Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1971: Are you funny?

Chapter 1971 Are You Funny?

Shi Feng looked down at the hundreds of peerless men below, still with the disdainful smile on his face, and for a time, didn't speak.

And he didn't speak, and the individual below didn't say anything, just looked at him, the atmosphere between heaven and earth became very dull and depressed.

Many people in Gue Mountain have even felt a little breathless.

After a while, a breeze came, Shi Feng's long black hair moved slightly with the breeze, and he said:

"You guys have a good courage. They dared to gather in this Gu'er Mountain to fight against the Lord of the Devil. To be honest, the Lord of the Devil also admires you who are not afraid of death."

Shi Feng's voice dropped, and there was still no sound in Gu'er Mountain.

Seeing that no one spoke, Shi Feng said again, "Well? Why don't you talk? Isn't the price you paid to become a dumb to deal with the Lord of the Lord just now?"

"Jiuyou Lord, let's say, what do you want?" At this time, a mighty voice sounded on the top of Gueshan Mountain.

The speaker is an old man with white hair like a snow, with a solemn face and a golden jersey, which is the Lord of Gu'ershan, and Gu Ze!

Upon hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng's face moved slightly, revealing a look of interest, and he looked at him and asked, "Old man, who are you?"

Gu Ze opened his mouth and said, "God Mount Guer, Gu Ze!"

"Oh!" When she heard Gu Ze's introduction, Shi Feng's complexion immediately moved, and her face smiled even more. "Originally, you are the Lord of Gu'ershan! You ask me what I want? Oh!"

He laughed, echoed the mountains, echoed the world.

Although this was laughter, the person who heard the laughter suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, even the Guershan Lord Gu Ze, his brows gradually frowned.

Then everyone listened to that young voice again:

"You Gu'ershan, you taught Gu Yan such a **** to be a saint. This **** wants to murder the demon, and she should be a concubine. The demon kills her.

And you, Gu'ershan, dare to send someone to chase down the Lord of the Lord and commit such a rebellious thing. Now, you come back and ask what the Lord of the Lord wants? "

Shi Feng said these words, countless people have heard, the voice of this demon has become colder and colder.

"My ancient ..."

And just as the ancient Lord of Gu'ershan said the words "I ancient", Shi Feng's right index finger suddenly moved downward, and a force of extreme Yin dropped!

Immediately afterwards, "snap", the strong men on the top of the mountain were immediately seen, Gu Ze's body suddenly burst open, and some red blood, minced meat, broken bones and other debris were moving towards Splashed in all directions.

The ancient ruler of the ancient God of Gu'ershan, this is how it fell!


"Gu Ze is dead!"

"Gu Ze died like this!"

"Holy Lord!"

"Old man!"


Seeing Gu Ze, who was suddenly killed, a powerful man was shocked.

This, after all, is the Lord of Gu'ershan, the Lord of the entire ancient territory, who controls the existence of billions of souls. This is how he died.

One generation of the Lord died so suddenly, so easily!

Before Gu died, he said "I ancient". As for what he wanted to say, it would always be a mystery.

Are you going to argue with that fiend? Or, ask him for mercy?

Everyone saw the murderous devil killing without a word, regardless of the identity of the other person, even an individual, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

This fiend is too cruel!

Gu died, and immediately, his death force, blood, and soul rushed towards the fiend above, and soon, Shi Feng was sucked into the blood stele.

At this time, Shi Feng saw that the people below were no longer snoring, his eyes were gazing at the crowd above the mountain, and then his eyes gazed at a mighty figure again, Han Everyone, Han Wei!

On the top of Gu'e Mountain, when Han Wei felt that person's gaze was on his own body, his body and mind shuddered at the same time. The scene of Gu's tragic death just now reappeared in his mind.

"Jiuyou Lord!" Han Wei shouted these four words into the void. However, it can be heard that his tone at the moment was respectful. It seems that Han Wei is already afraid of this.

"Han family owner, Han Wei." Shi Feng spit out the title with a smile.

"It's down." Han Wei respectfully responded.

Shi Feng chuckled coldly: "That day in the snow and ice wasteland, it was your waste grandson who provoked the Lord of the Lord. The Lord of the Lord killed him, and it should be, and such waste is dead when you die. Things, but into the snow and ice wasteland, to kill the demon to avenge your waste grandson! "

Upon hearing the words of the demon, his voice gradually began to cool down, and Han Wei immediately opened his mouth and said, "It is the little animal that has no eyes and is dazzled. Forgive me! "

Han Weike really regretted it, and regret being invited by them to participate in the battle with this peerless fiend.

When what Nine Phantom Lord Shi Feng did in the evil abyss swept the world, and it was introduced to Han's house and into his ears, those days, he Han-wei was scared and scared all day, no day Sleep well.

Although he is a peerless powerhouse in the nine-star demigod, he is actually timid by nature.

He was afraid that the Lord of the Nine Demons would come to the door, and even the evil three old demons and the top ten demons would defeat thousands of warriors in the abyss of evil, let alone his coldness, his coldness.

At that time, the owner of Han Wei had even sneaked out of Han's house and found a mysterious hiding place to hide.

Had it not been for those guys who contacted him secretly the other day, saying that if the six forces joined forces to put together a peerless killing battle, they would have the absolute confidence to kill the mad monster.

He Hanwei, he would never go out of that secret place!

Now, what absolute confidence in shit! The tens of thousands of carefully selected warriors of the six major forces joined forces to form the peerless killing array, and he could not move the mad monster at all, could not stop his ten breaths, and he was easily broken!

Han Wei also didn't expect that the madness who had been hunted down by them in the deserted ancient forbidden area turned out to be so abnormal!

Really impermanent!

Once upon a time, in the blink of an eye, Han Wei's mind kept flashing.

"Forgive me?" After hearing the words of Han Wei's begging for mercy, Shi Feng hummed as if he heard a big joke, saying:

"You old man, more than once want to put the Lord of the Lord to death, so many people present, it is estimated that the old man who wants the Lord of the Lord to die is your old man. Now, you have a face for the Lord Forgive me?

Old man, are you funny? "

(End of this chapter)

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