Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2108: Surprised Yuan Qi!

Chapter 2108 Surprised Yuan Qi!

"Waste!" After Yuan Qi coldly spit out these two words, he saw that his figure was also moving fiercely, and rushed to Shi Feng.

"Although I have injuries now, the waste has been blasted by my power many times, and he is not much better!" Yuan Qi thought in his heart.

He didn't expect that the "waste" would be so difficult!

Immediately afterwards, people saw the two figures, and they collided with each other fiercely.



The powerful battle, in the battle with Yuan Qi, although consumed a lot of death power in the blood stone monument, but Shi Feng has a kind of cheerful dripping.

This battle was very rewarding for him, and he became more and more thorough in his martial arts.

Real battle is the best understanding of one's own strength and the best cultivation!

"Haha, good, happy!" At this moment when the two were violent, Shi Feng suddenly laughed.

"Pretend to force!" Seeing Shi Feng look like this, Yuan Qiyue looked unhappy and spit out these two words coldly to him.

"You don't understand!" Shi Feng said again.

Speaking of this sentence, I saw Shi Feng's body rushing forward violently, and she physically opposed Yuan Qi's attack.

"Boom boom boom boom!" At this moment, Yuan Qi's attack continued to violently hit Shi Feng's heart.

However, while fighting against Qi Qi's attack with his physical body, Shi Feng's attack continued to hit him.

"Boom boom boom boom!"


"Two people! This sword maple, do you want to fight for both losses?"

"Yeah, this Jianfeng looks suddenly crazy! He is, he is going to play desperately!"

"So, Jian Feng really wants to lose both Yuan Qi and you! Don't forget that the two geniuses in Lingxiao Holy Land have been eliminated, but in addition to Jian Feng's thought, the sword family has a sword dye!

If Jianfeng and Yuan Qi are both defeated, then the sword family has won! "

"This is quite possible!"

"Well! That's it!"

"Jianfeng likes this, it can be regarded as a strategy! Both defeats hurt Jian Jiasheng!"


"You lunatic!" At this moment, looking at such crazy Shi Feng in front of him, Yuan Qi shouted at him.

In the face of Yuan Qi's roar, Shi Feng's face only had a disdainful smile.

"Since you want to die so much, I'll do it for you!" Yuan Qi yelled again, and when he yelled, the attack on Shi Feng suddenly became fiercer and quicker.

Listening to Yuan Qi's roar, Shi Feng said coldly, "You think too much, I won't die. The dead person is you!"

When Yuan Qi kept bombarding him constantly, he also kept bombarding him constantly.

Fist, palm, claw!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Gradually, Yuan Qi realized that something was wrong.

Under the physical damage, his attacking force and speed naturally weakened obviously, but the "waste" of the opponent seemed to be getting fiercer and fiercer.

Slowly, Yuan Qi had a feeling of being suppressed by that "waste."

"How is it possible! How is this possible! At the same time that I am being attacked by this waste, he is also constantly being attacked by me. He should be hurt more than I am!"

Shi Feng's deadly play, the physical body is naturally more attacked than Yuan Qi.

At this moment, Yuan Qi suddenly found out that this person was not at all as if he had been hit hard.

Although his attack left numerous scars on his body, the white robe on him was broken, and although he looked scarred, the momentum he gave himself at the moment was not like being wounded.

"Oh, did you find anything?" Shi Feng asked with a sneer, seeing Yuan Qi's expression on his face.

Although his body was full of scars, this was just a scar that he intentionally left to deceive the person in front of him.

These are just flesh wounds, internal injuries, and have long been recovered by Shi Feng during the battle!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's thoughts moved, and in the eyes of Yuan Qi, under the eyes of Yuan Qi as if he had seen a ghost, Shi Feng's tired scars healed and disappeared at a speed visible to the flesh!

Soon, the scars had disappeared and dried up, turning into white and smooth flesh.

"This! What's wrong? This sword maple!"

"Restored! Jian Feng's scars recovered at such a fast rate!"

"Yeah! The injury on his body was left by Yuan Qi, a true **** strong! But he didn't expect it to recover so fast!"

"It must be this sword maple, in charge of a kind of anti-recovery magical power! This ... this ... This is so invincible, this is invincible!"

"It turned out that it wasn't just Jianfeng that was going to hurt both Yuan Qi and the other! It was this sword maple that had such a countermeasure!"

"Jianjia Jianfeng, a generation of peerless demon evil, as a nine-star demigod, you can fight against invincible gods such as Yuan Qi! And also control such anti-recovery exercises, if you let Jianfeng continue to grow If that's the case, it's too scary! "


"How could it be! How it is!" At this moment, even Yuan Qi's face appeared extremely unbelievable and shocked. His eyes were already so wide that he stared at the person in front of him.

"There is nothing impossible, waste!" Shi Feng said, while returning the word "waste" to Yuan Qi, he punched forward again.

In the punch of Shi Feng, Yuan Qi felt the incomparable power immediately. If he was at the peak, there would be no problem.

But today, this broken body is hard to fight.

However, Yuan Qi still made a full punch to meet the punch from Shi Fenghong.

"Boom!" The peerless thunderous sounded again, and at this moment, Yuan Qi's face had changed greatly, and her face was extremely horrified.

Immediately afterwards, I saw his body shape, and then flew back violently, but Shi Feng's body shape was proudly standing in midair, and this time, he was judged.

Immediately afterwards, people saw the shattered white figure of the robe flicker, disappearing in the void.

Yuan Qi flew up this time, looking like a sandbag, but at this moment, he saw a white figure flashing on his body.

Who else besides Shi Feng!

"Waste!" Later, Shi Feng said coldly again, meanwhile, he saw that he stepped on one foot and trampled on Yuan Qi's heart.

Yuan Qi, who had been flying backwards violently, suddenly fell violently down the battle platform below.

"Boom!" With a startled gaze, people saw Yuan Qi and fell heavily on the martial arts battle platform, arousing the dust of the sky.

"Has the victory been divided?"

"Yuan Qi, have you lost like this?"


"This is the true strength of his Jianfeng?"

(End of this chapter)

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