Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1969: Yin Sha Tu Sha Xue Sha!

Chapter 1969: Yin Sha Tu Sha Xue Sha!

Day by day!

On this day, Chaoyang was rising. At this moment, Shi Feng stood proudly on the head of the yellow snake and looked at the rising sun in front. Suddenly, an old, hoarse voice rang from behind Shi Feng:

"My lord! It won't be long before we can reach Mount Gue. After a long journey, my lord will be able to take a rest in the city of Gue at the foot of Gue, and then go up the mountain."

Hearing the words of the old man, Shi Feng's eyes still looked at the void in front of him, and slowly said, "No need to rest, go directly to the ancient Guer mountain to end the grievances of the past, and we will go to the heavenly wasteland early."

"Huh!" The old man standing behind Shi Feng bowed, nodded slightly, and answered.

In fact, he didn't want to waste any more time, and he also wanted the new owner to destroy that ancient mountain early.

The old man also thought, go to the barren sacred place early that day and see those old people who were old.

"Xuan, are you okay? After all these years, I don't know if you remember me, I don't know you, are you married?" The old man said this secretly in his mouth, and a shadow appeared in his mind. .

Immediately after that, he saw a happy smile involuntarily on his old face, and the wrinkled old face was even slightly red at this moment.


Tianheng Continent, Eastern Region, Forbidden Land of Death!

A vast ruin, the earth swayed suddenly, and three figures hurriedly shuttled and moved forward in this unstable land.

These three people, three young people, exuded a cold and wicked breath all over them.

Among the three young people, one running in the middle was wearing a snow-colored long coat, white and not stained with any dust, and had a beautiful fair-skinned face even more beautiful than a woman.

The man on the left was wearing a golden yellow armor and was holding a golden war rifle. His skin was yellowish and prestigious.

The last one was bloody, and a **** sickle was clenched in his hands, full of blood.

These three are the three corpses under the stone maple seat, Yin Sha, Tu Sha, Xue Sha!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were violent roaring sounds in this heaven and earth, and I saw one after another carrying pillars of energy that destroyed the sky, constantly falling from the sky, and constantly falling on this land!

These three corpses are moving between such energies, moving forward constantly, with a firm face, as if nothing could stop the way of his three corpses!

"Roar!" And just then, just listening to the sky, suddenly the wrath of a peerless beast suddenly sounded.

Hearing the rage, the three corpses raised their heads at the same time and looked up, and saw a huge black eight-headed monster that fell from the sky, and sixteen lantern-like eyes glared at the three corpses, their dense hands were mad Flurry.





Seeing the black eight-headed monster that fell towards him violently, the sound of war and drinking rang from the mouths of the three corpses, and a burst of strong fighting intentions rose from their bodies.

When they saw the monster with a powerful momentum, they were not afraid at all. Not only that, they seemed to be eager to fight one.

Then, I saw that the three bodies that had been rushing forward moved at the same time, and rushed up towards the black body that fell.



Manghuang continent, north barren!

In the void, the fierce six-headed serpent has stopped, and Shi Feng and the old man are still standing on the green snake head.

At this time, the old man spoke again in congratulations, and said to Shi Feng: "My lord, that is Gu'ershan."

In front of it, a huge golden mountain that is extremely huge goes straight to the sky. With the huge mountain, Shi Feng looks up slightly, and at a glance, the naked eye cannot see the top of the mountain!

"Ancient! Eh! Mountain!" Followed, he whispered these three words, followed by a sudden grin, and a chilly smile arose at the corner of his mouth, saying, "Okay! Quite good! I was worried that they ran away, not only Did not run, but also invited a lot of helpers! "

Everything in Gu'er Mountain has been revealed in Shi Feng's soul power. At this moment, he senses six peerless momentums!

This is the divine power emitted by the six artifacts.

I didn't expect to destroy this ancient Eureu, and several other ancient forces came.

"The Han family! The royal family! The sun god! The moon god! The starlight god!" Shi Feng coldly spit out the names of these ancient forces.

He naturally knew that in the deserted ancient Forbidden Land that day, it was these ancient momentums that chased him down, plus this ancient Guer mountain.

"Very good, since they are all reunited here, this saved me a lot of trouble!" Shi Feng sneered.

And six real artifacts, he Shi Feng is bound to get!

Today, he owns five true fighters, and if he wins them, he will have eleven!

Eleven, a few steps away from practicing the hundred sword gods killing tactics.

"My lord, there is something wrong with Gu'ershan." At this time, the old man's old face was frowned, and he said to Shi Feng.

"There is nothing wrong with it," Shi Feng said. "The six forces are united. With six true gods of war and all the powerful men of the six forces, they have laid out a peerless killing force and are waiting for me."

"Six true gods of war!" The old man followed the new master for a long time, but when he heard the six true gods of war, he couldn't help but startled.

This is indeed a big deal!

Just to deal with this word, the pen is not big enough.

Speaking of the six true God of War weapons, the old man immediately bowed his head and looked at the six fierce beasts under his feet. This is a true giant snake with six heads, which is equivalent to six peerless strong men in the realm of true gods.

"Leave it, and let the Lord of Lords meet them for a while!" Shi Feng said again, and after his resounding, "Hello! Howl! Howl! Howl! Howl!"

I saw the six-headed snake under his feet, and then a peerless roar erupted, and the huge snake suddenly moved toward the huge golden mountain ahead.



"Jiuyou Lord! Shi Feng!"

"Kill formation starts! Kill the demon!"

"Our six forces have joined forces today, and we must let this devil come back forever and eliminate this great harm for the world!"

"Hmm! Kill!"






The stone maple in the void and the movement of the big snake have been under the control of Gu'er Mountain. At this moment, I saw the six-color big snake rushing in, and the sound of drinking and killing came from this Gu'er. The mountain resounded.

I saw this originally calm world, suddenly violently violently stirred up, all peerless killing intentions, and immediately rose into the sky, a wave of violent power, violently raging out of Gue Mountain.

The world suddenly changed color!

A world war is about to begin ...

(End of this chapter)

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