Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2029: Hey home, hey!

Chapter 2029 My Family, My Family!

One step out, the vast void.

At this step, Shi Feng finally came to this stubborn inner circle!

Still head down, looking down at the world underfoot.

At the same time, the woman in white also stepped into the inner bounds of wildness, standing proudly beside Shi Feng.

"Will you return to the sword house with me now?" The woman in white said at this moment.

"Yes!" Shi Feng said, "Lead the way!"


Then, under the leadership of the woman in white, the figures of the two fell down.

After a while, the woman in white spoke again and said to Shi Feng:

"Not far from us, there is a White Leaf City, we can enter the White Leaf City to take a space teleportation array!"

"One more thing you forgot to tell me." Shi Feng said: "How long will the contest in your mouth take place? If it is too long, I don't have that time."

"Hmm ..." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the woman in white said "Hmm", as if she was thinking, and after a while, she said, "It should be thirteen days later!"

"Thirteen days, you can!" Shi Feng nodded.


The roads in White Leaf City are full of trees on both sides, and the leaves of these trees are all white in color. Walking on the roads in the city is like walking in a snow-colored world.

The name of this white leaf city was derived from these beautiful white leaves in ancient times.

Shi Feng and the woman in white had already walked in this white leaf city at this moment.

Seeing this person in White Leaf City, Shi Feng can conclude that the man in this wild and desolate inner world is not much different from the people in the outside world in dress, habits and manners.

At this moment walking in this white leaf city did not give Shi Feng a feeling of coming to another world.

"Yo, isn't this the second Miss Jianjian of the Swordsman? How does the distinguished Miss Jianjia II appear in this little white leaf city?"

Just then, there was a strange sound of yin and yang sounding behind the two of Shi Feng.

Just after hearing that voice, Shi Feng frowned suddenly.

He didn't like the strange voice of Yin and Yang.

And after hearing that voice, even the woman in white next to Shi Feng showed a sense of disgust.

Then, Shi Feng and the woman in white turned around at the same time, and looked at the man who spoke. In the mouth of Jianran, the woman in white shouted the name of the man in a cold voice: "Yan's home, break away!"

At this moment, there were three people in front of him, two old men, and a young man who didn't seem to differ in age from the two of Shi Feng. It was this young man who made the strange sound of yin and yang just now.

This person, the martial arts realm is even higher than this white woman, actually in the realm of the eight-star demigod, and the two old men are also in the nine-star demigod!

However, the two old men stood on both sides of the young man, with a slight step back in shape. At first glance, they looked like the young old servant!

With two old servants in a state of nine stars and demigods, you can see at a glance that this person's identity is not simple!

Outside of the wild, the state of nine stars and demigods, it is the elders of the Holy Land, law-protection and the like!

Would the high-flying nine-star demigod be willing to become an old servant of others!

"Hehe!" Seeing Jian Ran turning around and looking at himself, the uncle of the uncle made a strange sound of yin and yang, this time it was a laugh.

At this time, the eyes that had been opened were all gathered on Jian Ran's body, showing a wicked smile, looking up and down the sword lady's second lady.

As for Shi Feng beside Jianran, he has been ignored by him!

Shi Feng used the eleven artifacts on his body to conceal his breath and cultivation, and the Kaikai group could not see his martial realm at all, but despite this, Kaikai did not put him in his eyes.

This person, he had never seen before, Kaixia world is proud, he did not know.

In his win, he felt that he should be a guard, a running dog and the like that the sword family found for the second lady.

Such a low-profile character, he wouldn't look at him at all, even if he was killed now, it would be no different from killing a dog.

He opened up and felt that no one would bother him with the young master of his family because of a dog.

"I didn't expect to come to this little white leaf city to see such a nasty person. Today, it's really unlucky!" Jian Ran said coldly.

After having said this, she turned around again, not going to see the one who hated her.

At the moment when Shi Feng had just turned back with the white woman's body shape, she suddenly saw the body shape flashing, and the uncle's family won away, but it flashed in front of them, blocking the way of the two of them.

"Good dogs don't stand in the way, get away!" Jian Ran drank coldly.

"Good dogs don't stand in the way? Why, aren't you the swordsmen of Megatron Little World, the children you taught them to be so uncultivated?" After hearing the words of Jian Ran, this open tone gradually became cold Come down.

His sword family is awe-inspiring throughout the small world, but why is his uncle family!

"Your winner is well-educated? You have to pick something for no reason and be a dog in the way!" Jian Ran still said coldly.

"You! Jianran, you're talking too much!" Immediately, an unusually cold chill had emanated from the open body.

At this moment, you can clearly feel that the surrounding temperature has instantly cooled down.

At this moment, the two old men who originally appeared behind Shi Feng and the woman in white dyed the sword, feeling the coldness of winning, and flashed to the side of winning immediately.

The coldness emanating from Kai Kai also instantly attracted the attention of pedestrians around him. At this time, all eyes gathered on the five people here.

"Don't think that you are Miss Swordsman II. I won't dare to touch you when I win! Today, I will teach you well for your swordsman elders! Let you know what it is to cultivate!"

When speaking coldly, I saw that Win Kai pushed forward a fierce palm, and under this palm, the space of this street suddenly rolled up like a wave.

"Good! Good strong!" When the power of the open palm was sensed, the pedestrians who stopped around immediately retreated, but there were also many people who were too late to escape and were involved in the force of winning.

He opened his eyes on the lives of these people and did not take them seriously.

In their own identity, those people are killed and killed, and they can only blame them for being unlucky!

"Huh!" And just then, a young, cold humming suddenly sounded.

This unpleasant hum came naturally from Shi Feng's mouth!

This man's attack was not just on the white woman beside him, but also on Shi Feng, who was attacking him!

From start to finish, he Shi Feng has been standing here without a word of silence. It can be said that he and the person in front of him are innocent and innocent at all, but he is attacking himself!

(End of this chapter)

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