Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2111: It's hateful!

Chapter 2111 is really hateful!

Proud of sky, in this ancient battlefield, at this moment, the sound of vocals has reached its peak.

Every face has become extremely shocked, it is incredible!

This wickedness of the swordsman is really **** crazy!

"Jiangu, get out of me!" Just then, Yuan Yao, the old man in the green robe at Lingxiao Holy Land, burst into a rage.

Immediately after, Yuan Yao's suspended sword ancient body suddenly moved, his right hand became a claw, and one claw furiously rushed up, grabbing on the gray sword shadow.

Suddenly, I saw the gray sword shadow burst suddenly.

The sword shadow was destroyed, and the sword family Jiangu's complexion moved immediately, but his figure naturally did not let go.

Although the boy was arrogant, but this talent was indeed against the sky, the sword family was so evil, Jian Gu naturally wanted to protect him, although the boy was disrespectful to Yuan Yao.

Looking at him, he was still violently slamming up, and was moving towards his grasping claws.

At this time, Jian Gu also moved, and the right hand was condensed into a sword finger, and the body instantly stood upside down, head and foot, and then the sword finger pointed down and clicked on the claw.

"Boom!" The claw means collision, everyone in this world, just feel that the whole world is spinning in the sky, turning extremely fiercely!

Even Shi Feng was secretly shocked, looking at the two people below, sensing the peerless power that broke out, and secretly saying, "This is the power of the super strong in the realm of the triple world of true God!"

Feeling the collision of these two super powers at this moment, Shi Feng had a deeper understanding of martial arts.

Not only Shi Feng, but also the countless warriors were shocked, and then there was a showdown, a super-powerful duel, which is rarely seen at all, and countless warriors have gained a lot at this moment.

There are only five people in the world of the true God triple sky. They are five of the five ancient forces. They are usually in the presence of the dragons, but they are rare to see, let alone the five. Outbreak battle scene.

Even the strongest in the dual worlds of the Jianjia Jianyu, Jianze, Jianyin, Jianshan, Qiangjia Teng, Taixu Holy Land Lord, Taixu, and so on, all show comprehension, even They all benefited.

"Go away!" At this moment, Yuan Yao gave another roar, followed, and saw another fierce collision with Jian Gu.

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" Then, in front of the eyes, I saw the two proudly standing at the pinnacle of this world, constantly erupting peerless forces colliding together.

"Okay ... so strong!"

"This ... this is the peerless power of the true God Triple Sky! The strongest power in the world!"

"This one in Lingxiao Holy Land is ancient with the sword family!"

"This battle is enough to enter the annals of our reckless inner world! The sword family is ancient, and in order to protect the arrogant demon in the family, it is an outrageous battle with Yuan Xiao, the Holy Land of Lingxiao!"

"I don't know what the outcome of this war will be!"


Shouted in surprise, and then involuntarily exhaled from people's mouths.

"It's strong! It's really strong!" At this moment, looking at the continuous outbreak below, Shi Feng said again in shock.

In this battle, he was closest to the two, and urged fourteen true fighters to resist the violent force coming from them. At the same time, his body was flying backwards.

At this moment, Shi Feng looked down at the martial arts battle platform below, looking at the figure still lying on the battle platform, his face was immediately fierce, and then he saw his body move fiercely, and went to war Taiwan flew off.

"Shuzi, how dare you!" Yuan Yao, who was constantly colliding with Jiangu, immediately discovered Shi Feng's behavior. After a violent drink, he quickly abandoned the battle with Jiangu's outbreak. To the martial arts battle platform, chase towards Shi Feng.

"This kid, I'm so restless!" All this, naturally, has been seen by Jian Gu. After a bitter smile on Jian Gu's old face, his body flickers, teleports down, and chases Yuan Yao.

And at this moment, I saw the stature on the stands of the Lingxiao Holy Land followed, and also rushed to the battlefield, and the people who came rushing, one by one martial arts state, at least Stepped into the true God, under the leadership of the Lord of the Xiaoxiao!

Previously, they had abide by the rules made since the endless years and did not dare to destroy them.

In the battle of martial arts, the five great forces came to an endless number of years, and countless times watched as the genius of their own forces was killed, and tonight, the one at their spiritual place in Xiaoxiao broke this rule.

The main reason is Yuan Qi, also surnamed Yuan!

Just as rumors spread around the world, Yuan Qi, the first demon in Lingxiao Holy Land, is the descendant of Yuan Yao, the strongest in Lingxiao Holy Land, and Yuan Yao's blood circulates in his body.

Lord Lingxiao knows that if at this moment he does not rush to rescue Yuan Qi, it will inevitably cause Yuan Yao's dissatisfaction.

Although he is the Holy Lord of Lingxiao Holy Land, if Yuan Yao wants to abolish himself, the whole Lingxiao Holy Land, who dares to oppose it!

No matter what kind of identity, in the face of absolute power, nothing!

"Give Ben Shao, die!" Shi Feng, who fell violently from the night sky, was getting closer and closer to the Budo battle platform. At this time, Shi Feng drank coldly again, her figure had not yet arrived, and she was facing away With Yuan Qi blasted out.

Another large palm print surrounded by magic thunder appeared, and slapped down towards Yuan Qi again!

"For the husband, go to death!" At this moment, Shi Feng's sky also sounded an old violent drink, Yuan Yao grabbed it with one claw, blasted a huge claw shadow, and blasted to Shi Feng.

However, just before this claw shadow appeared, it was instantly destroyed, under the power of a peerless sword.

One sword, Gu Gu broke Yuan Yao's blow.

"Jiangu, old man!" Yuan Yao had become more and more crazy as he yelled at these five words.

At this moment, when Shi Feng saw that his big palm print was about to blast Yuan Qi into scum, a very delicate green nine-story small tower emerged above Yuan Qi, exuding peerlessness. Prestige.

Immediately afterwards, his big palm print blasted over the small green tower, and it dissipated again instantly.

"True God Triple Sky Warrior!" Shi Feng shouted coldly. The divine power emitted by the little green tower was on par with the divine power emitted by Jian Qing's cyan divine sword.

This tower is the strongest artifact of Lingxiao Holy Land, Lingxiao Pagoda!

Followed by, Shi Feng slowly raised his head, looked forward, and saw the peerless figures floating above the battle platform in front of them.

"You guys!" Looking at these people, Shi Feng said again indifferently, his face became colder, and his cold killing intention was even worse.

He defeated Yuan Qi by his own strength, so many people prevented himself from killing him!

It's hateful!

(End of this chapter)

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