Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2001: Familiar laugh.

Chapter 2001 Familiar Smile.


The simple two words spit out of the mouth of the god, but this space has become simpler.

Everyone in this eighth temple felt the cold temperature, and then suddenly dropped.

The eleven real war fighters flying away towards the gods feel instantly frozen by the ice at this moment. For a moment, they were unable to move at all!

This, but eleven pieces of true God of War! And it was urged when Shi Feng was running the Thunder God of War formula, even this can be frozen!

The true **** dual-level powerhouse, and the magical skill "Shenbing", it really is so scary!

Shi Feng has sensed that this battle technique "Shenbing" is a true God-level battle technique.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng already felt that the space around her and her body would be condensed by the power of this peerless ice, and he was in a peerless state of Thunder God of War and was about to arrive.

"Thunder God of War!" Just then, Shi Feng swallowed the power of death in the blood stone monument space, and then sighed coldly.


Another burst of peerless violent sound, rang from him, Shi Feng, once again urged that peerless combat technique, Thunder God of War.

"Ah!" Followed, saw Shi Feng Yangtian, a roar sounded like a beast.

I saw that at this moment, Shi Feng's figure and his eleven true gods of war were suddenly shocked at this moment.

"Boom!" There was an extremely violent blast, and the power of the ice that frozen his body and eleven true gods' weapons broke out at this moment!


At the same time, the complexion of the protoss power suddenly changed at this moment.

Followed by, I saw eleven real war weapons, once again blasting towards him.

It was also at this moment that Zhuge Qingfeng and the old man flashed into the eighth palace.

Then, they looked up, looked at the battle above, and saw Shi Feng was manipulating eleven true gods of war weapons, and blasted at that strange old man with golden scales.

"Drink! Block!" With a cold drink, I saw the body of God, and then flashed a very bright golden light, and then saw an ice-colored light curtain manifested in front of him.

But as soon as the ice-colored light curtain appeared, it was violently smashed and destroyed at the same time as eleven real war weapons. Then, the eleven real war weapons, like violent rain, constantly bombarded the gods Body.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


The violent clashes and painful roars kept ringing.

"Huh!" At this time, Shi Feng had also stopped Fei Chong's figure and looked at the scene in front of the sky, sending out a disdainful hum.

Then he said disdainfully, "True God?"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" The roar was still ringing.

The true God Dual Sky Power is actually really strong! It ’s just that they practiced the Thunder God of War skill, and also practiced the Nine Nether Ghost Skills. The blood stone stele has majestic death force and blood, and the stone maple, which controls eleven true **** war weapons, is stronger!

"He ... he won?" An old man with white hair shouted under the sky and said.

"Yeah, he seems to have won this battle!" Then, another strong man in the heavenly holy land said.

"That's it, did you win?"


They knew that as long as the ancient formations guarding them would not be long before, they would be blasted by the alien-shaped monster with golden scales.

If that big array were to be blasted, then the 28 nine-star demigods would have to die here.

But just now, in fact, many people are already ready to die. Because at that time, they were really desperate. They could not think of anything else that could keep them from dying and block the powerful ancient alien.

At that time, there were still people who were thinking that trying their best to resist so hard, it was just trying to get some time to die later, in fact it had no meaning.

But at this moment, I did not expect that the person who they had never thought about would appear in their Tianhuang Temple, thus defeating the alien and yelling at the alien!

"The Lord of the Nine Demons is really too powerful!" Said an old man with emotion.

"Yeah!" Then, another old man nodded with approval: "It is said that the Lord of Nine Phantoms has entered the realm of true God. It seems that the rumors are really true!"

"Ah! No matter what, we finally survived!"



By this time, these high-level existences, one by one, were finally secretly relieved, and the heart that was carried was finally slowly relaxed.

At this time, they were all attracted by the mid-air battle, and even Zhuge Qingfeng and the old man entered, nobody paid attention.

"Huh, it's still timely! The foundation of my heavenly sanctuary has not been destroyed." At this moment, Zhuge Qingfeng looked at the twenty-eight people in front of him, and he secretly sighed at this moment.

He knew that as long as they were still alive, the heavenly sacred place was also called the heavenly sacred place.


"It's her, Xuan!"

Among the 28 peerless powerhouses, there were six women, and the old man Luan Be, the old body shook involuntarily at this moment, eyes fixed on the pretty face of a beautiful woman.

The old man's old face has also changed at this moment, showing a full of excitement.

How many years have passed, and how many nights have he missed, that person is now standing not far from his eyes.

So true to her.

She is still so beautiful!

She is more charming and fascinating than ever.

The old man looked at her like this for a while, and for a moment, he looked blank.

"Huh?" The beautiful lady named Xuan seemed to feel something suddenly at this moment. Xiu's eyebrows twisted slightly, her eyes moved away from the violent mid-air, and her head bowed slightly.

Then she saw the coming Zhuge Qingfeng and the strange old man next to him.

"The breeze is back!" The beautiful woman secretly followed, and her gaze moved again to the old man next to Zhuge Qingfeng. Although there were 28 people on her side, she had a clear idea. It felt that the person was looking at himself at the moment.

"I should never have seen this person before, eh? Well, an eight-star demigod has a good talent. If I really saw him before, I wouldn't forget. But somehow, looking at him, he gave me A strange feeling? "

Then, the beautiful woman named "Xuan" suddenly saw the old man again, with a wrinkled old face, grinning at herself.

He looked like this, and smiled like he really knew him.

(End of this chapter)

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