Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2026: Great Master Xiao Tianyi!

Chapter 2026 The Great Master Xiao Tianyi!

Tianheng continent, a world respected by martial arts!

The same is true for the magicians. The powerful magicians are respected, not to mention that the magician who stands proudly in the void is the world's first magician.

Today's sky, the only way for the practice of refining to step into the ninth-order emperor level!

Moreover, there have been rumors in the world that Xiao Tianyi, the world's first master of refining, and Jiuyou Emperor, the first strongest in the world, have personally passed on his disciples.

Not long ago, it was said that an alien powerhouse with a Beihai god-level realm went to Shenglong City to challenge the Emperor Jiuyou, but was directly shaken by the power of Master Xiao Tianyi's soul!

At this moment, one of the usual proud practitioners in the city looked at the one in the void, above his face, full of respect.

Xiao Tian didn't say anything, in the city of Shenglong, it was quiet.

"All of you!" At this time, Xiao Tian also slowly spoke, and a quiet voice echoed throughout the entire Dragon City: "If today is turbulent, I will call you to the Dragon City, and you are probably guessed roughly What I mean!

Six months ago, I respected the Great Emperor Jiuyou and left a martial arts monument in Shenglong City for the prosperity of Tianheng Martial Art. However, if today ’s chaos and alien aggression, I am Xiao Tianyi and I cannot hide myself.

I am Xiao Tianyi and would like to learn from my Master. In the Holy Dragon City, the soul monument will be built. In the soul monument, I will leave Xiao Tianyi's soul perception, the way of soul attack, and my spiritual practice. !! Anyone from my Tianheng continent can learn about it! "


Xiao Tianyi's words exploded in the hearts of everyone in Shenglong City!

Master Xiao Tianyi's soul perception, the way of soul attack, and the method of refining, if one of them, is like the treasure of the world!

However, he did not expect that Master Xiao Tianyi actually planned to leave these three treasures in the soul monument he was going to build.

"Master Xiao!"

"Master Xiao!"

"Master Xiao!"


At this moment, an expression of admiration, excitement, and excitement and anticipation appeared on the faces that looked up at the void.

"Ah!" Xiao Tianyi, who was proud of the void, sighed deeply in his heart at this time, and said secretly: "A powerful protoss army invades Tianheng. I can only do this for Xiao Tian. . "

Although Xiao Tianyi said it was just these, when the world was in chaos, the magician was the root of war.

On the battlefield, no matter what kind of elixir is essential. The improvement of the quality of the artificer does not improve the rank of elixir on the battlefield.

Therefore, what Xiao Tian also did was a great feat of the Tianheng continent, and even he could stand up to his master, Jiuyou Emperor, and leave his martial arts monument in Shenglong City.

"Oh! Master! Where are you now? The Protoss in your mouth has now really been called, and you ... come back soon!"


Tianheng mainland, Zhongzhou!

The endless darkness of Zhongzhou has almost become the main battlefield.

The Protoss army invaded, was killed, and appeared again and again, as if incessantly!

After many battles, the dark army can be said to have suffered heavy casualties.

However, not long ago, the eight ghosts under the Nine You Emperor were two of them, ghost flames and ghosts, leading 300,000 elite ghost soldiers under the Nine You Emperor into the dark camp to help!

There is also a young strong man who also appeared in the dark camp. It is the autobiographical disciple of the Death King, Ning Cheng!





Bursts of screaming, screaming, ringing through the darkness.


Tianheng continent, northern territory!

Although the Emperor Jiuyou is the master of the Tianheng continent, the Northern Territory is different from other regions. In the northern imperial city, his personal disciple Luo Qingchuan led the army to station and ordered the entire Northern Territory.


Now that the Protoss invades Tianheng, the Northern Territory is naturally inevitable. Two of the eight ghost generals under the seat of the Great Emperor Jiuyou, Guisuke and Guiyin, have come to help!

The yoyo harp sounded in the battlefield, and some strong aliens kept dying under this dead harp, this harp naturally originated from the hand of Mo Xiaoyao, the second disciple of Emperor Jiuyou.

This song is the "Death Road" written by Xiaoyao Mo Xiaoyao himself!


Tianheng Continental Eastern Region.

In the past, there were many countries in the Eastern Regions, but to say that those who are weak in military affairs are naturally Eastern Regions.

Invasion by aliens, countless countries were destroyed overnight, blood was flowing into the river, and corpses were swept across the wild.

Now, the Eastern Regions have responded to the call of the Eastern Region ’s largest power, the Celestial Empire, to gather all their forces to compete against alien forces.

Not long ago, the four great ghosts under the seat of the Great Emperor Jiuyou, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts, led a half-million ghosts to fall into the Eastern Regions and help the Eastern Regions to compete against alien forces!


A brutal war is constantly being staged.


Between the outsider and the outsider!

After Shi Feng and the woman in white entered the space gap, they walked on a dark road.

There is nothing here. There is only an endless road of darkness that stretches as if it stretches to endless distance.

There was no other voice here, just echoing the gentle footsteps of him and the woman in white, "Patter ... patter ... patter ..."

Because of the silence of this space, the echoing footsteps are extremely loud.

After entering from the outside, all the way, Shi Feng and the woman in white did not say anything.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has been sweeping out, and in his soul induction, there is still darkness and that seemingly endless road.

Just then, Shi Feng said slowly, and said to the white woman beside her, "In fact, I have a doubt in my heart."

"Huh?" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the white woman's cold face moved, and she slowly turned her head to look at him and asked, "What?"

Shi Feng said: "I was in retreat for a month in Tianhuang Holy Land. This month, you should be able to leave there. And you said that you are a strong warrior in the inner realm. You only need to go back to break my stay That mark in your body, it should be, not difficult. "

"Oh!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, only the white woman gave a chuckling smile, and then said, "With your mark, as long as I return home, the elders in the house can easily break for me."

When it comes to this, a proud look emerges on the cold face of the woman in white.

"So I'm curious, why didn't you go back while I was in retreat?" Shi Feng said.

Although the mark left in this woman's body is not broken, even if they are far apart, Shi Feng can put her to death with only a few thoughts.

But the retreat for more than a month was enough for the woman to escape safely.

Did she worry that she was on her way home, and Shi Feng suddenly went out of the customs and couldn't find her and killed her directly?

However, according to Shi Feng's feelings for her, this woman is obviously not a person who would worry about such things and not run.

The reason why she still stays in the heavenly wasteland is because of something else!

(End of this chapter)

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