Reference 2146

At this moment, the sun was shining in the sky, and it was hot.

However, Shi Feng felt the heaven and earth where the sword city was located, and felt the extremely cold atmosphere. The sky looked a little dark, and the wind was sweeping.

Listening faintly, this gloomy wind, like someone is crying fiercely.

There, sky full of resentment and fierce anger, the world was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Sword City, slaughtered!

The shapes of Shi Feng and Jian Tong paused in this void, looking at the giant city on the ground.

Obviously, the three forces have really come to Sword City.

And they should not have found the sword family, and then simply slaughtered the sword city!

"These people are really hard enough!" Even Shi Feng said so, Junyi's face showed coldness.

Among the sword cities, it is said that there are tens of millions of people!

And these tens of millions of people are just the people in the territory of the sword family. The battle between the sword family and their four major forces can be said to have nothing to do with the tens of millions of souls in the sword city.

However, they were slaughtered by three major forces, what a cruelty!

At this time, Jian Tong resentfully said, "The sword family!

They are all the people of the sword family, the sword family should have guarded them.

However, instead of guarding them, the Swordsmen let them be implicated and all died! It was the sword family who killed them, and the sword family was so guilty that they couldn't die well! "

Shi Feng found that when Jian Tong Yue said to the end, his tone and emotion became more and more excited, and the fierce look on his face became more and more intense.

The five major forces joined forces to go to the sword city. The three ancient forces were led by the three strongest men. At that time, the swordsmen were already unable to protect themselves. What power could there be to guard the tens of millions of souls in the sword city.

How to say it, after all, these three forces are too impersonal.

"Let's go." Shi Feng said slowly to Jian Tong at this moment.

At this moment, Jian Tong only nodded slightly to Shi Feng, but did not say anything.

Subsequently, the two figures flashed at the same time, and then approached the sword city at a fast speed.

But in an instant, Shi Feng and Jian Tong came to the sky above the sword city, standing proudly, overlooking the giant city below, at the same time, Shi Feng's soul glanced down.

The once prosperous Sword City and its buildings have collapsed, and at a glance, it looks messy and unbearable. Even the Tianjian Temple is no exception. It collapsed on the ground, covered with gravel and a ruin.

In addition to the collapsed buildings, the most "spectacular" is the dense, endless body, the sword city, without a single mouth.

Toddlers and elderly people have not spared!

Sword City, suddenly became a **** on earth!

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and asked Jian Tong: "You know, where did the Jian family go now?"

"Will I know?" Jian Tong replied, following her again: "Even if the swordsman had any hidden place, they would not dare to go now. Don't forget, I told you before, Jian Ze, Jian Yin and Jian Shan, however, have rebelled. "

"Well, this is it!" Shi Feng nodded secretly, saying.

It seems that the swordsman will not take the initiative to show up.

"I guess they all thought I was dead." Shi Feng said secretly again.

At this time, Shi Feng's eyes were still gazing tightly at the ruins below, and then he said,

"Originally, I only had resentment against the Lingxiao Holy Land and the uncle's family, but I did not expect, because I, that too sacred Holy Land, the Cao family, could not sit still! If so, then this small world, what three There is no need for the ancient forces to exist! "

When Shi Feng said these words, although his face looked indifferent, but Jian Tong suddenly felt that a cold killing intention permeated from him.

This cold killing intention, in addition to the three major forces all want him to die, but also the tens of millions of souls in the sword city!

He Shi Feng, his Nine You Emperor You Nin, never thought he was a good person. He was a man of two generations. He also killed countless people. How many people he killed, even himself, could not remember.

But he, killing always has his principle, those who die in their own hands are all **** people!

The corpses everywhere in the sword city are all innocent people, but they have all been slaughtered. Those three forces are really ridiculous!

For a while, Shi Feng and Jian Tong looked at the bottom like this, neither of them said anything.

A long time passed, and at sunset, Shi Feng slowly returned to God, turned his head and looked at the woman next to him again, and asked her, "Where are you going next?"

Hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Jian Tong seemed to return from his thoughts, and turned his heads.

"Where am I going?" When Jian Tong murmured Shi Feng in his mouth, for a while, he didn't know how to answer him.

The Jian family is gone, the sword city is destroyed, and the Tianjian Temple is also destroyed. Jiantong really does n’t know where he should go, where he can go.

For many, many years, I have been at the swordsman, and I always wanted this swordsman to be destroyed, but now the swordsman has become like this, but I do not know where to go.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Jian Tong not speaking for a while, and her eyes looked a little stunned, Shi Feng said again and asked her.

"I don't know where to go." Jian Tong answered truthfully. Followed, "I want to be with you."

When she heard her words, Shi Feng's face moved slightly, and she said, "You think. Then you can come with me during this time."

Since Jian Tong helped him, Shi Feng's bad feelings towards her have disappeared, and after this brief contact, Shi Feng feels that she is actually pretty good.

Shi Feng has always believed in his intuition.

Originally, Shi Feng planned to leave the small world after the battle of martial arts and went to the warland of God.

But now he intends to annihilate the three major forces before leaving this small world, and those things that destroy humanity are not worth living in this world.

Then, Shi Feng said to Jian Tong again, "Let's go to Boulder City first and ask people where the three forces are!"

"Well, okay." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong nodded slowly, and then said, "I listen to you."

At this moment, she seemed as if she had suddenly become a person.

There is no previous enchanting charm, no previous little girl's playfulness. Although the appearance is enchanting, but this enchanting face shows a slight sadness.

What's wrong with her?

After Shi Feng looked at her for a while, she still didn't ask her anything.

Then, Shi Feng took back the power of the soul that had spread out and said to Jian Tong, "Let's go!"

The next moment, the bodies of the two men moved again, and went to the megalithic city left by the legendary giant family again.

It gradually darkened, and night fell quietly!

(End of this chapter)

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