Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1891: Old man trick!

Chapter 1891: Old Man's Trick!

Staring at the big golden seal smashing down from the sky, the old man's old face was covered with extreme dignity, and he exclaimed: "The seal of the demon is born! The demon family is the eight-star demigod strong, demon Luo!"

"Hehe." When the old man's voice fell, a laugh with a cold smile came from above:

"I didn't expect that you could recognize the demon's seal of this seat, as well as this seat! Even so, you can die with peace of mind."

"Oh!" And just then, the old man suddenly covered his solemn face, grinned suddenly, and issued a "He" smile, saying:

"Years ago, you were indeed the old-fashioned monster clan who let the old man back away from thousands of miles, but today's old man has long been different than before. War!"

The battle shouted loudly, and a strong war will rise from the old man's body. Although the other party is a long-established demon eight star demigod strong, he still wants a battle.

The next moment, he saw the old man clawed up and grabbed the huge golden seal that had already been blasted, the demon's seal.

"Boom!" An extremely violent roar shook the world, and then immediately saw the huge demon's seal, which suddenly exploded.

The chaotic golden light was violently fired in all directions. The old man's entire body has been rendered into a golden color under the rendering of golden light. Suddenly, as if the God of War in gold clothing came to the world, the majesty was magnificent.

The golden majestic face still looked up into the sky, and then saw the old man's body violently move towards the sky.

"I didn't expect that a seven-star demigod broke my demon's seal of birth!" And at this moment, the voice of the strong was ringing again.

But the voice was still indifferent. Although it seemed that the demon's seal was broken, the demon strong did not take it to heart.

"Old days!" At this moment, I saw the old man holding his arms in his arms and screaming loudly.

I saw a huge mountain peak in his arms suddenly, exuding the power of peerless repression, as the old man's body was still rushing up, violently bombarded.

"Old wasteland is old! No wonder you introduce a seven-star demigod and you can break my demon's seal. It turns out that you are a person in the wasteland!"

As soon as the giant peak exudes the power of peerlessness, the sound over the sky resounded, and this sound sounded a little dignified at this moment, it is enough to see that the heavenly sacred land is not simple in the heart of this monster tribe.

The old man didn't answer the voice, and still hugged the giant peak, and at this moment, the extremely violent roaring sound resounded again.

In the sky, I saw a man in a white loose robe with long pointed ears, who looked abnormally handsome, appeared, and punched on the giant peak.

The old man's body came to a halt under a powerful force, and the huge peak in his arms shuddered suddenly, looking as if he was about to be freed from the old man's hand.

"Huh! The Terran Warrior in the Heavenly Sacred Land, this place admits that you are very good. As a **** of seven stars and demigods, you are really good, but it is a pity that you met this place today."

When the voice just came, just listen to "Boom!"

I saw the giant peak in the old man's arms, suddenly burst out under a violent demon power, the sky scattered stones.

The white figure over the sky rushed into the sky flying stones below, and rushed down the old man violently.

At this moment, the demon power of the demon tribe, his right hand has been changed to a claw. Above the right claw, the five nails are about twenty centimeters, like a five-handed blade that can penetrate everything in the world.

Where the monster Luo is, all the scattered rocks are shattered, and the old man below is getting closer and closer.

Before the monster Luo arrived, the old man felt the violent momentum of the killing, and he felt very uncomfortable, and the pressure in his heart suddenly doubled.

Eight-star demigod strong, worthy of the eight-star demigod strong, demon Luo, worthy of demon Luo.

"So far, it seems that I can only use this trick!" The old man secretly said in his heart, but in an instant, he made a decision in his heart. The old face with a look of astonishment suddenly became extremely tenacious, Be determined!

Immediately after, just listen to the old man whispering to the sky: "War devil slash! War!"

With the low drinking sound in the old man's mouth, I saw a strong combat power, rising from the old man's body. At this moment, the old man was the one who taught Shi Feng when he was in the abyss of evil. Demigod combat skills.

Faintly, the old man's whole body seemed to manifest a mighty dark shadow, which filled the peerless warfare, and the old man's clenched upper right suddenly burst into a fierce magic mist.

The next moment, he saw the old man rushing up and rushing towards the killing demon Luo.

"Well! What's going on?" The monster Luo, who thought this attack was enough to take the old man's life, suddenly changed his face.

From the rising momentum of the old man at this moment, he felt a force that even made him palpitated.

This power should not belong to this seven-star demigod.

But ...

"I ... I ... I ... I see! Advanced combat skills! He! He even has advanced combat skills!"

At this moment, the monster Luo had suddenly understood something, but it was too late. The one claw grabbed by the monster Luo struck with the punch that came up.

However, even though he collided with this fist, Yao Luo seemed to see a fighting mad monster, holding a demon sword, and slashing towards himself!

"Boom!" Peerless roar resounded again.

"Uh!" And at this moment, Yao Luo trembled suddenly, and gave out a painful moan.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his face full of horror, which suddenly cracked towards both sides, as if chopped off by a mad sword, and the next moment, his body continued to split down.

A generation of eight-star demigod, the unparalleled strong demon Luo, the body has been transformed into two pieces, falling here!

But at this moment, the old man of Yaoluo was bombarded with a punch, and his face full of perseverance and coldness suddenly changed, revealing pain and uncomfortableness, and his body suddenly trembled: "Puke!"

I saw blood spitting out from the old man's mouth.

Shi Feng taught him this seven-star demigod combat technique, but the combat technique collected by the three evil devil masters into the storage bone ring is naturally extraordinary.

The old man has naturally felt extraordinary since he obtained it. It is extremely mysterious. With his seven-star demigod peak, it is difficult to completely control and comprehend it. In many places, he is only half-informed.

Just now, he forcibly operated the extraordinary combat technique, and his power was obviously strong and abnormal. Even the long-established demon monster Luo was bombed and killed by him, but after the old man forcibly operated, the counterattack suffered at the moment was also huge!

At this moment, his body seemed to be a bit unstable, as if a wild goose with broken wings was about to fall from this void.

(End of this chapter)

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