Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2024: Endless land

Chapter 2024 Endless Land

Although Shi Fengzhang hasn't hit the old head, how powerful he is now, palm wind, has directly shocked the old man to death.

The old man roared and fell off instantly. The old man, Luan Wu, because of his stupidity, all the martial arts efforts done in these years have been wasted and turned into a cold body.

Thinking of the former master and servant, Shi Feng did not devour the old man's blood and soul, and the corpse floated down.

For a while, Shi Feng didn't say anything, just looked at the corpse quietly, as if thoughtfully.

Seeing Shi Feng had no words, and the people in the heavenly sacred place said nothing, and no one touched the fallen corpse. Instead, a few people moved slightly, and the corpse passed by.

Then, I saw the body of the old man Luan Wu fell to the bottomless abyss below.

"Can you be satisfied with the execution of this demon master?" At this time, Shi Feng looked at the elder again and asked.

"Thank you Lord Jiuyou for presiding justice!" This man is dead, and Elder Yi Xi is really satisfied.

In front of Shi Feng, there was an old man Yu Yu kneeling, Luan Wu was dead. At this moment, thoughts flashed in his mind.

"Luan Wu is dead! It ’s better to die, then I will push all the blame on him."

"It was all because of him."


When I said this secretly in my heart, I just listened to the old man and said again: "The Lord of the Nine Spectres ..."

"Huh!" Just when Ju Yu just shouted these four words, he heard Shi Feng's cold hum, and said, "The thief, the eyebrow and the mouse, die."

Shi Feng didn't want to listen to him anymore. Suddenly, I saw a strange red blood fire burning in Yu's body, and it was about to devour him all.

"Ah! Ah!" The screams of bitterness and painful screams resounded, followed closely by the terrific sacred land changer Ju Yu, who was directly burned by this scarlet flame into nothingness and completely turned to ashes.

The **** flames disappeared, and Shi Feng looked down at the people in the heavenly sanctuary below, and said, "Let's go on!"

"Okay, Lord of the Nine Demon!" Lord Lengyan replied.

Following this, the sixteen strong men in the Tianhuang Holy Land continued to lead the way, and Shi Feng and the cold-faced woman in white flew up again, and the figures of everyone continued to fall to the bottomless abyss.

"Do you really have that secret array?" At this moment the woman in white asked, and asked Shi Feng.

"What do you say?" Shi Feng asked her instead of answering her directly.

"I think you should be pretending, just pretending to scare and scare the two people, but you didn't expect that they really hit you." The woman in white said.

"Oh." Shi Feng smiled at her.

"You said I was right?" The woman in white asked again, and Shi Feng just grinned and smiled silently.


Eighteen figures continued to fall down, and this bottomless abyss seems to have no bottom. Shi Feng and others have fallen for so long that they have not seen the end.

However, it can be clearly felt that at this moment, the world is feeling more and more gloomy.

At this moment, I saw sixteen figures below, all of them hanging together, suspended in the void below.

"Huh?" Seeing the sixteen people stopped flying, the cold face of the woman in white changed suddenly, and said secretly: "It really is!"

Soon, the shape of Shi Feng and the woman in white had also reached the sixteen people. Shi Feng frowned slightly and asked them, "Why don't you go on?"

"Nine ghost masters, we have arrived!" Said Lord Leng Yan, pointing at the rock wall ahead.

"Arrived?" Shi Feng's brow frowned deeper, followed by Lian Yan's expectations. The rock wall looked like a normal rock wall, but Shi Feng was on this rock wall, and saw a person about the height Long, but very tiny cracks.

This crack is hard to find without a closer look.

"This is the passage leading to the Divine War Continent?" Shi Feng was somewhat surprised.

The power of the soul was released and sensed, but no spatial fluctuation was sensed from this rift.

"Yes, Jiuyou Lord!" Leng Yan answered with a serious face.

"This is the way to the inner boundary of our wild wilderness." And just then, the white woman beside Shi Feng whispered to him.

Shi Feng's complexion moved again, "The passage to the inner bounds of Manghuang!"

Following Shi Feng, he asked Xiang Lengyan: "Are you sure this leads to the God War Continent?"

"Yeah, Lord of the Nine Demons!" Leng Yanxin vowed sternly: "In the records of generations in the heavenly holy land, all the ancestors who entered the Divine War Continent entered the Divine War continent from here. There is nothing wrong with returning from this path! I can assure you below. "

"The channel of God fighting the mainland? The channel of the wild inner boundary?" Shi Feng murmured secretly in his mouth, thinking in his head.

"Here, there is no other channel?" Shi Feng asked again.

"I am a sacred place in the sky, I only know the path that the ancestor found in the past." Leng Yan said again.

At this time, Shi Feng lowered her head and looked again at the endless abyss, asking, "What's down there? What's there?"

This abyss that can't be seen to the bottom, when he saw Shi Feng for the first time, gave him a strange mysterious feeling.

"Below, it is called endless land." Leng Yan said.

"Endless land?"

"It is said that there is no end at all. It is rumored that my ancestors in the wild were smashed and searched at full speed at that time, but at his speed, it took three months and did not see the end, and eventually returned and returned. ! "

"Leng Aoyue didn't see the end in March of that year?" Shi Feng was a little surprised again. If this is the case, the acquisition of "Endless Land" is worthy of the name.

"Many of our ancestral records in the heavens and holy places do not believe that this endless land is really endless, and many people experiment with it.

Many of the ancestors did not return in this test. After returning, the oldest ancestor who flew for the longest time is said to have been flying towards this endless land for ten years, ten years long, but he has not seen the end, and it took almost ten years to return. Heavenly Holy Land! "

"In ten years, I have never seen an end. This is really ... endless!" After hearing Leng Yan's words, Shi Feng felt more and more mysterious about this endless land.

However, now that he has something to do, he naturally has no interest in experimenting with this endless place. There is no end to it.

Followed by, Shi Feng lowered her head slightly, stared, and then stared at the rift, secretly saying, "Isn't that stubborn inner boundary the **** war continent?"

(End of this chapter)

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