Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2042: Swordsman Genius, Sword Maple!

Chapter 2042 Sword Family Genius, Sword Maple!

For a moment, the sword master Jianyu of the sword family has become the focus of attention in this hall. He has become the only place here, like a giant mountain, standing proud among the crowd.

At this moment, even the sword was white and cold and cheeky, it was full of pride. This was the pride that her father gave her, and this was her pride as the daughter of the sword.

"Jianze, I'll tell you again, and the last time. From now on, when you see me, the owner of the sword, you must not call me by name! From today on, if you disrespect me again, if you commit more , I am determined that family law is severely punished! "

"I will, the family law will be severely punished!"


Jian Yu's cold and angry majestic voice echoed in this hall.

At this moment, no one feels that Jian Yu is wrong! People seem to suddenly think that he understands that "heaven and earth are swords".

Domineering! Do not tolerate others, this is the master of the sword family! Control the existence of billions of souls!

Hearing Jian Yu's words, Jian Ze and Jian Qiong's complexion became even more ugly.

Jian Qiong saw that Jianran's face was sneering with sneer, and she was sneering at herself, as if she was a winner with arrogance.

Makes her feel very upset!

I was beaten by this woman, and I wanted my father to seek justice from the father and daughter of the sword for himself, but I did not expect that this would be the end!

The sword guarded him, and he successfully realized that heaven and earth are swords!

Are they and their father destined to be trampled under their feet for a lifetime?

"I! Not willing!" Jian Qiong clenched his fists, shouted in his heart, and in his eyes, tears flickered in his eyes.

At this moment, Jian Qiong just felt very wronged, very wronged! The man who was instructed by the sword gave him a slap, but he couldn't get justice, and the humiliation he suffered should be swallowed like this.

"Huh? Jianze, did you hear what I said!" Seeing Jianze didn't answer his own words, Jian Yu spoke coldly again. When he said this, he saw that Jian Yu stepped forward. , Across to Jianze.


Suddenly, Jianze only felt an incomparable sword momentum and came straight towards himself. Although he and Jian Yu are both in the realm of the true gods, they are at this step of Jian Yu. Involuntarily backwards.

Jianze, as a swordsman, knows the horror of "the world is a sword". He is afraid of Jianyu!

"Father!" Jian Qiong's voice was full of unwillingness and suffering.

At this moment, Jianze spoke slowly to Jian Yu and replied, "I know!"

"Huh!" Jian Yu smiled coldly when he heard the words of Jianze, followed his eyes to the people of the sword family, and to those who were close to Jianze and Jian Yin.

Those people saw Jian Yu's cold eyes sweeping away, avoiding his eyes and not looking at him, but immediately followed, and everyone just listened to Jian Yu and said again:

"Well, now that everyone is here, let me tell you.

The reason why Teng led the strong family members to come is because his son teased my daughter Jianran when he was in Baiye City. His words were all dirty and humiliated. Not only did he humiliate my daughter, but even insulted our sword. Up and down the house, insulted me, and finally, was chopped by our young generation Jian Feng! "

"What! Lu Teng's son was killed by our sword family?"

"Our sword family killed Quan Teng's son!"


With a word from Jian Yu, people finally understood why the leap was shouting like a crazy dog ​​over the sword city.

It turned out to be his own swordsman who killed his son.

As for the name Jianfeng, they didn't think there was anything wrong.

After all, the sword family has a large population. There are also tens of thousands of people in the direct line and the side line.

"I have seen that son, Teng Teng. If I remember correctly, at that time his martial arts situation entered the eight-star demigod! Who is Jianfeng? Among the young generation of our sword family, there are such character?"

At this time, another middle-aged strong man of the sword family said, saying.

"I have never heard the name Jianfeng." Another said.

Then someone said, "The younger generation, who can slay the son of Xuan Teng, should be an extraordinary person!"

The son of the family's homeowner Teng Teng, the skills and combat skills he cultivated are naturally incomparable to ordinary martial arts, and the combat power is certainly not comparable to ordinary martial arts.

And since he can march into the eight-star demigod, how could he be mediocre.

Therefore, the talent of the young swordsman who can slay the son of Lu Teng is definitely not simple.

But one by one, they all said that they had never heard of Jianfeng.

Listening to the cries, Jian Yu spoke again and said to them: "That sword maple, age eighteen, although the martial arts realm is a nine-star demigod, but his combat power has surpassed the situation of the two old men!"

"What! Jiuxing Demigod, age eighteen? Leapfrog challenges the old man!"



Eighteen-year-old can enter the state of nine-star demigod, that is the anti-genius genius, but Jianyu has a more amazing news, leapfrog challenge Fengyun two old!

Everyone in the sword family naturally understands the strength of the situation.

Seeing a person looking up and seeing a look of inquisitive look, Fengyun's old face showed a bitter smile, Fenglao nodded bitterly at everyone and said:

"My two, not long ago, have been defeated in the hands of that kid!"




Although I knew that the homeowner Jian Yu would not lie to himself and others, when he heard the old man admit, one by one, he became even more shocked.

There is such a figure in his sword family.

This person seems to come out suddenly, why never heard of it.

Is he really our sword family? However, the homeowner Jian Yu said clearly that it is our young generation of sword home.

Is it a genius that has always hidden his true strength and never revealed it, making people think that his talent is mediocre, and even he and others do not know that there is such a person.

And this time in Baiye City, when I saw Jian Ran being humiliated, I couldn't help showing the real combat power and beheading the crippled son?

Someone secretly guessed in their hearts.

At this time, Jian Yu said again and again: "In the martial arts battle eleven days later, I plan to let Jian Feng participate in the battle. He has this qualification and strength to participate in the battle!

And Teng Teng's son was because he insulted my sword family first, and Jian Feng was killing this son for my sword family. In this way, my sword is strong!

Lei Teng, Yi Family, as soon as I come to my sword city and challenge my majesty, then fight if you want! "

"Then, if you want to fight, fight!"

"Then, if you want to fight, fight!"


The last sentence of Jian Yu's indifferent war-like words reverberated in the hall. At this moment, I saw a Ling-Ran war-like, which had swept out of Jian Yu.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Jian Yu sneer at everyone in the sword family: "Go! Let me go for a while!"

The majestic words of Jian Yu are irresistible!

(End of this chapter)

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