Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2161: Sword House Secret

Chapter 2161 The Secret Land of the Swordsman

But after a short torture, someone surrendered, and this first surrender did not expect that it was the sword that had shown the hardest temper before!

"Oh!" Shi Feng grinned sneerly at the sound of surrender, whispering softly.

Followed the thoughts, stopped the torture of them.

Each sword family finally stopped the painful roar, and his painful complexion recovered a lot, lying on the void, panting heavily.

Shi Feng's gaze had already stared at Jian Bi's body, and at this moment, the eyes of other young swordsmen also stared at Jian Bi's body.

Originally thought that someone would scream Zhijian must say that he was greedy for fear of death.

But it was not expected that at this moment, there was surprisingly silence, and no one whispered again.

It seems that they have been deterred by Shi Feng's torture.

No one wants to suffer from the bite of biting ants, and if anyone stops talking at this time, it is estimated that they will suffer the cruel torture again.

"Ah!" Sighed from the sword family's mouth, they are not afraid of death, but they do not want to die

At this moment, every young man in the sword family has a very strange feeling, as if at this moment, he has been completely seen by that person.

Sudden thoughts of suicidal emerged, and then the deep mysterious force overflowed into the soul, shocking his mind, as if his mind was frozen by that mysterious force.

At this moment they understood that under the control of that evildoer, they could not die even if they were dead.

At this time, Shi Feng, who looked at Jianbi, said again, "Lead the way, take Ben to the place."

The sword must not answer Shi Feng, but glanced at the Jian family who was walking with him, and then said to them: "Let's go."

Swords that have suffered such torture must know that although they did not ask for mercy, they actually thought the same.

It was just that he was a bit bitter and shouted.

Sure enough, one by one, he nodded slightly after hearing the sword's words.

Then, twenty-three young swordsmen took Shi Feng and headed north.

Among them, followed by Jian Tong.

"You ask, Jian Gu's old thing used the sword family's thing, and now, isn't he dead?" At this time Jian Tong said to Shi Feng.

"Why, you want to start with the sword family?" Shi Feng asked at this moment.

"If you can, I naturally want these people to die!" Jian Tong said with a sneer.

Then she asked Shi Feng again, "If I kill the sword family, how would you ...?"

"I?" Shi Feng didn't expect that she would ask such a question, and he replied, "I won't be against you! I don't think we will be the enemy again."

"Hehe." Jian Tong smiled and said, "I know that you have actually fallen in love with me. We have actually loved each other already, right? Dear."

"You think too much," Shi Feng said. Followed him to Jian Tong and reminded: "Beware, the sword family has more than one sword ancient, even if the sword ancient has fallen, there is also a sword guard close to the triple heaven of the true god.

Shi Feng knows how difficult it is to deal with the sword family with her current strength.

According to Jian Ran, Jian Gu is usually not in the sword family.

And for so many years, even if Jian Gu is not in the sword family, Jian Tong has been unable to deal with the sword family.

"Huh, of course I know. I know this sword home better than you," Jian Tong said.

"But one day, sooner or later, I will let them pay thousands of times!"

When it comes to this, Jian Tong's mood suddenly changes again, the previous frivolity disappears, becomes extremely serious, and then tells Shi Feng:

"You wait, it will, it won't be too far that day!"

Jian Ye and Jian must go together, and flew Shi Feng in the sky for an hour, at this moment, they came to a jungle.

Below, there are endless woods, and there is a forest of monsters that looks very ordinary.

Although there are a few big demon in the woods, it is not at all troublesome. The big demon here is the strongest among Shi Feng's soul induction.

It was the existence of Shi Feng's instant spike.

"You sword family, are you hiding here?" Shi Feng asked, frowning slightly.

The power of his soul spread out in all directions. This jungle, with the exception of monsters, had no trace of people at all.

Swordsman, but there are tens of thousands of people.

"Come with us," the sword said in a deep voice.

Then the Jian family fell down into the jungle below, and when they fell in, they saw Jian Ye's hands forming an ancient handprint.

Suddenly, I saw the jungle below, trembling slightly.

Then a purple **** light burst out from the jungle, and Shi Feng was swallowed up by this purple **** light.

The next moment, the purple divine light disappeared, Shi Feng didn't feel any change in the world in front of him, but he had sensed that, in fact, they had entered another space.

It's just that this space looks exactly like the outside world, it's hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, within Feng Feng's soul induction, a figure appeared in the jungle below, these people are the sword family.

It turned out that the sword family all hid in this world.

Shi Feng's gaze also began to glance down.

The twenty-three young men of the sword family looked at each other as if they were spreading their voices and talking about something.

"I didn't expect that this demon would come here alone!" Said a secret voice of a young man from the sword family.

"Well, isn't this the best?" Followed by another young swordsman replied.

"Although the ancestors were hit hard, they are still in a state of stagnation, but there is a homeowner with several elders, and his sword and maple can't make any trouble!"

"Yes! I thought this demon would lead the four forces, but he didn't expect it, he was the only one! In this case, he was just seeking his own way."

"The pain that my sword must have suffered before. Next, I will let you try again, I swear! The swordsman, the traitor!" At this time, the sword must look at Shi Feng and said secretly.

Since seeing this person at the first sight of the sword family, the sword must look at him unhappy.

From a very young age, the sword must have liked Jianwan, but he did not expect that this person who suddenly appeared in the sword family, first seduce Jianran, and then seduce his goddess.

In these days, although Jian Wan took refuge in the Lingxiao Holy Land with the Second Lord Jian Yin, the sword must still miss her and always miss her, especially in the dead of night.

"Master Two, they are back!"

"Well! It's Kenno them!"

When Shi Feng and the Sword Family arrived, the shouts of the jungle immediately cried, and many eyes gathered here.

(End of this chapter)

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