Reference 2132

"... The old man admits that it is indeed the old man who despised you! But everything is up to you! You are destined to die today!"

As soon as Yuan Yao's voice fell, his heart moved, and he saw the Lingxiao God Tower in his right hand, suddenly trembling in his hands.

"Lingxiao, God Tower!" Looking at the trembling green tower, Shi Feng spit out again coldly.

This triple heavenly artifact, he had seen power before! At that time, it was only the impulse of the Lord of the Xiaoxiao in the realm of the double sky.

Today, this tower of Lingxiao is in Yuan Yao's hands, and the unparalleled power of the tower is completely different from the previous one.

"Now!" Shi Feng whispered, and fourteen true war weapons appeared around him. He seemed to be flying wildly and flying like a trajectory.

In just a moment, I saw fourteen true God of War weapons, all the dark thunder lights shone, and all exuded the extremely violent dark thunder!

"Huh! I'm stubborn!" Yuan Yao dismissed Lengheng, followed his right hand, and urged Lingxiao God Tower to push forward slowly.

Immediately, the Lingxiao God Tower carried the power of peerlessness, violently bombarded towards the stone maple that turned into a dark thunder.

"Go!" Shi Feng drank again, moving her hands at the same time.

The next moment, the fourteen true **** war fighters floating around, carrying fourteen peerless divine power, blasted away towards the overwhelming Lingxiao **** tower.

"Boom!" Peerless violent, loud again!

This world is the ancient battlefield of martial arts, but at this moment, it has long been turned into a ruin under the extermination black thunder. The ground below has become a huge pit, looking full It's infiltrating and messy.

Since the beginning of the martial arts war until now, this heaven and earth has not been calm, and at this moment, the violent collision between fourteen true **** war weapons and the Lingxiao God Tower made this heaven and earth shake again.

The warriors watching from a distance seemed to feel that the world was spinning violently, and the whole world seemed to be about to collapse.


Under the peerless collision, the violent and peerless divine power raged in all directions, and the fourteen true **** war weapons and the Lingxiao Temple still violently collided together.

"Stop it! This demon urged him to dozen or so true war weapons. This time, he actually blocked the Lingxiao God Tower!"

"This this……"

"The Lingxiao pagoda urged by the Lingxiao ancestors ... was ... blocked by this demon!"

"It's against the sky! It's against the sky! This demon is against the sky again!"

Countless spectators were suddenly shocked at this moment.

Lingxiao ancestors, Lingxiao **** towers, are the peak of existence in this world, but did not expect that the power combined by such a peak of existence was actually blocked by that evildoer!

"This ... this ... how is this possible! How is this possible!" Not to mention the other, Yuan Lingyao, the old ancestor of Lingxiao, the eyes on the old face were glaring extremely large, revealing an extremely incredible Content.

"Impossible!" Yuan Yao yelled again and again.

He urged the Lingxiao God Tower to be blocked by the demon evil, which is equal to that demon evil in the face of countless people, slamming his old face.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Yao's figure moved again. In an instant, he came to the place where the 14 artifacts collided with the Lingxiao God Pagoda. His right hand suddenly pushed out, urging the power of the whole body, and pushed extremely fiercely. Over the Lingxiao God Tower.

"Ah!" Another roar sounded from Yuan Yao's mouth.

At this time, a stronger power rose up at Lingxiao God Tower!

The Lingxiao God Tower trembled suddenly, and the fourteen true **** warriors collided with the Lingxiao God Tower were also shaking violently.

Yuan Yao gently retracted his right hand back. On the palm of his hand, it shone with a very strange green light, and then slammed forward forward, again on the Lingxiao God Tower, and his mouth was violent again. Drink: "Give me, get out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"


Fourteen true war weapons were suddenly shaken by the power of the Lingxiao God Tower. Like fourteen flying meteors, they swept through the air quickly, making a burst of "whine" sounds.

Following this, Yuan Yao pushed the Lingxiao God Tower forward and blasted forward again towards the dark maple surrounded by the dark **** Thunder.

"The Triple Sky Powerhouse, Triple Sky Artifact, sure enough, very strong!" Among the dark **** thunder, Shi Feng's eyes still stared tightly at the front and said.

"Return!" Shi Feng drank one more time, and the fourteen true fighters flying out suddenly returned, and returned to him in an instant.

"Boom!" Another blast of thunderous thunder, Shi Feng once again broke out the Thunder God of War.

And the fourteen true **** war weapons, previously under the shock of the Lingxiao **** tower, the exterminator **** thunder has been dispersed, and at this moment, the violent **** thunder has also exploded again.

Next, Shi Feng urged "Hundred Sword Gods to Kill" and then urged 14 real artifacts to face Yuan Yao and Lingxiao God Tower.

"Huh! Small animal, even if you resist again, it just makes you stay alive for a while, give me, break!" Yuan Yao drunk again.

Then, immediately after seeing the Lingxiao God Tower about to explode on the fourteen true **** warriors, I saw these fourteen artifacts. I do n’t know what happened suddenly, but spread out in all directions, like a bird and a beast!

Without the hindrance of fourteen artifacts, Yuan Yao pushed the Lingxiao God Pagoda all the way and continued to move forward.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Lingxiao God Tower, blasting on the dark thunder.



A roar and a roar rang at the same time, and saw the dark thunder person under the bombardment of the Lingxiao God Tower, the **** Ray on his body suddenly collapsed, revealing the figure in the thunder.

At this moment, the **** and broken body had recovered as before, with no scars on his body.

Shi Feng didn't wear a robe, and his body was red, but his flesh shone with an incomparable strange light, bright and dazzling, like the light of a star, revealing the power of an ancient star!

This starlight ... is the nine-star mark obtained by Shi Feng in the Nine-Star Pavilion of the Terran Territory when he was imprisoned.

These nine stars have been dim since the stars are shining in the Terran Territory and emitting strange star power, and have never used this ancient star power.

That night, after Shi Feng advanced in the human body's territories, and after being robbed by thunder, the nine stars were completely merged with this physical body.

Although fused, Shi Feng still didn't know how to use it, and never studied the nine stars afterwards.

These nine stars are almost forgotten by him.

At this moment, facing Yuan Yao and Lingxiao God Tower, Shi Feng did not urge the power of the nine stars, but it shone with the light of the stars to protect his body.

With the improvement of martial arts and physical body, Shi Feng can also clearly feel that the power of this ancient starlight is becoming more and more mysterious, and the starlight is more bright and dazzling than ever!

(End of this chapter)

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