Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2003: The winner is king, and the loser is like a dog.

Chapter 2003 The winner is king, and the loser is like a dog.

"Talk about the relationship between you and Leng Aoyue?" Shi Feng said at this time, and asked the Protoss under him.

Earlier, he heard the Protoss of the Protoss said that he was the enemy of Leng Aoyue in the Divine War Continent, and then came to this wild continent.

For the disciple Leng Aoyue's journey back to ancient times through time and space, Shi Feng is indeed very interested.

When Shi Feng said these words, it was obvious that the foot on which he stepped on his head was depressed again, and his foot strength had increased a bit.

"Ah! It's killing! How dare you insult a god-like martial artist so much!"

For countless living beings, the true God is the **** who is high above him. The true God is not to be humiliated, not to mention that he is a divine **** who is a true god.

As the **** of the duality of the true gods, naturally, he has also seen that his martial arts realm is only in the eight-and-a-half-star state.

He can defeat himself, relying entirely on his invincible **** skill and his eleven real artifacts.

"Huh!" Shi Feng said with a disdainful expression when he heard the words of God's consciousness, "The winner is king. Now you are defeated by Ben Shao's hand. What kind of god-level strong man do you pretend to be? You are in front of Ben Sha Not even a dog! "

"Answer what Ben Shao asked you to say just now. Say!" Then, Shi Feng increased the stepping power on her feet.

"Ah! Boy!" Shenjue said in disgust, saying:

"Today's shame, I have already recorded it! When I come to this lower continent again, the souls of the entire continent will die because of your stupidity today!"

"Threat?" Shi Feng said even more disdainfully. How could Shi Feng be afraid of him threatening, since he knew that there was a foreign race in various continents, he had thought about fighting this alien to the end.

He Shifeng, pursuing the ultimate martial arts, and pursuing eternal life, if it is eternal life, the races of all continents will one day encounter, and there will always be a battle.

Shi Feng left a martial arts stele in Shenglong City and left his martial arts heritage in Tianheng mainland. He wanted to cultivate a stronger person from generation to generation to compete with that protoss.

"Boom!" At this moment, a scarlet flame ignited from Shi Feng's right foot, and the head of the Protoss old man's godly sense was instantly burned by this extremely blaze.

"Ah! Ah, ah, ah!" Under the scarlet flames, old and screams screamed.

"Let the flames burn for a while," Shi Feng said coldly.

The Protoss of the Protoss, from his previous words, should have had a holiday with Leng Aoyue many years ago.

What I want to know, with my own torture methods, I am not afraid to say nothing.

The screams of sorrow and pain resounded for a long time in this eighth hall. Listening to the screams, Shi Feng's face was indifferent and impassive.

"This fellow, this means again!" At this moment, the woman in white also entered the eighth hall, listening to the scream of the old and screaming, watching the raging **** flames and secretly speaking coldly.

Although a period of time has passed, she cannot forget the insult and pain she suffered in the hands of the person that day, which made her hate the **** flame.

The flames that burned God's consciousness became more and more violent, and the screams became more and more stern and fierce, and even among the peerless powerhouses in the Heavenly Haram, some people could hear the scalp tingling.

Even if they hadn't tasted it, they knew how painful that alien was suffering.

"Nine ghost masters!" At this time, Leng Yan, the sacred lord of Tianhuang, shouted to Shi Feng, not far away, and then walked towards him slowly with respectful face.

Hearing that shout, Shi Feng turned his head slightly and looked at him.

As Yan Feng approached Shi Feng, Leng Yan opened her mouth again and said, "The Lord of the Nine Spectres, our ancestors had a legacy from ancient times. The eighth temple of the Tianhuang Temple is suppressing a peerless creature. Rumors are that My heavenly Sage ancestors suppressed it with great strength in person!

As time passed, the seals became weaker and weaker, and we, more and more, did not take the ancestral legacy to heart. Only then did this evil creature have the opportunity to break through the seal and make me heaven The Holy Land has suffered heavy casualties this time! "

When Leng Yan said to Shi Feng at the end, sorrow appeared on the mighty face.

"This time, indeed, thanks to your ability to let Nine Wraith Lord escape from this catastrophe, from now on, if you have something to do with Nine Wraith Lord, as long as you talk about it, I will go up and down, Definitely do my best. "

This time, Leng Yan definitely expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart. If this is not the case, not only will these people die, but the heavenly sacred place in their hands will inevitably be removed from the wild continent.

What a shame it would be to be the last Lord of the Holy Land. If that's the case, after his death, he would be shameless to see the ancestors of the heavenly wilderness.

"Well, I want you to help me in the future, maybe." After hearing Leng Yan's words, Shi Feng said to him.

Shi Feng spoke at will, but in the ears of Leng Yan and the strong men in the wild places, it felt strange and strange.

What he meant was that he could only help him as a sacred place in the wild and desolate continent?

However, they have to admit that if this person thinks it is a big deal, they will not be able to help in the sacred place.

Sometimes, in the presence of some, I still have to be weak!

Once we were high, and we alone respect the heavenly desolate strong, at this moment, many people even have some inferiority in their hearts.

Even Leng Yan, the Lord of Heaven and Famine, didn't know what to say at this moment.

Then, I saw Shi Feng speak again, to Leng Yan:

"Wait a minute, prepare a closed chamber for the demon master. The demon will retreat mainly in your heavenly sanctuary for a period of time.

After the Lord of the Lord comes out, take the Lord of Lord to the secret place leading to the Divine War Continent. "

Shi Feng has also been completely rude, and still directly said to the heavenly Lord with an undeniable tone.

As the Lord of Heaven and Famine, he has always been the supreme existence, and now someone has spoken to Leng Yan in a commanding tone, and he is really not very adaptable.

I was very repulsive.

However, this is a world where the strong are the most respected. Now there are stronger people than him, and if he doesn't adapt, he has to listen.

"I know now," Leng Yan replied.

In the Tianhuang Sacred Land, the most honorable place is the Eighth Temple in the Tianhuang Sacred Site. Since this is going to be closed in the Tianhuang Sacred Site, Leng Yan has decided to give up the Eighth Temple to express his gratitude.

And although the secret place leading to the Divine War continent is forbidden, ancestors have left their ancestral teachings, and most people are not allowed to enter.

But the Lord of the Nine Spectres is obviously not an ordinary person.

(End of this chapter)

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