Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1980: Death volcano

Chapter 1980 Death Volcano

Looking at the young bald man standing on the platform with his hands down, he looked proudly and put on a strong posture. Even the old man wanted to get on the platform and slapped him with a slap.

However, the old man was not impulsive. This is just the beginning of Bi Zhaoqin, and it is not the time to shoot by himself.

And this man is just a seven-star Wudi, and then, many people have taught him.

Not long after, the old man saw a young man in the realm of Jiuxing Wudi, rushed to the Biwuyantai, said nothing, shot directly, and shot it with a palm towards the bald young man!


Tianheng continent!

Today, there are rumors of a mysterious white-haired poisoned girl in many parts of Tianheng mainland. This white-haired poisoned girl is even more terrible than the plague!

"No one knows where she came from or what her name is. The white-haired poisoned girl is said to be ferocious. As long as she goes by, her soul will be poisonous and live. Poisoned! "

"Yeah! It is said that even the powerful Emperor Wudi is poisoned by the white-haired poisonous woman! The power and brutality of the white-haired poisonous woman are unimaginable!"

"I also heard that as long as the poison of the white-haired poisoned woman is hit, there will be no antidote to this world!"

"Isn't even Master Qin Rufan, the world's first pharmacist, able to solve the poison of the white-haired poisonous woman?"

"Master Qin Rufan ... It is rumored that Master Qin Rufan has been showing up for many years in pursuit of divine medicine, and no one knows where he is now!"

"I believe that if Master Qin Rufan was born, it would definitely solve the poison of the white-haired poisonous woman! It must be! That is Master Qin Rufan! We are the first pharmacist in the Tianheng continent! "

"But it ’s useless! I said just now, Master Qin Rufan, I do n’t know where he is now! But the white-haired poisonous girl is poisoning the living beings all the time, just hope that she must never show us Here! "

"Yeah, if the white-haired poisonous girl comes, then we must all die under her poison! I really hope that the strong in the world can take it seriously and get rid of the white-haired poisonous girl!"


In the dilapidated tavern of Tianheng Mainland, in a remote small town, people talked about the white-haired poisoned woman who has made people's hearts now, and said "when that white-haired poisoned woman hopes never to be here", many people His face was worried.

And in this small corner of the tavern, a man with disheveled hair and a torn-down shirt like this tavern sits there, looking like a refugee who has returned from suffering.

Hearing the sound of discussion, the man's brows frowned slightly, and he whispered in secret: "White-haired poisonous girl?"

"In pursuit of the magic drug, I haven't been born for many years, but I didn't expect that this day, Heng mainland had such a poisoned person, and she was a woman, even the Emperor Wu was poisoned by her?"

"This poisonous girl who harmed the living with poison, I Qin Rufan, would like to meet for a while."

"White! Hair! Poison! Girl!"

Secretly speaking, the man picked up the wine glass on the table, drank the wine in the glass, followed him with a grin, and the corners of his mouth stained with wine, showing a sneer.


Reckless continent.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Above the sky, there was lightning and thunder, and there was a pouring rain in the world.

However, despite the bad weather, it did not affect the decisive battle on the ring, and did not affect people's watching the war.

The battle on the ring was still extremely fierce, and the crowd under the ring was still crowded.

However, the bald man who had stood proudly on the platform had already been beaten. At this moment, the two young men were fighting fiercely above.

A body was burning with hot air, and a man was holding a huge bone rod, exuding a heavy momentum.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The attack of the two warriors smashed into each other violently and instantly.

"I don't think there will be any notice today, the old man will come again tomorrow." Among the crowd, the old man looked at the two young warriors on the ring, and felt a little dull and shook his head.

Only on the first day today, the true strongman generally does not enter the ring today.

So the old man quietly left the crowd. When he returned to the tavern, the door of the compartment was still closed, and the powerful invisible enchantment was still there.

So the old man opened himself a room in this pub.

This night, the old man didn't sleep at all. One night, he was comprehending the eight-star demigod combat technique taught by the new master, "Star-Lord Magic Kill"!

Overnight, it passed quickly in the practice.

The next day, the old man went to the door of the room where the new owner was located, and the result was the same as yesterday.

After casually having breakfast in the tavern, the old man left the tavern again. Between the heavens and the earth, there was still a gloomy and heavy rain.

The old man was walking in the rain, but the heavy rain could not wet him at all. Soon, with the flow of people, he again came to the center of the city of Shasha, and held a contest to recruit relatives yesterday.

After the arrival of the old man, a fierce battle on the ring is still going on, but the two warriors fighting have long been replaced.

The two warriors today, although still unable to get into the eyes of the old man, are much stronger than the warriors fighting yesterday.

In this way, the old man was in the crowd again, watching the battle on the ring quietly.


In the southern part of the Tianheng continent, a volcano called "Death Volcano" has magma rolling and the flames are violently tumbling like a fire dragon.

"Death volcano", according to legend, has existed in Tianheng continent for a long time. This place is called Tianheng continent's most violent, hottest, most mysterious and most dangerous volcano. There is no sense of life here. "Is why it's named.

According to legend, even the monsters born with the fire attribute cannot survive in this death volcano. There have been countless powerful warriors who have entered this "death volcano" to explore, but they have never heard of it. The volcano can leave alive.

In addition to the rolling magma and the hot flames, there is also an unknown mysterious danger. Many years ago, it was listed as a forbidden area.

"Death volcano", "Meteorite ancient land", "Lost ancient land", "Endless ancient land", these four dangerous places, many years ago, were listed as the four largest forbidden areas in the southern region!

But today, the tumbling flames and rolling magma inside this dead volcano seem to be more violent than usual, looking a little violent and chaotic.

Faintly, I saw that the piece of magma that was boiling red and bubbling with flames was slowly rotating. Faintly, it became like a magma vortex.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" Just then, a wicked laughter suddenly echoed in this dead and empty "death volcano".

"The seal of this low-level continent is finally broken! My protoss army can finally pass through the space secret here and descend on this low-level continent!"

(End of this chapter)

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