Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2157: How could he look at me!

Chapter 2157: How Could He Fancy Me!

In the small world, another great event has caused a sensation throughout the world.

The three major forces gathered in Taixu Holy Land and Taixu Mountain. As a result, all three forces were destroyed!

Including the three most powerful ancestors of the three major forces, False, Li Qing, Cao Xiong, all died!

It is said that to destroy these three forces, only the sword family evildoer, Jianfeng alone!

Set foot on Taixu Mountain alone!

After hearing this rumor that the world was sensational, many people also set foot on the Taixu Mountain. As a result, in the Taixu Holy Land, people saw dead bodies everywhere, and the scene was very infiltrating.

All the corpses were incomplete and extremely dry, as if they had been completely drained of water, and everyone saw their hair covered and their spines cold.

All three forces are really all annihilated. After entering Taixu Mountain anyway, people did not see a living mouth.

The name of the Swordsman Peerless Killer immediately shocked the world and made people scared.

However, some people also asked, it is said that thousands of swordsmen have betrayed the swordsmen. At that time, they trusted in the four major forces. I wonder what these thousand people are now, are they dead?

However, it was said that at the time, the thousand former swordsmen, such as Jianze, Jianyin, and Jianshan who betrayed the swordsmen, were sent out by those three forces to find the hiding place of the swordsmen and escaped the disaster!

It can be considered as shit!

At this moment, people in the entire small world are aware that there are five forces of endless years in the small world. They will no longer exist.

From now on, there is only one strongest force in the small world, that is, the swordsman!


Tens of millions of people in the sword city were slaughtered by the three major forces, committing a lot of evil. When Shi Feng approached the sword city, he felt the sky-high resentment.

Shi Feng said that these three forces did not leave alive, so they did not leave alive, and slaughtered everyone in Taixu Mountain.

However, now Shi Feng does n’t know where the sword family is, and Shi Feng asks Jian Tong, how can God know how to go to the mainland?

However, Jian Tong shook her head and said to Shi Feng that she had not heard of any war on the mainland.

As a result, Shi Feng and Jian Tong returned to the sword city, floating in the sky over the sword city.

Shi Feng believes that although the sword family left the sword city, the sword city is now ruined.

But if the Jian family heard the news that the four forces were destroyed by themselves, someone would definitely return to the sword city.

Over the empty sword city, there was also a breath of death and silence, and there was a dark wind, and it was as if you could hear the wailing sound of sharp crying.

At this moment, Shi Feng was holding a bone-sized jade in her right hand, pressing it on her forehead, reading the information in the bone jade.

This bone jade is the forty-nine stunt of Lingxiao Holy Land translated by Jiantong from the Lingxiao Stone Tablet!

It is said that the forty-nine stunts of the Lingxiao Holy Land are mysterious and mysterious. Shi Feng has to look at what is mysterious.

Look at yourself, can you learn from these stunts.

Cultivate the martial arts of others, especially advanced martial arts. You can understand the essence of it. Some martial arts talents can integrate their essence into their martial arts. There are also geniuses who learn from each other and realize that they are more sophisticated, stronger, and suitable for martial arts Martial arts.

All kinds of information flashed like lightning in Shi Feng's mind.

It took half a day for Shi Feng to read all the forty-nine stunts in Lingxiao Holy Land.

Immediately following, Shi Feng frowned, and murmured these words secretly: "Lingxiao Holy Land, forty-nine stunts!"

Shi Feng had to admit that the forty-nine stunts in this Lingxiao holy place were indeed mysterious.

In particular, some esoteric divine skills simply have their own martial arts knowledge. However, if you think about it carefully, you will expand your martial arts knowledge and make him feel a sense of solitude.

Following this, Shi Feng murmured secretly again: "This forty-nine stunt is practiced in conjunction with Lingxiao Holy Land Gongfa and Lingxiao Divine Gong. Only in order to exert its greatest power.

I practice Jiuyou Gong, if I practice these forty-nine stunts, I ca n’t show its true power with Jiuyou power, but I can change some to my combat skills! "

"With this Lingxiao big palm print, I can strengthen my Jiuyou absolutely evil seal!" As he said these words, Shi Feng formed a handprint with his hands, and the handprint continued to fly.

These flipped handprints are those of Jiuyou Juesha, but if you look closely, you find that they are different from those of Jiuyou Juesha.

"Jiuyou, absolutely evil seal!" Then, Shi Feng sighed and blasted forward with a palm. For a moment, a huge senbai palmprint was blasted out by him, flying fiercely into the endless void, disappearing in The sky.

This Senbai palm print is very strong and violent, but Shi Feng shook her head in disappointment, dissatisfied, and said quietly:

"Although this Nine Secluded Seal is much stronger than the previous palm, but it is not comparable to that of the Lingxiao Palmprint. It seems that I have not really understood the essence of the Lingxiao Palmprint."

With that said, Shi Feng's brow frowned again and again, and she fell into contemplation, and in her mind, the magical skill emerged again, and Lingxiao's big palm print.

Since we want to integrate the essence of this combat technique into our own combat technique, we must surpass these forty-nine skills!

But at this moment, it's just the beginning. In such a short time, it was possible to upgrade the former Jiuxing Emperor's combat skills to such power, in fact, Shi Feng is already very good.

Without his innate talent, it would be difficult to achieve.

It's just that he Shi Feng, his Nine You Emperor Nether, lies in martial arts, and has always been very demanding on himself.

Time was spent in Shi Feng's comprehension and cultivation.

And Jian Tong, who has been silently accompanying him, has not spoken to herself, and she has never said anything, just watching him silently.

She used to be unparalleled in talent and was the brightest star of that era.

But Jian Tong thought that compared with this evil, he was nothing at all.

Regarding martial arts talents and combat power, at that time, he couldn't compare with him at all.

At one time, she never wanted to find a better man than herself to accompany her throughout her life.

Then again, she is still a woman.

At that time, she was the most dazzling, and there was no man she liked.

After she was born again, she hadn't met her for many years in the Jian family.

Until one day, his appearance made Jian Tong understand, what is the real genius, what can be called the evildoer.

"But today, I do n’t look like a human, and ghosts do n’t look like ghosts. This body, to say the least, is the body of a waste sword. He, a generation of peerless monsters, will respect him in the future small world What kind of woman does he want? By that time, how many women will be automatically sent to his door for him to choose.

How could he think of me? Hehe, hehehehe! "

While speaking these words, Jian Tong's charming face appeared with a touch of self-mockery, and then burst into laughter, even more self-mockery.

(End of this chapter)

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