Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1897: Thundery claw

Chapter 1897 Thundery Claw

"Return her innocence? If this monster woman walks away with him, it's strange that she is innocent."

"Yeah, yeah! Look at his eyes, who doesn't know what he wants to do with this demon girl."

"Although everyone knows it well, who can stop him from getting thundered? With the background of thunder, even the owner of Tianlei City must let him make three points."

"Yeah, this demon woman is going to be his Majesty's plaything! Alas, such a stunner is really a shame, if you can let me have a shot ..."


At the top of a tall bell tower in Tianlei City, a mighty peerless figure stands alone and stands proud, exuding a peerless atmosphere, overlooking the city.

Then, his face gazed on the streets in the city, and the brow on his mighty face frowned slightly, and he murmured, "Thunder?"

"What happened over there?" At this moment, the mighty man spoke, as if asking the air ahead.

However, if you look at it, you will find the void in front of the person, kneeling in a figure that condenses like clear water, exuding a cold atmosphere. If you don't look closely, it will be difficult to find the person's existence.

"Back to the Lord of the City, there was a peerless woman of the demon type in the city. Lei Ye should have liked this demon woman and wanted to take her away."

"These two ancestors!" Upon hearing the news, the owner of Tianlei City shook his head slightly and said:

"Before I came to Tianlei City, he rightly said that he was trying to find an abominable beast, but in the end he wasn't the beast.

Forget it, leave him alone. Their veins are just like the sky, and we can't afford to mess with them.

Hey, killer, where can I find the killer! "

In the end, the Tianlei city sighed deeply. After the elder granddaughter died, there was no trace of the beast left by the beast.

No one knows when she entered Tianlei City or who she had contacted in the city.

Appears out of thin air, suddenly being raped and killed in Tianlei City ...


"I came to Tianlei City, there is really no malicious intention!" At this time, Dai Qi was still explaining to that Ray.

She also knew that if she really left with this person, she would definitely not end well.

Although this man's martial realm is only in the two-star demigod, the old servant behind him has given Daiqi an unfathomable, bottomless abyss.

This person is more terrible than his own Golden Spirit Demon Dragon.

Seeing that the demon girl is so obsessed with it, at this time, I saw Lei Yue look cold, and yelled at Dai Qi coldly:

"Fairy Lady, Master Ben has given you a chance. Did you go with Master Ben yourself? Or did Master Ben take you away?"

When Lei Ling said these words coldly, he suddenly saw the old servant Lei Yin behind him, and a strong momentum suddenly rushed from him.

"Ah!" Followed, only listening to Jiao Huo sounded from Dai Qi's mouth, and under that peerless momentum, I saw her Jiao body forced back.

"Catch this demon girl and take it back for questioning!" At this time, Lei Yue gave an order to the old servant behind him.

Since this demon girl doesn't eat softly, then come hard, anyway, today, she can't escape the palm of my thunder!

Huh! She can only blame herself for being disobedient and suffering for herself during this period.

"Yes, young master!" When the old servant Lei Yin heard Lei Yi's words, his body flickered in a flash, and then flashed in front of Lei Yi and Dai Qi. The old face of Leng Jun stretched out his right hand and went directly to Dai Qi. Passed.

"Jinling Demon Dragon!" Daiqi didn't want to sit still, and uttered a coquettish voice, "Well!" Suddenly, only a dragon's voice roared the world.

The golden light shone above everyone's heads, and a golden dragon appeared immediately, and the claws of the dragon were angry, soaring wildly towards the old man, Lei Yin.

"This ... what is this? So powerful! Dragon? Ancient true dragon?"

"I did not expect that there is an ancient true dragon hidden in the mysterious space of this monster woman!"


As soon as the Jinling Demon Dragon emerged, the surrounding warriors immediately changed color and exclaimed.

"How could it be an ancient true dragon! This is a monster, a golden spirit monster dragon. The form looks almost the same as the dragon. Many people think that this golden spirit monster dragon is a descendant of the ancient golden dragon!"


"Huh! The golden spirit demon dragon." And the old servant Lei Yin, looking at the demon dragon that was violently impacting, sent out a disdainful hum, originally looking to Dai Qi's right hand, and immediately grabbing up, Grab to the demon dragon.

Then, just listening to him again, he said, "A monster with a six-star demi-god would dare to pretend in front of this seat."

When I said these words, I saw Lei Yin's old face full of pride.

Immediately afterwards, when people saw the claws of the Jinling Demon Dragon about to catch Leiyin, they saw his body flash instantly, easily dodging away, and instantly flashed before the dragon's face.

The veteran immediately caught on the huge dragon's face. The golden dragon that had been violently impacted immediately stopped at this moment!

With just one hand, he blocked the impact of such a giant.

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" The sound of the dragon groaned again and again, as if the dragon had roared angrily, but at this moment people have discovered that under the hand of Leiyin, this gold The giant dragon body of the spirit demon dragon seems to be unable to move.

"Lei Yin! But Lei Yue's old servant ... Actually ... Actually, it was so horrible!"


Looking at the shocking scene, countless people secretly exclaimed.

"Jinling Demon Dragon!" Dai Qi shouted in panic when she saw that scene.

All she relied on now is the Jinling Demon Dragon, but the Jinling Demon Dragon is in front of the old man of that race, but ...

"Kill!" At this moment, Lei Yue issued a cold drink and ordered the old servant in front of him.

The next moment, he saw the old servant's right hand holding the dragon's face suddenly, "Oh!"


I only heard a sound of violent sound and painful dragon chanting at the same time. People saw that the entire golden dragon burst suddenly at this moment, and the broken dragon flew. This world immediately started a dragon. Blood rain.

"Jinling Demon Dragon!" At this moment, Daiqi's utterly terrible face changed suddenly again, shouting in sorrow.

This Jinling demon dragon was injured when she was very young, and was rescued by her. Afterwards, in order to repay her, she was always by her side.

At this moment, I did not expect that the human race in front of him was so cruel and ruthless, and killed the Jinling Demon Dragon with such cruel means?

"Dragon blood! Dragon flesh! Dragon body! Dragon bone! Dragon scale!" At this time, a warrior suddenly realized something, and then shouted in his heart:

"The Jinling demon dragon is rumored to be a descendant of the ancient true dragon. Its dragon blood, dragon meat, if swallowed, will certainly be of great benefit! Other things, maybe the best material for refining elixir and mystery!

"Grab, grab it!"

"You must not miss these materials! I almost missed something!"

Immediately afterwards, countless people suddenly responded.

(End of this chapter)

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