Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1895: Sky Thunder City

Chapter 1895 Sky Thunder City

In the Thunder Realm, there is also a famous warrior galloping towards the thunder city Tianlei City.

And Shi Feng and others found that although the Thunder Realm appeared, although not all warriors who practiced the Thunder, but most of them still practiced the power of Thunder.

In such a thrilling land of thunder, the spirit beasts, spirit treasures, elixir, and heavenly earth treasures born are basically full of violent thunder attributes, which is definitely good for warriors who practice the way of thunder.

Sky Thunder City, the fierce purple thunder light shines, the huge current gallops and flows, this thunder city is like a giant thunder beast that has fallen asleep. It is motionless on the ground, but it gives people an imminent awakening Prestige.

The three figures of Shi Feng were in front of the gate of Tianlei City, and walked into the city with the warriors entering the city.

But before entering the city, Shi Feng felt an unusual feeling.

The guards guarding the city gates, one by one wearing purple Thunder Battle Armor, are powerful and exuberant, exuding a strong Thunder momentum and a strong killing spirit.

These city gate guards give Shi Feng different from the guards they had when they entered the city. This Tianlei City, even their guards, have at least stepped into the demigod, and they are still the kind of field-proven elite soldiers.

And following Shi Feng again, he found that the guard general of this gate turned out to be a strong man who reached the level of eight stars and demigods, wearing a purple gold battle armor, and a mighty figure standing proudly above the gate and cloak. Rolling down, looking down at the crowd entering the city below, the majesty is courageous, not angry, and exudes great momentum.

"A strong man with an eight-star demigod is actually here to guard the door? And these elite soldiers, this Thunder City, something is wrong, it should be what happened." From this guarded elite general, Shi Feng immediately Came to a conclusion.

What's more, he found that at this moment, it seems that all the soldiers who entered the city and those who left the city did not see any of them, and Shi Feng was more sure of what he thought.

At this moment, only a purple armor guard shouted, "All the people who entered the city have listened to me. In recent days, something happened in Tianlei City. Anyone who enters the city must not leave Tianlei without permission. City, otherwise, stand firm! "

The shout rang out immediately in the crowd.

"Ah, you can't leave the city after entering the city?"

"This ... how is this? I still have something to do. I can't stay in the city for a long time. I won't enter the city."

"Well, I won't enter the city anymore."

"You're going to be determined from leaving the city? You're too serious!"


Among the crowd, there was a tumult of noise immediately, followed by that, many soldiers left the crowd and went back and forth.

At this time, someone spoke and asked the clamoring purple armor soldier, "General, can the space teleportation in that city be used?"

"Huh?" He heard the man's words, the purple armored man frowned, his face full of savage expression, angrily, said with a cold drink: "Are you deaf? Can you just say? , I have something important in Tianlei City, no one can leave without permission! Understand? "

"Ah! Understand! Understand! Understand!" Looking at the anger, he heard the cold drink, and the man nodded and responded.

This person came from a foreign country. The purpose of coming to Tianlei City is similar to that of Shi Feng and others. He wants to take a space teleportation of Tianlei City and go to other cities.

However, he did not have the strength of Shi Feng and they could not reach the military sacred realm. In the face of a soldier in the demigod realm, the whole man trembled involuntarily.

At this moment, he was afraid that the soldiers, who were full of killing spirits, would get angry and give him a killer.

"Get it, get out of this seat!" Followed, the war soldier drank coldly at the man again.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The man nodded again and again, and hurried to the city.

"Hum!" After the man left, the purple armor sent out a disdainful hum, showing a cold and proud look.

The three of Shi Feng continued to follow the flow of people and walked low-key to Leicheng this day.

What's the matter, what can't leave without permission, it's for the weak, he Shi Feng, his nine ghost master wants to leave the thunder city this day, who dares to stop?

If anyone dares to stop, then there is no need for such a sacred land.

"I don't know what happened. These days, Leicheng suddenly sent several times more guards, as if to fight. Isn't Lei sacred, which force is going to declare war? So it started. Deploy troops and mobilize all the powerful men in the Holy Land of Thunder. "

As soon as the three of Shi Feng entered the city, they heard a quiet voice among the crowd in front of them.

"It's not as complicated as you think." Then, another quiet voice sounded, and replied:

"You don't even know that two days ago, an extraordinary event happened in Leicheng. I heard that an elder granddaughter of Lei Sheng Di was killed on this day! kill!"

"Wh ... what! Who committed it before killing it! Who is this beast?" Hearing the news, the man was shocked, and his face was furious again.

This kind of thing is indeed too beast!

Although the two people's voices were low, many people around them heard it, and their faces immediately became angry.

And it's clear that men are obviously more angry than women when they hear this.

"I don't know who did it." Then, the person who knew the inside story said again, "The elder, it is said that there is also a high-weight existence in the sacred place of Thunder. The elder was angry, and heard that day, he Furiously rushing to the crown, he came straight to Tianlei City, forcing the owner of Tianlei City to surrender the murderer.

However, this elder granddaughter came to Leicheng with a hidden identity. Before the incident, no one knew what happened to her and who she was dealing with.

The owner of Tianlei City did not know where to find the killer. Therefore, I heard that the elder almost started to take the initiative with Tianlei City. It is rumored that these two are the masters of the nine-star demigod. "

"Finally, did you fight?" Someone asked when he heard what the man just said.

"I heard that at that time, the Lord of the Holy Land of Thunder came forward in person! He stopped the battle of the peerless powerhouse.

However, the elder, after all, died of his biological granddaughter, and was so miserably dead. Even if the Lord appeared, he could not resolve his anger. Therefore, the Lord ordered the Lord of the Thunder City to be found within ten days. If a murderer is found, otherwise he will be released from the title of city lord. "

"This ... I don't know who did it ... Where to find the killer! Tianlei City Warrior, I heard that there are millions."

"Yes, it is really difficult, but the Lord ordered that the Lord of Thunder City must also do it! There is no joke about Jun, if it is really impossible to catch that beast, it is estimated that he will be the end of the Thunder City Lord."

(End of this chapter)

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