Chapter 1918: Unwilling Lei Lin

The exercises and combat techniques practiced by the major ancient forces were handed down from generation to generation and are extremely valuable.

Some exercises have even undergone elaborate improvements by countless generations.

In particular, the exercises practiced by the sons and maidens of these ancient forces are naturally the highest in the holy land, let alone the preciousness.

At the moment, they didn't expect it, but they only drank a glass of this wicked moon wine, and they had to surrender their exercises.

Suddenly, the fire, Lei Lin, the middle-aged strong, and the flame-burning elders all showed embarrassment on their faces.

How to do it easily.


The reason why Shi Feng let these two sacred places surrender the exercises is when he used the **** of fire and Lei Lin into the blood stele space, and saw that the two men were constantly fighting in that space, but the more they fought, The more fierce the battle, the stronger the battle.

At that time, Shi Feng had already seen that the martial arts of the two men were born and defeated each other, as if they were born for each other.

At one time, the two of them were only in the state of four-star demigods, but now they have entered the six-star demigods, which are related to their constant battle in the blood stone at that time.

At that time, Shi Feng had the intention to let them hand over the exercises, but then something changed and they separated with the two.

Now I did not expect to meet here again.

Just before, when Shi Feng saw the three men in the flames of the Holy Land, she had the intention to let them surrender their exercises and let Lei Lin come over. Naturally, he did not invite him to drink.

Control the flames yourself and the Thunder!

Seeing that the four of them were silent for a while, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, showing an unpleasant look, and said, "Why, Ben Shao, let you hand in your exercises. Didn't you hear?"


"This ... this ... Boss, my practice of sacred land is very important, especially my practice. Only our Lord and Son can practice our mine sacred land. I really can't hand it over! Lei Lin said sadly, saying to Shi Feng.

Then, the desire for fire also spoke, and said to Shi Feng: "Boss, so is our Holy Land of Fire! If I surrender the exercises, I really can't explain to our Holy Land of Fire."

"This ... Either Lord Jiuyou Demon, or my two practitioners, I'll leave it to you." At this moment, the old man in the flame holy land began to say respectfully to Shi Feng.

After saying this, the old man added another sentence: "In fact, the exercises that I and the two people have practiced are also very subtle. The old ones have been meticulously improved over the years with the same strong ones. It is not lost in the practice of our Lord and Son. "

When the old man said these words, his proud face was involuntarily revealed on his old face.

As if to be proud of the way they improved.

"Yeah! That's right!" When the old man's voice came down, the gentle-looking middle-aged strongman also nodded in agreement and said:

"I also feel that this exercise is actually comparable to that practiced by the Lord and the desire of fire!"

When hearing the words of these two people, Shi Feng said coldly, "You two shut up to the demon master, the demon master is not interested in your exercises."

What Shi Feng wants is the way of fire and Lei Lin's life that overcomes each other!

Others, he looks down!

He is extremely confident in the nine meditations he has created in this life, and he doesn't feel worse than any other practice in the world, even if he comes to this wild continent is no exception, and is best for himself.

When Shi Feng killed the evil three demon masters, he obtained the bone ring of the three old demon heads, and naturally he also got a lot of their precious exercises.

Some of the exercises Shi Feng have read, and indeed there are a lot of mysteries, but Shi Feng has no intention of practicing those exercises, nor does he feel that Jiuyou Gong is worse than them. Shi Feng only wants to incorporate some mysteries To one's own nine meditation exercises.

He Jiuyou Emperor, Jiuyou Demon Lord, Tianzi posture, has this ability and confidence.

"You can't surrender the exercises you have done!" Then, listening to Shi Feng's cold voice again.

When he said these words, a sudden invisible cold intentions swept out of him.

Under that invisible killing intention, even the two peerless strong men who entered the realm of nine stars and demigods in the flames of the Holy Land showed a fearful expression on their faces.

They can clearly sense that this deity is really killing at this moment.

The fire and Lei Lin could not help but shiver at this moment, only a cold chill hit the whole body.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them remembered the scene when the sunset fell into this person's hands, and the torture of life that they didn't want to try again in this life.

This vicious person, the desire to stay with him for the longest time, that vicious means, he deeply understand.

Falling into his hands, death is really nothing, I am afraid that I can't die if I want to die.


Recalling the scenes of the past, eager to speak again, and said to Shi Feng: "I ... Boss, I am willing to give you the exercises I have done."

When Huoyu said these words, he no longer hesitated, a bone fragment appeared in his hands, and then he put it in the eyebrows, preparing to write down the skill required by this evildoer.

"Yeah! Good!" Shi Feng nodded with satisfaction when he saw such a move, and the three of them felt the pressure suddenly relieved, and the icy meaning that had swept away had disappeared.

"Ah!" The two strong men in the flames of the Holy Land sighed secretly when they saw such a move, but they said nothing more.

In the face of this killing god, it is useless to say anything at this moment, and they really can't figure out how to survive if they don't hand over the exercises to this killing god.

It seems to have reached the point where there is no choice at all.

The flames of the Holy Land were all light, but Lei Shengzi, Lei Lin, suddenly felt the cold chill even more. He wanted to run the power of the thunder, to counteract the cold chill that swept from Shi Feng, was it him? What Lei Lin can resist.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Lin's face had become extremely pale, as if a layer of frost had been applied to the cloth. The whole person seemed to be frozen stiff, looked very uncomfortable, and shivered abnormally.

"Boss ... Boss, Gong ... Gongfa, I really can't give it to you." Lei Lin spoke again, like a person in the snow and ice, shivering with a trembling voice, said to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng pours a full glass of Moonlight in the purple jade wine glass, then raises the glass gently, and speaks calmly to Lei Lin, saying, "Give you ten breaths, if you don't hand over the exercises , Ben Shao pumped out your soul and was burned by flames! "

Although Shi Feng said so lightly, when everyone heard his words, everyone's face changed suddenly.

They naturally understand how painful they will be under the torture he said!

(End of this chapter)

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