Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1948: Old man with a story!

Chapter 1948: Old Man With A Story!

Followed closely, the figure of the old man was also flying high up in the crowd.

His old man, who now has that backing, doesn't care about the city regulations of this Guli city.

The people in his heavenly and sacred place dare to break through the city of Guli. He himself, but the master of Jiuyou Demon, himself, but is acting for Jiuyou Demon. If the master of Guli City is not acquainted, take that In terms of position, there is no need for this Guli city to exist.

"Again! Someone broke in Guli again?"

"Yes, yeah! I don't know what is the origin of this? Isn't the strong man in the heavenly sacred land impossible?"

"Although this old man is wearing a simple dress, it feels equally simple to me, and his origin is certainly not simple!"

"Crap, who doesn't know it's not easy! Otherwise, how dare he break the air in this city of Guli!"


As soon as the old man rushed into the void, exclaimed sounds began again in Guli City.

Immediately afterwards, the old man's body flickered to the old man in the white robe, his right paw protruded, and he caught it on the collar of the old man in the white robe.

Without the slightest resistance, there was no strength to resist, the old man in the white robe was caught by the old man.

Then, the old man's figure moved again, and his left hand went down to the crowd. The girl in purple was also caught by him.

Following this, the old man caught the two in front of the eyes and rushed to Gulilou.

"This ... both of them were taken by this old man!"

"The old man, who reported his identity but was a sacred place in the wilderness, even this old man dared to capture him so rudely?" The old man's action to grab the old man in the sacred place was rude at this moment, as if he hadn't taken him at all What heavenly sacred place to put in your eyes.

By comparison, the girl in purple looks much better.

Because the old man knew that the previous shot, but because of this girl in purple clothes, the girl did look pretty good, quite aquatic.

So the old man thought that maybe it was the one who looked like her, maybe it wasn't clear, so she had to be careful.


The extremely high void above Guli.

"Master City Lord, that person is a person who claims to be a sacred place in the sky, but was eventually taken away by another mysterious old man. What should we do? After all, the sacred place in the field, but was arrested in our city of Guli. ! "

"We don't need to bother!"

"Since that man knew that this man in the heavenly sacred land, he dared to grab him and prove his origin. It was even more difficult. We should not intervene in such a thing!"

"It was so! The subordinates understand! Lord Lord is wise!"

Guli City, because of this wise city owner, escaped a catastrophe!


After the old man grabbed the two men and rushed into the Guli Tower, he heard the young voice coming: "Second floor, ground character room!"

Hearing that voice, the old man didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly rushed to the second floor of this Guli building.

Earlier, the outside movement had already shocked this Guli Tower. At this moment, when the old man who was holding the old man in the Tianhuang Holy Land rushed in, no one in Guli Tower dared to block the way and evaded.

"You! Who the **** are you? You know who I am?" At this time, the old man caught in the hands of the old man screamed angrily and shouted at the old man.

For the old man in the heavenly sacred place, the mysterious old man who seized himself seemed to be in the realm of seven stars and demigods, but he should hide his real and powerful realm.

He secretly shot twice, and he couldn't resist it at all. He should be a peerless existence with a nine-star demigod.

But even though he is a nine-star demigod, the old man in white robe still didn't put him in his eyes. The main reason is that he came from the heavenly sacred place that is famous all over the world.

When I heard that drink, I saw the old man suddenly grin, showing a sneer, and said coldly: "The old man naturally knows who you are, heaven and sacred place, cliff deep!"

"You! You! You even know the old man's name!" When he heard the old man's words, the old man in white robe was shocked again, exclaimed directly.

So, is this mysterious man coming for himself?

"Who the **** are you? What are your attempts to catch the old man?" At this time, the old man in white robes yelled at the old man who was holding him.

The conversation between the two people naturally passed into the ear of the girl in purple.

The girl in purple dress twisted her eyebrows lightly. From now until now, she has not spoken anything, and she does not know what she is thinking at the moment.

At this time, the old man still kept the sneer on his face, and said coldly:

"Ya Shen, I haven't seen you for so many years, don't you really know the old man? Now you, in the sacred place of heaven, must be getting better and better, right? Why, noble people forget things, have they completely forgot the old man? "

"You! You! You!" After hearing the old man's words, the old man named Yashen's face changed again.

Then, he stared at the old man's face very carefully, and gradually, he saw that his old face gradually changed again, followed by it, and became more and more surprised, and at this moment suddenly changed, as if Damn it.

"You! It's you! It's you! You! You haven't died yet! Why haven't you died!" At this time, Yashen yelled in a terrified shock, his tone full of incredibleness.

"Ha ha ha!" The old man laughed and laughed:

"Ya Shen, you didn't expect the old man to still live in this world, did you and the bitch, but you deliberately wanted to put the old man to death, and all the things you did were planted on the old man's body, and it ended The deserted sacred place issued a killing order to the old man.

At that time, the old man really had no way to go to heaven! "

"No! No! You should be dead! You should already be dead! How could you be alive?" At this time, Yashen suddenly remembered something again, and screamed again.

"Hehe, you mean, those people who brought the old man's body back to the heavenly desert sacred place, right? Haha, hahahaha!

You all think that it is the body of the old man, and you all think that the old man is dead. In fact, that is just the old man's trick to hide the sky! Old man, I lied to all of you! The old man is not dead at all. The old man has lived well for all these years.

Haha, hahahaha! "

When the last thing is said, the old man laughs happily. The old man is also a person with a story!

Just then, the old man grabbed the figures of the two men and stopped before the door of the room, which was marked with the word "ground"!

"My lord! The two men have already arrived!" At this moment, the old man greeted and said to the people inside. ’

"Bring in!" Then there was a young, indifferent voice in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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