Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2039: Whoever moves less will die

Chapter 2039 Whoever Moves Less, Dies

"Give me now! Otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk!" Shi Feng's extremely cold voice sounded again in Wanghualou.

In the end, he didn't try to kill the woman.

"You! You! You!" The young woman in the blue shirt still stared at Shi Feng fiercely.

In her capacity, no one has ever beaten her, and she still slaps her face severely!

It's an absolute insult!

At this moment, there had been a violent killing intention revealed from her, and it seemed that she had moved to Shi Feng.

"What the **** happened?" Just then, just listening to a clear and melodious woman's voice, sounded outside Wanghua Pavilion.

The next moment, I saw an elegant white shadow flashing in from the doorway, and then entered the Wanghua Pavilion in an instant.

The white teleportation of the teleportation stopped, showing his figure, it was the second Miss Jianjia who returned and returned, Jianran!

Jian Ran had already left, and was planning to go to her mother's residence to greet her mother.

However, I did not expect that before going out of the hundred gardens, I felt that there was a big movement in Wanghua Pavilion, and I hurried out again.

As soon as Jian Ran appeared, his eyes gazed at the blue-faced woman at this moment, looking at her left face tightly covered by her hands and the five-finger palm print on her face, as if she had understood something.

Jian Ran frowned, and said, "Jian Qiong, why are you here?"

Upon hearing Jian Ran's words, the blue-haired woman named Jian Qiong stared at her, and once again made a loud voice:

"I see! I said why would anyone dare to enter our sword family, and dare to walk around in our sword family to come here!

Sword dye, it turns out that all of this is what you ordered! it is good! Okay you! Sword dye! I hate this sword, I remember it! "

This woman actually said so to Jianren, the second daughter of Jian Family, and dared to say such things. It seems that her identity is indeed not simple!

Jian Qiong's right hand shook the sword in his hands. On the white and fierce face, the hatred was stronger.

"He did bring me here, but I didn't tell him what to do! I didn't even know you were here." Seeing Jian Qiong look like this to himself, Jian Ran also said indifferently, and said angrily .

Have a clear conscience! No instruction is no instruction!

She doesn't have a good face for herself, so why should she give her a good face?

Then Jian Ran opened her mouth and said to the woman in blue, "Jian Qiong, this is my brother Jian Luo's residence. Why are you here?"

"Your brother Jianluo, I haven't been home for years. Wanghuage has been empty. Isn't my sword Qiong, not qualified to come here?" Jian Qiong said again violently.

"If you are interested, come whenever you want!" Jianran said.

As Jianqiong, there is no problem in coming here.

Jian Ran originally wanted to arrange a good residence for Shi Feng, but then suddenly thought of his brother Wang Huage where he once lived, he brought him here.

"I knew this woman was here, so I won't bring him here! But ..." With these in mind, Jian Ran looked at Jian Qiong, who was full of embarrassment and had a clear palm on his fair face, and was cold in his heart. Smile.

Then, he glanced at the stone maple that stood proudly there for a while.

"Now, it's not a question of whether I will come or not! Jian Ran, you took this outsider into and out of the sword family at will, and directed this outsider to attack me! You should give me an account!" Jian Qiong said coldly.

"He's not an outsider!" Jianran said, "His name is Jianfeng, but he is our sword family!"

"Gibberish! Wouldn't I know the younger generation of swordsman martial arts above me!"

And even if he is a son of our sword family and hurts Jianqiong, he should be severely punished by my sword family law! "Jian Qiong said.

Hearing the quarrel between the two women and hearing their words, at this moment, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, and then stared coldly at the blue woman Jian Qiong.

Then, Shi Feng said coldly to Jian Qiong, and said,

"Bitch! Ben Shao entered this Wanhua Pavilion because you attacked Ben Shao first. If Ben Shao did not look at you as a swordsman, it would not be as simple as rewarding you with a slap!

Now, give Ben Shao away, otherwise, die! "

The sound of the word "dead" echoed in Wanghuage immediately, as if the word "dead", the temperature in Wanghuage suddenly dropped, and the air was filled with the cold chill.

And that Jian Qiong, felt a cold biting killing permeated the whole body, as if this killing intention can take his own life at any time!

At this moment, Jian Qiong felt more like that person, he really dared to kill himself.

As if he didn't leave here as he said, as if he was really about to die.

The blue Jiao body slumped on the ground, stood slowly against the wall, and Jian Qiong looked at Jian Ran and the man. At this moment, under the cold killing intention, she did not even dare to say anything harsh , And then quickly moved away towards the open door.

Where the body passed, there was a flowing blue shadow, but in an instant, Jian Qiong flashed out of Wanghua Pavilion?

And immediately followed, Shi Feng and Jian Ran, and then heard a woman voice full of hatred, came from outside Wanghua Pavilion:

"Jianran, this will never be the case, my father will get justice for me! Give it to you, wait!"

The voice gradually drifted away, and the sword house girl Jian Qiong also went away instantly.

"Hum!" It was the woman who had attacked before, and she had already saved her life. She was still unwilling to give up, Shi Feng gave a cold hum.

"She's the uncle's daughter, and it's my cousin!" Jian Ran said to Shi Feng with a wry smile.

Then, she added:

"But don't worry, because of your weight in our swordsman, even my uncle dare not mess with you! He just wants to mess with you, and my father won't agree!"

"Now I'm useful to your swordsman. He won't mess around with me. What if that match is over?" Shi Feng asked Jianran.

"This ..." For a while, Jian Ran didn't know how to answer. After that contest, the sword family's transaction with him was ended, naturally another matter.

There is no guarantee that Jianran will get his father to stop Uncle!

That man, but like her father Jianyu, the martial arts realm is in the realm of the true gods double sky!

Jian Yu ranks the third child. In addition to the uncle, Jian Ran has an uncle, and the combat effectiveness is not simple.

And Erbo has always stood with Uncle, alienating them.

And the two of them have always been thinking about the supreme position of the sword homeowner. In recent years, they have become more and more tempted to pull their father Jianyu from the position of homeowner.

At this time, Jian Ran heard an incomparably cold voice, which was introduced into his ears: "There are few people, but no matter who! If anyone wants to move fewer people, then he will die!"

The extremely cold voice was full of endless killing at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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