Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2154: Jianfeng, save me

Chapter 2154 Sword Maple, Save My Life

Cao Xiong chopped the sky with the magic sword, welcoming the fourteen artifacts of the bombardment, and the moment Shi Feng looked over, Cao Xiong couldn't help shaking.

This is from the tremor deep in the soul. Cao Xiong just saw that the arrogance and victory of the same level as himself had died in the hands of this cruel man.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Xiong's body suddenly moved, and his body rushed backwards. At this moment, he even chose to flee.

"Want to run?" Seeing Cao Xiong like this, Shi Feng's face sneered even more. The next moment, he saw that his body was also moving, and chased after Cao Xiong.

At the same time, of the twenty-nine real artifacts, three rushed towards Shi Feng, which is exactly his three triple innocent artifacts.

Lingxiao God Tower, Taixu Picture, Yintian Sword!

The other twenty-six real artifacts were suspended in front of the crowd.

"Let's go! Let's go!" At this moment, when seeing that evil spirit chasing Cao Xiong, a middle-aged strong man said with a voice.

Needless to say, of course everyone else knew what to do at this moment, and all of them got in shape and started to escape.

Even the two ancestors were killed, and one ancestor was running away, watching the demon evil also leave, how dare they stay here again.

However, just as these figures moved, the twenty true war weapons floating in front of them trembled.

Suddenly, the thunder was rolling, the thunder was thundering, the sword was full of energy, the blade of the sword was shining, the wind was blowing, the flame was rolling ...

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" For a moment, the painful screams echoed.

Shi Feng said he would not escape if he didn't stay alive!

This void suddenly became a **** on earth, and the scene was extremely tragic and bloody!

However, for the sorrowful wailing that passed, Shi Feng had no mercy. When they killed the tens of millions of people in the sword city, how could they have mercy?

The winner is Winner Teng, wearing the winner's dual heavenly artifact, Earth God Armor, and holding a dark light ball, which is his chaos.

"Drink!" Ying Teng screamed angrily, violently violently moving forward in his hands, and gave the celestial **** clock to Hong Fei.

At this moment, Weng Teng turned around and looked at the young figure that Fei chases after Cao Xiong.

Drink again in his mouth: "Dead!"

The chaos in the legend was finally thrown away by him at this moment.

From the moment he controlled the chaos, Yingteng regarded it as a treasure. He wont. In fact, the prestige of the winner was not very high.

He knew that if he wanted to be a winner, he would always be in control of chaos.

As for chaos, Win Teng can be regarded as a life!

He used to threaten Jian Yu several times with chaos, but it was just a threat. In fact, he won't use this chaos at all, more precisely, he couldn't bear it!

Even just now, when everyone joined forces to kill the evil man, he won't blast out the chaos.

When the winner ancestor Ying Qing was killed, Ying Teng felt remorse.

At this moment, Yingteng knew that if he wanted to live forever, only that demon would die!


"Huh?" Shi Feng's soul power sensed the Quartet, and everything could not escape his senses, including winning and chaos in the rear.

"Go!" Shi Feng sighed coldly, and the suspended sword of the Celestial Sword suddenly moved, flashing dark thunder, flying towards the back, and stabbing at the violent energy.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the winner's Yintian Excalibur, colliding with the winner's chaos.

"This ... this ... this ... why ..."

From now until now, Yingteng's eyes stared tightly above the wild chaos, and above his face, a very fierce and fierce capacity appeared.

However, at the moment when the chaotic force collided with the Yintian Divine Sword, Ying Teng's fierce face appeared extremely incredible.

The power of pride that he was proud of turned into nothingness under the power of Yintian Divine Sword.

The winner of his own Indigo sword continued to stab, flying towards him.

"Ah! No!" Winteng yelled extremely unwillingly, and his body kept retreating.

Invincible Sword that even the power of chaos broke instantly, if you want to destroy him, it only takes a moment.

Win Teng is flying backwards, but the speed of Yin Tian Shen Jian is faster, and in an instant, he rushes to his front.

"No! Don't kill me! I'm the winner, and you are my winner! How can you kill me!"

The artifact has a spirit, and Winteng yelled at Yin Tianshen.

The earth **** armor on her body shone with the earthy yellow light, and Houyou radiated a strong earthy atmosphere throughout her win.

However, Yin Tian's Excalibur has been controlled by Shi Feng. How can he win or win? The fierce sword instantly penetrated into the earthy yellow light.

Under the power of this peerless sword, the earthy yellow light burst instantly, and the sword of Yin Tian, ​​a sword pierced into the throat of Ying Teng.

"Eh!" A painful moan rang from Ying Teng's mouth. His eyes were already so wide that he was still staring at the young black figure who didn't look back at him. .

Once upon a time, Ying Teng's mind kept flashing, and extreme remorse filled the mind of Ying Teng.

Immediately afterwards, the Yintian Divine Sword trembled and shattered Win Teng to the smash. The winner, the master of the dual God Realm, won the Teng and fell.

Then, Earth God Armor, Bone Ring of Storage, Force of Death, Blood, Soul ... rushed towards Stone Maple.


Cao Xiong, the ancestor of the Cao family, hurriedly fled to spur the body's divine power and the fastest way to practice in this life.

The white hair was wavy, and the handsome face was full of panic.

Cao Xiong did not remember how many years he had not been so embarrassed. In these years, he had never thought about it. One day, he would be embarrassed to escape.

At this moment, Cao Xiong was suddenly shocked. He suddenly felt that the young figure who chased himself behind him was gone!

His disappearance not only did not calm him down, but raised a sense of extreme anxiety.

"Ha ha!" Suddenly, Cao Xiong heard a young "ha" laughter echo, and then a black figure appeared in front of him.

He even appeared in front of himself, and Cao Xiong even saw that young face full of jokes.

At this moment, Cao Xiong's figure stopped instantly.

"Why, don't you run?" Shi Feng asked with a sneer.

"Jianfeng, how about keeping me alive?" Cao Xiong said at this moment.

Hearing Cao Xiong's words, Shi Feng showed a touch of interest and asked him, "Keep your life? Oh, give me a reason."

"As long as you don't kill me, from now on, I will listen to your orders, my Cao family, I will recognize you as the master!" Cao Xiong said to Shi Feng seriously.

Today, he just wants to survive.

At this moment, if he can survive, it is estimated that Shi Feng will let him do whatever he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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