Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1911: "Shi Feng, I love you"

Chapter 1911 "Shi Feng, I Love You"

Under the punch of the old man's seven-star demigod warfare and demon slamming, the palms shot by the elder prince Yan Yan were blasted by his fists.

Where the hand was broken, the golden demon bones and golden veins were clearly visible, which was unbearable.

Two hands, like two cracked water pipes, the golden demon blood sprayed wildly.

After the old man blasted those two hands, he didn't rush forward.

But at this moment, his face was extremely painful, and the great prince Yanyan who was uttering a terrible scream, suddenly appeared a terrible look on his face, as if he had seen something terrifying in this world.

Yan Ye saw a peerless mad monster standing proudly in front of him, like a peerless giant, holding a heavenly demon sword, and then chopped down fiercely towards himself.

In the gazing of the crowd, they saw the great prince of the monster tribe with a terrified face, slowly splitting and opening towards the two sides, as if cut by a sharp object to be abnormally flat.

Then from top to bottom, the entire body was separated towards both sides, "Papapap!" Golden viscera and other debris fell off the floor.

The great prince of the Moon Master, the rumored master of the future of the Moon Master, will fall!

When Shi Feng thought about it, Yan Zhen's whole body of blood, the power of death and soul, was also sucked into the blood stone monument.

"Dead ... Big prince, also dead ..." Dai Qi, the maiden of the tribe, looked at the two dried corpses sternly, and said with incredible expression.

She really didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

The gentleman with a gentle face and an invisible breath exudes a sense of superiority.

The face was somber, exuding the bleakness of the evil spirit, and it could not be shaken like a giant mountain.

The two Megatron monsters are like this ... dead!

Still so miserable!

The cause of all this seems to be because of themselves.

Originally, the great prince, who knew the Lord of the Nine Phantoms who stunned the world, turned away because of his stupidity and short-sightedness, and told him that he had offended someone with a deep background in the Holy Land of Thunder.

"Eh!" At this moment, just listening to the uncomfortable groaning sound from the old man's mouth.

At the same time, the old man's body suddenly shocked.

At this moment, the wrinkled old face looked abnormally white, as white as paper, and bright red blood had flowed from the old man's mouth.

It seems that this time, although the old man had a deeper understanding of the seven-star demigod combat technique, he did not fully understand it, but still suffered a backlash.

But this time, the old man showed a firm face, not as completely softened as last time, and his body was still standing proudly.

At this time, the old man asked Shi Feng again: "My lord, what should the two nymphs do?"

The old man thought that the one who might have fancyed the demon girl before, and had the intention to spoil her, would have shot her many times.

However, after entering this guest room, the attitude of the demon girl changed completely, and even the demon people expressed their unfamiliar meaning with others.

It doesn't matter to her, but if she said such a word without conscience, she would be disrespectful to the person, or even give the face no respect.

Thousands of swords can't be overstated!

When Daiqi and the middle-aged woman of the demon tribe heard the words of the old man, their faces suddenly changed again, and both Jiaoshu shuddered at the same time.

Both eyes stared subconsciously at the two dried corpses.

Hearing the words of the old man, Shi Feng's eyes also looked at the two demon women.

"Ah!" At that moment, when she saw the ruthless man looking at her, Daiqi yelled again with her Alye.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the two tender bodies kneeling towards the Qi Qi. The middle-aged woman showed a pleading look and begged Shi Feng:

"Jiuyou Lord forgive me!"

Followed by, Dai Qi also begged hard to ask: "The Lord is forgiving his life! It is the slave's eyes that are clumsy, I wonder if the Lord is coming! The Lord is forgiving!

Although the two demon women, together with the big prince and big demon division, showed hostility towards themselves and others, they did not show any intention to kill.

At that time, it was just looking at myself.

These two demon women did not go to the point of death.

Then, just listening to Shi Feng slowly speaking to them, saying, "The Lord of the Demon doesn't want to see you anymore, you go."

When hearing Shi Feng's words, the two demon women kneeling on the ground shivered again and again, for a time, they did not quite understand what this sentence meant.

Let yourself go? Do you really let yourself go? Or ... send yourself to the West?

The two beautiful beautiful faces slowly raised their heads again, looking at the Lord of the Nine Phantoms.

Seeing that the two demon girls looked up but did not get up to leave, Shi Feng's cold face frowned suddenly, and said rudely, "Why? I don't want to leave?"

"No no! No! No! Xie Jiuyou master does not kill grace! Xie Jiuyou master does not kill grace!"

Hearing Shi Feng ’s sentence, the middle-aged beautiful lady of the Yao clan immediately understood and thanked Shi Feng quickly.

The heart that has been raised from now until now is finally let go.

"Xie Jiuyou Lord does not kill the grace! Jiuyou Demon Lord's grace, Dai Qi must always remember it." At this time, Dai Qi also thanked Shi Feng again and again.

Then, the two demon women slowly got up, facing the person who was not far away, bowed respectfully, and then regressed, slowly backing towards the door.

As she stepped back, Dai Qi looked at the man's face again, full of complexity.

She knew that if she missed something, she would miss it forever.

At this moment she was even fantasizing if she hadn't done that to him before.

What happens if you show love to him from the beginning and start a crazy offensive?

He has a peerless face, maybe he can really get his love and be loved by him. In the future, he will become the Nine Wraiths that make the world look forward to!

This is a world respected by martial arts. A woman loves the strong, a strong who is called the first person in the world. In this world, which woman can resist.

This demon girl Daiqi is no exception.

What's more, in addition to the peerless talent and peerless combat power, the cold face is not bad.

Daiqi can't think of any better men in this world.

Just such a man, he just missed him forever.

"I ... I found ... I've fallen in love with him ... I'm full of him now ... how much I want to be his woman ... but ..."

"I regret it so much, I really regret it! Why is the ending like this? If God can give me another chance, I will cherish him ... I may never forget him in this life.

"Shi Feng, I love you! I really love you!"

(End of this chapter)

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