Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1990: Maybe ... is there!

Chapter 1990 Maybe ... it's there!

Shi Feng looked at Leng Xi and fled, grinning disdainfully and chilly, he didn't promise to let him go, could he escape?

His body was flashing coldly in the background, just as he was about to flash out of this contest, "Wow!" Only a violent roar rang out.

An invisible force, I do not know when it appeared behind his cold Xi, the violent sound was the explosion of his body against the invisible force.

"Uh!" Leng Xi's body shook fiercely, and then he heard a painful moan.

At this moment, I saw a white figure shaking in front of him. The young man in white who was walking slowly on the platform just now came to him in front of him.

"You!" And when Leng Xi said the word "you", I saw the Lord of the Nine Phantoms probing with his right hand. When he hadn't responded yet, he found that the right hand had been gripped. Your own neck.

Leng Xi quickly said, "Nine ... Lord of the nine ghosts ... I have always been in good water with you, and you haven't violated the river, you ... why are you?"

After hearing Leng Xi's words, Shi Feng said, "It has nothing to do with your heavenly sacred place. I am now targeting you, the heavenly sage."

"For me?" Leng Xi's face changed again, and he said, "It shouldn't be more for me! Jiuyou Lord, it's the first time you and I have met today! There is no injustice between us. Innocent! "

"The demon Lord just can't get used to your beast." There was no more nonsense, Shi Feng felt that there was no need to explain anything to him, holding Leng Xi's face in his right hand, and for a moment, he saw a scarlet scarlet color The flames immediately began to burn from his right hand.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Leng Xijunyi's face was instantly devoured by the **** flames, and the painful screams echoed.

"This!" Above the sky, Zhuge Qingfeng gazed at the two figures below, and for a moment, didn't know what to do.

Although he didn't like Leng Xi, as the eight elders of Tianhuang Holy Land, he now sees the future of Tianhuang Holy Son and the future successor of Tianhuang Holy Land being tortured by others. He has the duty of guarding the Son.

But guarding the Heavenly Sage Son is against the Lord of the Nine Phantoms, and it is very likely that he will be taken in too.

"This guy just said that he wasn't targeting the Heavenly Haram, just his Heavenly Son ... so ..."

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The screams, as if suffering terribly painful screams, continued to be heard in Zhuge Qingfeng's ears, but Zhuge Qingfeng had begun to pretend not to hear.

He felt that it was better not to blend in with this matter. Losing face was trivial and losing his life was the big thing.

Everyone in the world knows that the Lord of the Nine Demons kills people, no matter who you are, but no matter what power you come from.

"Sacred Son of Heaven! This Sacred Son of Heaven is really unlucky today!" Someone in the crowd below the stage sent a deep emotion.

"Yeah, at first he definitely thought that he could put on the Shasha City with his peerless talent today with his unparalleled talent, but it was unthinkable that he put on the head of the Nine Phantom Lord!

Who would have known that the old servant of the Lord of the Nine Spectres had even participated in this contest and called himself eighteen. "

Now people also finally know why the old servant knew that the opponent on the ring was the Heavenly Son, and dared to go to war. With the big backing behind him, what Heavenly Son, he did n’t even need to look at it. what!

In the void, the old man, Luan Wu, with his legs and his knees suspended, had slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

After this period of recovery, although the injury has not completely recovered, he has been stabilized.

At this time, the old man's eyes had already looked at the scene at the end of Yantai. The new master was holding the neck of the Heavenly Son, tortured him with the blood of this strange blood. Very happy.

"Oh, let you be arrogant in front of the old man! What **** is the Heavenly Son!" The old man cursed secretly, followed, and his legs crossed stood upright.

But the old man didn't enter the ring, just bowed slightly towards the white figure in the distance, his old face full of respect, as if waiting for his order.

"Ah! Rao ... forgive me ... Jiuyou Lord!" Under the severe torture, the heavenly Son has begged for mercy.

Such an animal, if ordinary people, Shi Feng directly kill him.

But for the Heavenly Desolation Holy Land, he still has something to know from the mouths of the people in the Heavenly Desolate Holy Land. It might be useful to save the life of the Heavenly Desolate Son for the time being.

Then, Shi Feng's right hand moved again, and the **** flame burning Leng Xi's face disappeared instantly.

Under the burning of blood flames, although Leng Xi was not disfigured, at this moment it looks very embarrassed, and there is no longer the peerless style when it came down from the sky.

Followed by, Shi Feng shook Leng Xi's right hand with his neck, and threw the heavenly wasteland directly on the ring platform, and the ring again sounded a roar of "pin".

Although Leng Xi was not dead, he was lying on the ground like a muddy beach, motionless.

But then, Shi Feng did not bother with the Heavenly Sage Son any more, but raised his head to the sky and looked at another man, also wearing a white robe, Zhuge Qingfeng.

Shi Feng said, "You get down to the Lord."

"Ah?" Zhuge Qingfeng was shocked at hearing the words of this fierce demon, "ah".

The evil demon said just now that he was not targeting the sacred place of heaven, at that time Zhuge Qingfeng believed that it should be the cold and cold, and I do not know when to offend this demon.

But at this moment, this fiendish demon even told himself to go down, he ... Is he going to deal with himself?

In Zhuge Qingfeng's mind, the picture when Leng Xi was tortured immediately appeared, and the screams of screaming.

Although his Zhuge Qingfeng is the peerless power of nine stars and demigods in the world of Megatron, he is nothing in front of that one.

Shi Feng seemed to have seen what Zhuge Qingfeng was thinking at the moment, followed, and saw him speak again, saying:

"My demon looks good to you, as long as you tell my devil what he wants to know, if he is satisfied, he will not move you."

"Eh!" Zhuge Qingfeng said, "Uh", at this moment his body began to move down, and the lower Biwutaitai slowly drifted away.

But at the same time, his head was moving fast, and he secretly wondered what this famous man wanted to know from his own mouth?

What message do you have that will interest this guy?

What does he want to know?

Maybe ... is there!

Immediately after, Zhuge Qingfeng seemed to think of something.

(End of this chapter)

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