Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2036: Sword Master, Sword Master

Chapter 2036 Sword Master, Sword Master

"Ben Shao has been telling the truth from just now to the present. From the moment I saw you two old men, Ben Shao did not have the slightest warfare against you and fought against Ben Shao. Actually, the two of you are not worthy!"

The young voice echoed again. For these two old guys, Shi Feng had no emotion at all!

Two old faces, at this moment had been flushed with Shi Feng's words, with a beard staring.

"This guy!" Even Jian Ran secretly said, not knowing what to say about this person.

He is arrogant, but he has arrogant capital.

And she was a little surprised again this time. Shi Feng was very strong and no need to question, but he had used his true war weapon before fighting.

In this battle, he did not even use a true God of War weapon, and even defeated the second master of his sword family!

Two powerful men in the realm of God.

"This guy stepped from the eight-star demigod to the nine-star demigod not long ago, and the combat power also improved, and he has been promoted to such a terrible state!" Jian Ran said secretly in his heart.

At this time, Shi Feng no longer cared about the old man in front, and gently stepped down with his right foot, and saw the violent black thunder sea, disappearing without a trace.

Subsequently, Shi Feng's figure slowly dropped and fell back to the ground.

However, at this time, he found that the two old men in front of him still stared flushed.

Frowning suddenly, Shi Feng said, "Why, you are defeated by Ben Shao's hand, you two are still not convinced?"

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" Just as Shi Feng's voice sounded, suddenly a loud laugh resounded: "What a crazy man!"

This echoing sound ...

Then, Shi Feng's eyes gazed at the golden gate in front of him, and he had sensed that the laughter came from behind the golden gate.

"It seems that person!" Since it was the golden gate, it must be that person!

Sword dye's father, the owner of the sword family, Shi Feng learned from Jian Ran's mouth that a strong man who has stepped into the realm of the duality of the true god!



When he heard that voice, Jian Ran and the two old men's complexions immediately moved.

The two old men then turned around, sword-dyed eyes, and stared tightly at the magnificent golden gate engraved with the golden sword pattern.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!" Then, a fierce tremble sounded, as if the beast roared, and saw the golden gate, trembling violently, and then began to rise slowly!

Soon after, they saw an extremely mighty golden figure appearing in the sight of Shi Feng and others.

It was a middle-aged man with a mighty face, a star-brow eyebrow, and an extremely handsome facial features.

The most important thing is the invisible momentum emanating from him. If the two old men were just two scabbard swords, then the middle-aged man stood there as if flying towards the sky. The sharp sword is going to pierce the clouds.

He is the owner of the sword family, Jian Yu!

"Father, you're out of the gate!" When seeing the middle-aged man, Jian Ran shouted immediately, his body moved immediately, and he flickered to the golden figure. before.

"Raner, you're back." When Jianran arrived, Jian Yu's mighty face showed a smile and said.

It can be seen that he is full of coddling with his daughter.



At this time, the two old men spoke at the same time and shouted at the middle-aged man.

It may have been frustrated in Shi Feng's hands just now. When the two elders faced the middle-aged man at this moment, there was some shame on the old face.

Jian Yu looked away from Jian Ran, and looked at the two old men, saying, "Two people, this time has been hard. After today, I don't need to retreat!"

"This ... so ..."

Upon hearing Jian Yu's words, the two old faces changed again, and even the old faces of the two old men even appeared excited.

"Homeowner, you have control of that sword technique?" Since Jian Yu said that, it actually means something, but one of the old men still asked him to confirm it.

It is really that sword skill is too difficult to control, if it is not for the vertical posture, it cannot be controlled at all.

Like the swordsmen, there have been generations who cannot control that sword technique.

If Jian Yu really controls the sword skill completely, then his combat power will inevitably be incomparable!

And he has already stepped into the realm of the true **** dual sky, if the combat power suddenly increases again ...

Hearing the words of the two old men, seeing their hopeful faces and eyes, Jian Yu still smiled, nodded at them, and said, "Yes, that sword skill, I have thoroughly Take control! "

At this moment, the hearts of the two people seemed to set off a millennial wave in an instant.

Follow, the waves are calm!



The two elders congratulated Jian Yu immediately.

Due to the excitement at this moment, for a moment, they seemed to forget the arrogant person behind them and forget the humiliation they had suffered previously.

"Father, that's great!" At this time, Jian Dan's fair and beautiful face was also full of joy, and she naturally knew what the sword skills controlled by Jian Yu were.

That sword skill is completely under control. It can be said that Jian Yu, the owner of the sword family, is completely seated!

"Those people! When they know that their father has mastered this sword skill, I'd like to see what kind of wonderful expressions they are." Jian Ran said secretly in his heart, grinning slightly, above the cheeky face, neither A conscious smile emerged consciously.

She even expected that those people would know the "good news" of her father as soon as possible.

"Boy, who are you?" At this moment, Jian Yu looked at Shi Feng and said.

The outstanding children of the five forces, as the owner of the sword family, he naturally knew.

But this young man entered the nine-star demigod. Not only that, even the two true gods could be defeated. The genius, he Jianyu, had never heard of.

"Should not be the children of the five forces." Jian Yu secretly said in his heart.

Although it is said that most of the arrogant people in the inner world today are from their five major forces, they are not necessarily derived from the five major forces.

"Father, I know him outside of Manghuang. His name is Shi Feng, and his name is Jiuyou Demon. He is the strongest person outside Manghuang." Shi Feng has not answered yet, but Jianran did it for him. Introduced.

Jian Ran only said this to Jian Yu. As for the loss of Shi Feng, humiliation in his hands, and the robbing of artifacts, beasts, potions, and phoenix gold jade bracelets, he did not tell her father. Jian Yu lifted up.

There is even a mark of this person forcibly entering in himself ...

"Man from the outside world!" Hearing Jian Ran's words, not only Jian Yu, but even Fengyun Elder was shocked.

The two of them even lost the hands of a young warrior in the wild!

(End of this chapter)

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