galloped eastward. At this time, the old man beside him looked behind him and said to Shi Feng congratulations.

At this moment in the void in their distance, the Golden Spirit Demon Dragon was soaring with all its strength, the dragon's face was fierce, as if trying to catch up with Shi Feng and others.

"The Lord of the Demon has already sensed it." Without the old man talking about the rear movement, how could he escape his sharp sense of Shi Feng.

At this moment, Shi Feng, although he was not urged to fully control the flying of the demon skull, but after all, it was a real war weapon, and the speed of flying was extremely fast.

However, he did not expect that the Golden Spirit Demon Dragon, which was not in the six-star demigod, could catch up.

"Don't bother her," Shi Feng said again.

This demon woman, who can't be regarded as contented, has already helped her solve the two demon powers and helped her break the ban on the seal in order to make her one attempt?

Next, even if she is in distress, Shi Feng does not plan to take any action and let her survive.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Wait a minute for me!" And just then, a shout came from behind.

"Well!" As the Jiao shout sounded, the Jinling Demon Dragon also issued a fierce dragon chant, reminding those in front.

"Shi Feng, she asked us to wait for her." At this time, Qing Yan also said to Shi Feng, thinking that Shi Feng did not hear the shouting, reminded him.

(End of this chapter)

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