Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1901: Here comes the monster

Chapter 1901: The Demon Race Has Arrived

"Thank you ... Thank you for your help and saved me."

Although Dai Qi was still full of worry, she also knew that she could escape from the danger this time, thanks to the person beside her.

If I were really taken away by that surname, the consequences would be unthinkable.

But despite this, Dai Qi still feels that this person has shot a little harder.

Those two people, but people with deep backgrounds, were killed and abolished by him, "Hey!"

"No thanks," Shi Feng said after hearing Daiqi's words. "Ben Shao just didn't see the waste but bullied a woman and bullied a woman."

"Uh ..." Dai Qi responded softly, but at this moment, when she saw her cheeky face move suddenly, as if suddenly feeling something, she bowed her head slightly and looked at her right hand.

At this moment, on the right hand of Daiqi, the mysterious golden object appeared again, like the shape of a rune, and at this moment, I saw this golden object, on the right hand of Daiqi, beating slightly. .

At the sight of the golden object's change, a touch of excitement immediately appeared above Daiqi's cheeky face, and she whispered those three words: "Arye!"

This mysterious golden thing is exactly the thing that links her with the "Ayer" of the Moon Demon.

Wu Hei Yao Ji now changes hands, Dai Qi does n’t know yet, she only knows that she ca n’t go back to Wu Hei Yao Ji now, and when she wanted to leave Wu Hei Yao Qi a few days ago, she went with “Jieyue Yao Ji” Alye ".

And her Alye, has also agreed to take her to their land of the absolute moon, the land of reconciliation, this is the thunder city.

Ayer is actually not a name, but a name given to her mother and sister by the younger generation.

The Alye in Dai Qi's mouth, called Tianheng mainland people, is called aunt, but is the sister of Dai Qi's mother.

Now that the golden things have changed in Dai Qi's hands, it also means that her Alye has responded. Then, while walking as usual, she put the mysterious golden things like runes on her. At the center of his brow, he receives the voice of the other party.

Immediately after, a message came to Dai Qi's mind:

"Girl, Alye has come with me at the Luoyang Tower in Tianlei City. There is our great prince in the Moonlight Demon Land, and our great demon master, shake the light! The great prince knows that you are coming to me Madam Moon, come to Tianlei City to meet you in person! "

And at this moment, I saw Dai Qi's beautiful face suddenly changed again, and issued a burst of exclaiming: "The queen moon demon to the great prince! The wan moon demon to the great demon master, shake the light!"

It was these two names that made Daiki so surprised.

These two names, even in Wu Hei Yao Di, are shocked by the existence of the demons.

Lie, the great prince of the moon, is rumored that he is only in his early thirties, and he is already a six-star demigod.

Already in the hearts of the demons and demons, the prince of the moon and the moon will be the master of the moon and moon sooner or later!

And the stunned moon demon master shakes the light, it is a peerless demon celebrity of nine stars and demigods!

Dai Qi really didn't expect that, to go to the Moon Moon Demon Land, did Ayer and these two come to Tianlei City to pick himself up?

"This ... this ... this ..." Until this moment, Dai Qi felt a bit unreal. Arye, when did you come together with such a distinguished character?

His own Alye, in the terrible moon demon land, is mediocre, talented, mediocre, and mediocre!

"But Arye, how could you lie to me? Maybe something happened to her during this time." Then, Dai Qi said secretly in her mouth.

Later, she responded to her Alye through the golden mystery in her hand.


Under the guidance of the old man, Shi Feng and others continued to walk to the place where the space teleportation array was located. After leaving the original area, everything has returned to normal. It is still a crowd moving back and forth, and Tianlei City still appears. The purple armor guard exudes a strong killing breath.

"You guys, can you send me to Luoyang Tower?" At this moment, Dai Qi said softly, and said to Shi Feng with a begging tone.

After the original incident, she was even more afraid to walk alone in Thunder City.

After receiving the voice of "Ayer", she just wanted to go to Luoyang Tower as soon as possible, but her Ayer and the big demon master shook the light.

For Daiqi at this moment, as if she entered Luoyang Tower, she was completely safe.

After hearing Dai Qi's words, Shi Feng turned her head and asked the old man, "Where is the place she said?"

"Luoyang Tower? Oh!" Read the words "Luoyang Tower", the old man immediately appeared in sorrow, and replied to Shi Feng: "My lord, this Luoyang Tower is exactly the same direction as where we went We do n’t have to send her there. "

The old man heard Shi Feng asking so, thinking that Shi Feng was going to send the demon woman in person, so he said so.

"Oh." Upon hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng said "Oh" lightly and stopped saying anything and continued to move forward.

"It's the same way, that's all right." After listening to the old man's words, Dai Qi sighed secretly in her heart.

Now that we are walking with them like this, and since we are on the same road, we should be able to walk through like this.

"As long as I get to Luoyang Tower, they will meet with Alye. I will go to Jueyue Demon, and I will have no chance to see you again." In her heart, she said secretly, Dai Qi slowly turned around. He turned his head and looked at the man next to her again.

"This person can really be called a generation of peerless demon evils. Even the peerless powerhouse of the Eight Star Demigod was killed by him. However, his facts are too arrogant, too disregarding the consequences, and too confused to converge. . "

Daiqi analyzed the man next to her.

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to realize something, grinned and laughed, and secretly said:

"Hehe, what do I want to do? I really think too much? What about him? What does it have to do with me? I just need to go with them to Luoyang Tower safely. From now on, Each side is irrelevant. "


Shi Feng and others, after about another hour of walking in Leicheng this day, an old, hoarse voice suddenly sounded again, and said to the stunning beauty Dai Qi of the demon tribe: "Girl, not far ahead, is Luo The central building. "

Until now, all the way to peace, nothing happened, just when Dai Qi was lost, suddenly heard the old man's words.

Dai Qi immediately returned to her spirits, rejoicing, looking up at the old man and saying happily, "Senior, really?"

The old man, who was so cruel and fierce, looked at the master Shi Feng at the moment, and showed a kind smile to the demon woman, as if the kind elder looked at the younger, and said, "What is the old deceived you?"

(End of this chapter)

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