Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2166: I really want to slap him to death

Chapter 2166 Really Want To Slap Him With A Slap

"Jianfeng betrayed our sword family and took refuge in the four major forces. Who do you listen to?"

When Jian Yuan and a group of swordsman warriors returned from the outside world heard this sentence, their hearts were suddenly shocked and their faces changed greatly.

Unexpectedly, such a rumor circulated in the ancient land of the ancestors. This ... who the **** is talking nonsense.

Jian Yuan and others, at this moment really want to slap the man who walked the rumor.

"Yes, it's your nephew. Sword must speak!

Not long ago, Sword will enter the ancient ancestral land with Jianfeng, Master Jianye, and others. Then Jianfeng and Master Jianye should go to Tianjian Mountain, and Sword will begin to publicize it. After our swordsman, he said that he was ingratitude! "

"Sword must! Sword must!" When I heard the word "sword must", the edge of the sword was even more shocked, and both eyes glared at this moment!

The sword must be his own nephew. He had long heard that the sword would depend on his status and status in the sword family, and always looked superior.

Those things, Jian Yuan never paid much attention to.

But at this moment, the wicked obstacle even went for a walk in the ancient land of the deceased! This is almost to die!

Today's Jianfeng is different from the past.

Today, even the four major forces are overthrown in his hands, and he has become a transcendent being. If he wants a sword to die, it is a matter of waving his hand!

Not to mention that the sword is necessary, even yourself, is no exception!

"Uncle! You are back, uncle!" And just then, Jian Yuan heard a shout, and it sounded in the distant void.

He then turned his head and looked at him. The figure that appeared in the void was his nephew, the sword must.

At this moment, the sword must move fiercely, approaching quickly in this direction.

"Oh!" Jian Jian said angrily when he saw the figure.

But in an instant, the sword would facilitate the distant void into the edge of the sword, and then he said, "Uncle, sword ..."

And just when Jian Bi just said these three words, Jian Yuan directly slaps in a slap in the face, and throws it fiercely on Jian Bi's face. There is a loud sound of "snap". The sword will fly out to the fan directly.

Sword must be snoring directly by the slap of the sword edge, and his shape is still flying backwards, staring at the uncle like a lunatic, with a clear face on his face. Five-finger palm print.

At this point, the sword must not know what he did wrong?

Or my uncle who returned from the outside world suddenly got mad?

The next moment, I saw that the sword would fly upside down, looking at the sword edge in the distance, and yelled, "Uncle, why did you hit me?"

"I will not only hit you, I will also kill you!" Jian Yuan snarled again, and then, saw a huge palm print suddenly appeared above the sword must, and then covered him fiercely.

"Ah!" A terrible sorrow sounded through the sky. Under the power of the sword edge, the sword would have no resistance at all.

The huge palm print instantly swallowed his body, and then continued to plummet towards the jungle below.

"Booming!" The palm print fell, and the entire forest shuddered violently. The woods in all directions collapsed under the severe tremor.

The woods covered by the big palm print are directly turned into powder!

After the big palm prints dispersed, a large palm-shaped vacuum zone appeared directly in the woods below. At a glance, the land was a mess.

And in that messy place, a torn body was lying there, looking extremely embarrassed, who besides the sword must be!

At this moment, the sword must have been beaten by the edge of the sword. At this moment, he still hadn't figured out why his uncle had hit himself, and he was still so fierce.

And at the next moment, Jian Bi's body jerked again suddenly, he looked at the ground in front of his face, a human figure reflected, and the sword slowly raised his head. Then, he saw the sword edge again. Very ugly, angry face.

"Don't hit me! Uncle, don't hit me anymore!" Sword will quickly begin to ask for forgiveness.

"Small animal! You small animal! You really want us to be the same, we all broke off because of you! You a small animal!" Jian Yuan hated the appearance of iron and steel, must be directed at the sword Said.

Jian Yuan has a son, a daughter, and several other nephews, but among these juniors, the best talent is undoubtedly Jian Bi.

Swords must, but only in their early twenties, they have already entered the realm of true gods, and they will definitely have a bright future.

Jian Yuan once thought that he would help him to take the position of the second elder of the sword family in the future.

The sword lying on the ground must speak bitterly, saying:

"Uncle, nephew doesn't know what you're talking about. Nephew, what did you do wrong? Even if you die, you must let my nephew know that I am dead!"

"You're sorry to say!" Jian Yuan spoke angrily, and then said, "I asked you, who told you that Jian Feng betrayed our sword family?"

"Jianfeng? Is that Jianfeng again?" Upon hearing Jianfeng's name, Jianbi's face changed suddenly, and he said to Jianyuan, "Uncle, why did you hit your nephew because of that Jianfeng?"

When it comes to the end, Sword's complexion is also angry.

"What do you think?" Jian Yuan asked angrily.

"Jianfeng! It really is because of that Jianfeng! There are all kinds of signs that Jianfeng has betrayed our sword family! My nephew suspects that he has betrayed our sword family. There is nothing wrong!" Sword must say:

"Not long ago, Jianye and I went to Jiancheng by the orders of the family and met the sword maple. When he asked us to take him to the ancient land of the ancestor, he set fire to the four forces!

Then he forcibly punched his mark into us, and we suffered extremely painful torture. If he hadn't taken refuge in the four forces, why would he do that? If he did not take refuge in the four forces, how could he survive in Aotian? "

Speaking of the last time, the sword must be angrily asking the fate of the sword.

"Four major forces! Four major forces! You know the four major forces now ... huh?" When Jian Yuan said these words, his face suddenly changed fiercely, his voice stopped abruptly, and he looked towards the east.

"This ... this ... homeowner!" There, Jian Yuan sensed a mighty sword momentum, extremely powerful, as if to pierce the sky!

"The homeowner broke!"

At this moment, not only did Jian Yuan look to the east, but one individual in the ancient land of the ancestor also looked to the east. There was a big shock, a big horror, and a big joy on his face.

"Go!" Then, seeing Jian Jian bent down and stretched out his hand, the sword must be caught in his hands, and then his body moved fiercely, rushing towards the east where Tianjian Shenshan was flying.

(End of this chapter)

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