Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1953: Happy old man

Chapter 1953: Happy Old Man

"No! Don't! Brother Luan! Ah!"

In the end, an extremely painful and terrible scream sounded in the cabin.

The old man in the white robe was deep, and already kneeled in front of the old man.


The old man's old hand pressed on Yashen's face, seeing him kneeling in front of himself, begging for mercy, seeing that he was suffering in his own hands, and hearing the painful screams, the old man kept sending out cheerful big Laugh, like a madman.

At this moment, he was extremely excited and surging, and even his thoughts had become extremely accessible. Finally ... himself, finally, punished the beast that trapped him.

The old man thought that he might not have this opportunity in his life.

Once, let alone punish this animal, for so many years, he did not have the courage to step into the northern wasteland.

Had it not been for this new owner, he might have no hope of revenge all his life!

When full of gratitude, the old man looked up again and turned to that one.

At this moment, Shi Feng had stood up from the main seat, reached the window, and looked towards the crowd below the avenue that was still trendy, and did not know what he was thinking at this moment.

Girl Qingyan still stood beside him quietly as usual, calm and indifferent.

At this moment, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, looked up to the sky, eyes like two stars, as if through everything.


"City ... Lord City Lord! How do I feel like this person is staring at us?" In the endless sky, a sound of surprise rang out.

"I also have a feeling, as if being stared at by a peerless beast." Followed by another horrified voice.

In this sky, five figures stood proudly, all eyes gazed at the ancient city of Guli below, all gazed at that ancient building.

"This man, even I can't see his martial arts situation!" At this moment, the lord of the ancient city of Guli, with a magnificent rainbow, looked dignified and said slowly.




When they heard the words of the city host, the others were shocked.

Their Lord of the City, but Jiuxing Demigod, in this world, there is still his invisible existence, this ...

"Is it him?" Then, as if the Lord of Guli thought of something, the mighty face changed at this moment.



"Master City Lord, you must have thought of him!" Then, someone also thought of that person.

"He? He! What you said is ..." Then someone thought, and slowly spit out that heavy name like Foshan Yue: "Shi Feng!"

"Hmm!" Upon hearing those words, the master of Guli City has become more dignified than to the grave. He nodded, sighed softly, and said, "It seems that he is really here! Our Gue Mountain, this great territory of our ancient territories may change hands! "

"Boom!" A thunderous sound rang through the sky, and the lightning flashed, but in an instant, the sky had changed. Between heaven and earth, there was a sudden downpour.

"It's raining!" Shi Feng murmured looking at the sky outside.

At this time, the painful screams and the old laughter in the cabin had stopped, and the old man in the white robe of the heavenly sacred place, Ya Shen, had died in the hands of the old man.

The face of the corpse still had extremely wide eyes, and maintained the extremely painful appearance before dying.

At this moment, Shi Feng was moved, and seven blood arrows were sprayed out of the corpse's seven holes, flying towards him.

Ya Shen's power of death, blood, and soul were instantly inhaled by the stone maple into the blood stone stele, and the corpse had become an extremely dry corpse.

At this time, looking at the outside of Shi Feng slowly turned around, his eyes gathered on the old man's body, at this moment, Shi Feng had already seen something, and said to the old man, "You are going to advance."

"Yes, my lord!" The old man answered with respect and excitement when he heard Shi Feng's words.

He then said, "At the moment when the cliff was tortured, the subordinates were in a good mood, and the hatred that had been in their hearts for decades was released and exploded at that moment, and the thought became extremely accessible at that moment. At the moment, it became extremely wide, and the next step was taken, and at this moment, it will soon reach the other side! "

From the seven-star demigod, the eight-star demigod is about to enter, and the old man has to be excited.

In one fell swoop, from now on he will be only under the nine star peerless strong! In addition, he cultivated the seven-star demigod technique taught to him by the new master. A few days ago, he killed an eight-star demigod with that immature technique.

In the future, if he successfully enters the eight-star demigod state, if he successfully comprehends the seven-star demigod-level combat skills, the old man is confident to rule in the eight-star demigod.

At this time, Shi Feng slowly spoke to the old man again and said, "Since you are about to break through, then you can fully appreciate martial arts. After you successfully enter the eight-star demigod, the demon Lord will give you an eight Star demigod combat skills! "

Shi Feng said this lightly, as if he didn't take the eight-star demigod combat skill given to him at all, but the old man's excited face had already appeared extremely excited:

"Eight ... Eight Stars ... Demigods ... Combat Skills ..."

A few simple words, but at this moment can not be clearly spit out from the old man's mouth, and instantly turned him into stuttering, the whole body is already trembling.

The seven-star demigod combat technique he gave at the beginning is so anti-sky, if the eight-star demigod combat technique ... for a moment, the old man was a bit afraid to imagine. At this moment, he felt as if he was dreaming. The film space has become a bit unreal.

"Thank you, lord! Thank you, lord!" The old man thanked Shi Feng again and again.

He finally understood that this was his great opportunity and great opportunity. At this moment, the old man had vowed secretly in his heart. From now on, he must hold this thigh tightly, and swear allegiance!

"Don't have to thank you, that's it! You are here to realize that the Lord of the Demon goes out for a walk. After you successfully break through, we will go to Gu'er Mountain." Shi Feng said to the old man.

At the moment, the old man's state, Shi Feng has seen that he has reached the edge of the breakthrough, he successfully realized, and then stabilize martial arts, a few hours is enough.

For these hours, Shi Feng was not in a hurry.

While speaking these words, Shi Feng's hands and hands moved. Only in this moment, an enchantment had been laid in this room, in order to protect the old man from being disturbed when he realized.

Under this enchantment of his Nine Wraith Master, even the warriors of the Nine-Star Demigod, don't even want to break in.

Followed, Shi Feng walked leisurely and walked towards the door.

At this time, the girl in the room didn't know what she was thinking. She stood at the window and looked at the white figure walking calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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