Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2103: Lingyin Holy Land Heaven's Pride Girl, Lin Yin!

Chapter 2103 Lingxiao Holy Land Heavenly Pride Girl, Lin Yin!

"You! Don't come over!"

Above the platform, Yue Lun saw Jian Ran still pressing hard, and yelled at her immediately.

He was just running his whole body power to make a final fight with Jian Ran, and he has gathered all his strength on the one hit.

At this moment, he didn't say that his combat power was lost, but he already knew that he was not the woman's opponent.

Seeing Yue Lun's body receding, Jian Ran's disdain smile appeared even more on the face of Jian Ran, and just then, Yue Lun shouted again and again: "I confess!"

After hearing Yuelun's shout, Jian Ran said coldly again: "Slap your mouth first!"

When this sentence was spoken, Jian Ran moved his left hand, and immediately, a palm shadow suddenly appeared in front of Yue Lun's face, and then fanned down towards his right face.

At the same time, Jian Ran sighed coldly: "Go!"

"Pop!" An extremely crisp and crisp sound echoed, and under the shadow of the palm, Yue Lun flew like a sandbag, and flew out to the stand where Lingxiao Holy Land is located.

This person dare to scold her Jianran bitch, before he left, Jianran rewarded him with a big mouth!


"This is the end……"

"Jianjia Jianran, in the realm of eight stars and demigods, actually, Yue Zhen defeated the Yuelun in Lingxiao Holy Land!"

"The second lady of the sword family had always heard that the qualifications were mediocre. I never thought that she would be such a genius!"

"Jianjia, this is really a sign of Daxing!"


"Jianjiasheng!" The three elders of Lingxiao Holy Land echoed the sky.

However, as a referee, Lou Mantian and the elder of the family's **** made a different statement. When the family's genius was defeated, his old face was covered with coldness, as if someone owed him money.

Lou Mantian, seeing Yuelun's defeat, only regrets appeared on his face, but with a touch of indifferent smile.

After hearing Lou Mantian's announcement, Jian Ran moved and flew to the stand of the Jian Family. It seems that in the next battle, Jian Ran has decided not to fight.

Because their swordsmen have heard that in Lingxiao Holy Land, there will be two Tianjiao who entered the realm of God in this battle of martial arts!

"Lingxiao Holy Land war swordsman, start, the second war!" Immediately, Lou Mantian announced again.

At this time, I saw the sword instrument in the Jianjia Grandstand suddenly moved from the seat of the Jianjia Grandstand, and then shot like a cannonball into the battle platform.

"Boom!" Jianyi fell violently, and there was a peerless violent explosion in the whole battle platform, with a slight tremor.

I saw the figure holding the young sword, standing proudly on the platform, followed by, Jian Yi slowly raised his head, eyes, and looked coldly upward.

A woman in a yellow dress fluttered down and fell down.

This woman looks average and looks a little fragile, but the momentum from her body can't be overlooked!

This is, a genius stepping into the real state of God, Lingxiao Holy Land, Lin Yin!

"It's another woman, and a woman in the realm of the true god!" Jian Yi said coldly, looking at the falling yellow Qianying.

Last time, he was defeated by a woman in the realm of the God family.

"Give me, get out!" Seeing again the true **** woman, Jian Yi's face has become extremely cold, and with the movement of the excalibur in his hand, he pierced straight up into the void.

Suddenly, I saw a sword-like spirit rising like a giant pillar, heading for Lin Yin, the woman in yellow clothes.

"Huh?" Lin Yin's face suddenly twisted when she saw the huge sword qi suddenly appearing, but she didn't see any weapon she used, her right hand was palmed down, and one palm was bombarded down.

She wanted to use one hand to compete with the punch that Jianyi stabbed with the god-level war sword.

Seeing this woman doing so, Jian Yi's icy complexion immediately became colder. This woman obviously looked down on herself like that!

Immediately after that, a fierce look appeared on Jian Yi's face, and when she saw that the sword gas she was launching was getting closer and closer to the woman, Jian Yi drank coldly again: "Death!"

In front of everyone's eyes, people saw Lin Yin, wearing a yellow dress, slamming against the huge sword, "slap!"

Immediately afterwards, people saw that under the power of that palm, that huge sword qi that could break through the long sky burst out fiercely!

This sword qi, but the sword genius sword genius, sword sword launched by the true God sword!

"How can it be! How can it be so!" Even the sword instrument that launched the extremely strong sword, at this moment's face, revealed an extremely incredible content.

She hasn't used the real war weapon, is there a big difference between her and her?

"No! No! I! I can't lose!" Jianyi burst into a scream of rage at the sky.

While making this roar, I saw Jian Yi's body moving violently, and she rushed straight up towards the forest sound.

When the storm rushed, the magic sword in Jianyi's hands continued to tremble fiercely. At this moment, Jianyi continuously poured power into the Excalibur, and saw that the sword in his hands became stronger and stronger, Sword meaning, more and more severe.

The artifact has spirit, and the sound of sword groaning from the sword!

"Cut!" Seeing Jian Yi rushing in, looking at the strong warfare emanating from him, and the young and resolute face, Lin Yin in the yellow dress, made a disdainful "cut" sound .

Later, I saw her slap again and bombarded down.

Immediately, a huge huge green palm print suddenly appeared under the palm of Lin Yin, and then slammed violently towards the sword instrument that rushed up.

The big palm print appeared, and countless faces on the stand changed dramatically at this moment. Some people exclaimed: "Lingxiao palm print! This is one of the forty-nine stunts in Lingxiao Holy Land!"

"Yes, it is indeed the big palmprint of Lingxiao! I have seen the disciples of Lingxiao Holy Land, and have shown this big palmprint, although the shape is the same, but that power, but this palm of Lin Yin is simply impossible. compared to!"

"It is said that the forty-nine stunts in Lingxiao Holy Land have no grade at all, and rely on the martial arts' own understanding, which is extremely mysterious!

The stronger you are, the stronger you realize the stunts, and the stronger your power will naturally be! "

"So this attack from Lin Yin, the pride of the heavens, is simply not comparable to the apprentices of Lingxiao Holy Land! Lin Yin, Lingxiao Holy Land, is so horrible!"

"Ah!" In the face of Lingxiao's palm print, another roar roared out of Jianyi's mouth, but in the eyes of people, people still saw that Jianjia sword instrument was swallowed by Lingxiao's palm print.

Then the big palm print, violently violently blasted on the martial arts battle platform, like a giant mountain falling, "Boom!"

(End of this chapter)

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