Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2005: God battles the mainland, the main battlefield of the protoss!

Chapter 2005 God battles the mainland, the main battlefield of the protoss!

The Protoss, a powerful god, met Leng Aoyue again in this wild continent ten years later. The enemies met with great jealousy. There was no nonsense. They fought together instantly.

The two super gods of the True Gods, do n’t have to think about and know how violent that battle was, they have just reached the point where the sky is falling apart.

But in the end, the Protoss gods defeated and was suppressed by Leng Aoyue himself! And during the period of suppression, it moved too many places.

In the end, Leng Aoyue was suppressed in the eighth temple of the Tianhuang Temple, until now.


Then, just listening to Shi Feng and speaking again, asked a vital question to this divine enlightenment: "Your protoss, at that time, you have invaded the **** war continent?"

Since this **** of consciousness said that he met Leng Aoyue on the War God Continent, it also indicates that his protoss has entered the War God Continent.

Shi Feng once obtained the scroll about the God War continent from the storage ring of the evil three demon masters. The scroll contains records of the thousands of people in the God War continent, and they have been attacking each other continuously since the endless years.

However, this protoss was not mentioned in detail, and no mention was made of this protoss.

"Divine war on the mainland has always been the main battlefield of my protoss!" Shenjue replied.

Followed him and said, "After all these years, I must have a powerful protoss who have unified that warland."

The scarlet flame was still burning. Although the sound of God's consciousness was still painful, when it came to the fact that his protoss had unified the war with the continent, the sound was extremely proud.

"God battles the mainland, the main battlefield of the protoss!" Shi Feng frowned slightly when he heard the words of this divine spirit, said secretly.

The scroll about the Divine War Continent that he obtained also exists for a long time. The scroll records the numerous Divine War Continents of the God, and now who is on the other continent can know how it is.

The old **** of the protoss is just guessing.

Maybe the Protoss have really unified the Divine War Continent, or maybe they have already been kicked out of the Divine War Continent, but no matter what, the Divine War Continent, Shi Feng has to go!

He has, he's looking for someone!

At this moment, looking down at the stone maple at the foot, Shi Feng said again, "The old man of the protoss, you were disrespectful to the demon Lord. It stands to reason that the demon Lord should extract your soul and let you suffer forever. pain.

However, this demon respects you as a generation of god-level powerhouses, so let you die. "

When Shi Feng's voice had just fallen, "Boom" sounded, and saw that the head was only a burning god, and the whole body was burning with scarlet flames.

At this moment, the scarlet flame had burned extremely fiercely, and above the ice, it seemed like a small sea of ​​bloody fire was burning instantly.

"Ah!" The unusually screaming roared, but it stopped abruptly.

Protoss true **** dual sky level old man **** consciousness, this is how it fell!

Then, when Shi Feng thought, the scarlet small sea of ​​fire rolled quickly towards him. Instantly, the power of the soul was swallowed up by him, and the power of death and blood was sucked into the space of the blood stele.

After doing this, Shi Feng turned his head again, looking at the peerless powerhouses in the Tianhuang Holy Land, and looked at the Lord Lianyan, the Holy Land Holy Land who spoke to him just now, saying:

"What is the secret room for the demon's retreat?"

"Lord of the Nine Phantoms!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Leng Yan said with respectful expression, and said to Shi Feng, "You are distinguished, and the most honorable place in our heavenly sacred place is this Heavenly Deity Temple. Eighth Temple, if you do n’t want to abandon it, retreat in this Eighth Temple. "

"Oh, this eighth temple." After hearing Leng Yan's words, Shi Feng glanced at the eighth temple again, then nodded, and said, "It's okay here, then here!"

For people in the heavenly holy land, here is more than just it!

Only those who can live in the Eighth Temple are eligible.

Coupled with the Zhuge Qingfeng, there are twenty-nine peerless powerhouses here today, and many of them have imagined that one day they can live in the eighth temple, but to date, no one except Leng Yan has achieved it.

At this time, I only listened to the Lord Lord Lianyan and said to him again: "During the retreat, I will send fifty savvy and excellent female disciples to guard you. If you have any needs, you can always ask."

Fifty smart female disciples! In fact, this statement also meant that Leng Yan told the Ming directly that he would arrange fifty beautiful women. If there is any need for him at that time, he can always order it.

"My demon knows this." Shi Feng said a lightly, followed these people and said, "Since this place is the retreat of my demon, then the demon will immediately retreat, and all of you will give this demon. The Lord goes out. "

Shi Feng's last word was resolutely undeniable.

He went straight to the counter.

But at this time, no one dared to disobey this will. "Eh!" Many people screamed at this "Eh", and then the powerful men in the heavenly sacred land fisted toward that one and said:

"Nine ghosts are leaving!"

"It's gone!"

"Farewell, Lord of the Nine Demon!"


Then, shortly after, everyone quit the Eighth Temple.

And since Shi Feng said, everyone withdrew here, and the old man and the woman in white also retreated from the eighth hall.

Then, all gathered together in the seventh hall.

"Right!" Zhuge Qingfeng suddenly remembered something just after exiting the Eighth Hall. The sleeve robe waved in front of him. Suddenly, a white light shone, and a young man in a golden robe appeared. man.

"Leng Xi!"

"Holy Son Lengxi!"

"Huh? How could Shengzi Leng Xi be with Qingfeng, and how could he be sucked into his space mystery by Qingfeng?"

When Leng Xi appeared in the seventh palace, everyone looked at him and said.

During these rest days, Leng Xi's injuries in Qisha City have recovered almost. I did not expect that at this moment when I came out of the mysterious space of Zhuge Qingfeng, I saw so many great people in Tianhuang Holy Land.

Among them are several unborn ancestors.

And his brother Leng Yan is here too!

The Lengxi of the Son is the biological son of the Lord Lengyan!

It is Leng Yan's pride that he can give birth to a son with such martial arts talents as Leng Xi. When he kissed his son as the Son of Heaven, there was no objection at the time.

As if everyone felt that this should be the case, this was taken for granted.

And when Leng Xi looked at the peerless powerhouse in so many sacred places in front of him, at this moment, suddenly a bad feeling came to his mind.

"Xier, Qingfeng, how can you be together? How can Xier be in the spacecraft of Qingfeng?" Leng Yan frowned suddenly when she saw the emergence of Leng Xi, and asked.

The Leng Xi, the Son of God, felt bad, but the Lord Leng Yan felt that something bad happened for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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