Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2034: Elder Shoudian!

Chapter 2034 The Second Elder Guardian!

The woman who spoke to the sword family man Jian Yi was called Jian Tong!

Many people in the sword family know that Jian Tong is inherently sensitive and even extremely accurate in the sixth sense.

After hearing Jian Tong's words, Jian Yi's brows suddenly frowned, her eyes turned to her, and she asked, "Jian Tong, what are you talking about?"

"I don't know what it is!" Jian Tong said: "Anyway, I feel that this person comes to our swordsman, and our swordsman will have something big!

Hmm ... But I was thinking, if the second lady of our sword family is married, it should be the top priority of our sword family? "




After hearing the words of Jian Tong, these young children of the sword family changed their faces.

This is naturally the top priority of the swordsman!

Then, the young men and women showed thoughtful faces, looking at each other, staring at the two figures who had left.

"Miss Sword Family II is getting married!" Jianyi muttered the words coldly, as if gritting her teeth.

Followed by, Jianyi's fists suddenly clenched tightly, looking at the disappearing figure, secretly said ruthlessly: "Miss Er is married! Jianran will marry, marry, and marry me Jianyi!

No one can take her away from my sword! Whoever dares to die! "

Immediately after, a sudden killing intention emanated from Jian Yi's body!


"As a child of the sword family, you seem to dislike the people in your sword family." As Shiran continued to walk, Shi Feng opened her mouth and said to Jianran.

"Those people?" When Jian Ran said the words "those people", there was a scornful expression on his pretty face, saying:

"Those people are just children of my sword family. They want to be close to me, and they can be different in the sword family in the future!

Hum, if they do these useless things, they might as well enhance their realm and strength. If they want to obtain a different status, they must have the corresponding strength! "

In this world of weak meat and strong food, this woman's words are actually very reasonable.

If the strength is not strong, even if it is a direct child, it is estimated that it will be cast aside.

"Like the waste in our family! Huh!" Then Jianran seemed to think of someone again, and said, "As a waste, even if it's direct, what use is it!"


The Tianjian Temple is large, with many halls, gardens and roads.

Soon after, Shi Feng and Jian Ran came to a main hall, which was guarded by two long-lasting elders.

The two elders sat cross-legged, suspended in the air, and closed their eyes. Even if Shi Feng and Jian Ran had arrived, neither of them reacted as if they had fallen asleep.

"Two strong men in the real state of God!" Shi Feng exclaimed in shock when he saw the two old men.

Through the sword dyeing of white women, he already knew that the strong men in this world are powerful. In fact, the two true gods were not a big shock to him, but the important thing is that these two old men now look like Guarding the front hall, guarding the golden gate!

So guarded by these two strong men, how much existed in this golden hall?

True God Dual Sky? Or, the true God Triple Sky?

But Shi Feng also learned from the mouth of this sword dyeing that the strongest in this wild wasteland is the realm of the triple heaven of true God!

And he had previously learned that this swordsman was one of the five strongest ancient forces in the wild, and there must be such a super existence!

Looking at the two elders, at this moment, even Jian Ran's haughty cheeks appeared with respect, and he said respectfully, "Elder, what is your father now? Can you let me see my father? One side? I have something to tell him. "

Jian Ran said this to the two strong men. As the high-ranking Miss Jian Family II, she seemed to be asking for advice from these two old men!

"The closing of the house owner today is no small matter, and it is necessary to go out tonight! No one is allowed to enter." The two old men still closed their eyes and did not see them speak, but there was already an old voice echoing in this space. Up.

"Jianran knows it," Jianran replied.

Since temporarily unable to enter, Jian Ran stood in front of this hall, waiting for the people inside to exit.

Since she was waiting here, Shi Feng also stood here.

After a while, Shi Feng said, and asked Jianran, "What is your realm?"

"True God!" Jian Ran answered his words very easily.

However, when Jian Ran said these five words, a look of pride appeared on the pretty face.

Although the strongest in the barren wilderness is the true God Triple Sky, it is superexistent, and the whole world can step into that realm, but there are only a few people.

When Jian Ran finished speaking these words, it seemed as if he thought something again, and continued to speak, saying to Shi Feng:

"Don't you compare my father with those mediocre true gods! The alien who lost in your hands that day is the same as my father, but with my father, the combat power is not a level at all!"

"Oh! Really." Shi Feng said.

At this moment, he was already thinking in his mind, the true God in it, how long it would take him to defeat him if he used his best means to fight him.

Hearing Jian Ren's words just now, he was more wary of the person inside.



As if sensing the war intent on Shi Feng, the two guarding the hall suddenly made two slight "ah" sounds, and then opened their eyes at the same time.

Suddenly, Shi Feng felt that the momentum of the two old men suddenly changed, as if the sword in the two sheaths suddenly came out of the sheath.

And the two old men who opened their eyes stared at Shi Feng's body, followed, only listening to one old man slowly speaking, and said to Shi Feng, "You, have you fought for me?"

Hearing the old man's words, Jian Ran's complexion immediately moved and looked at Shi Feng, saying, "You?"

Her induction was not as sensitive as those of the two old men, and her attention was always concentrated in the front hall. Shi Feng's war intentions were hidden well, so she did not sense the abnormal shape of Shi Feng's body.

When Jian Ran just said the word "you," Shi Feng shook her head slowly and replied, "No!"

When Shi Feng's voice had not yet fallen, he saw him again and said, "You two are not qualified to let me show the war!"




Originally thinking that this person was really timid when facing the two of them, when he heard the word "No" from Shi Feng, the two old faces just appeared at the same time, but did not expect that this person would say such arrogance next Words.

For a while, nine stars and demigods said that they were not qualified!

"Look for death!" An old man sang coldly.

This man's words just insulted both of them.

(End of this chapter)

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