Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2171: Space tunnel

Chapter 2171 Space Tunnel

The next moment, Shi Feng and Jian Yuan flashed in front of the black iron gate, stopped, slowly raised his head, eyes, glanced at the two large iron gates, looked closely and sensed.

"As long as you pass this iron gate, you can go to the Divine War Continent. I have already taken the road, and I should go back!" Jian Yuan said to Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded and responded softly.

At this moment, he focused his attention on the two large black iron gates in front of him, without looking at Jian Yuan.

"Farewell!" Jian Yuan said.

"Farewell!" Shi Feng responded again.

At this time, I saw a flicker of Jian Yuan's figure, disappeared beside Shi Feng, and hurried back to the original road.

"God! Fight! Big! Lu!" Shi Feng whispered these words gently in his mouth, and then, a peerless force burst out from his body, rushing violently towards the two fans Closed black iron gate.

"Oh!" A roar sounded as if the sledgehammer violently hit the metal.

The two black iron gates, and the ground beneath them, trembled violently.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Immediately, the roar burst, as if the metal giants roared, and the two black iron gates trembled fiercely, slowly opening.

At this time, Shi Feng's feet moved, step by step, toward the black iron giant door that was gradually opening.

But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly felt the sword in her hand, suddenly a trembling.

The sword was silent just now, at this moment, as if suddenly awake.

"Where is this?" Then, a charming voice echoed in Shi Feng's ear.

"Are you awake?" Shi Feng said, "How is the injury recovered? This is the foggy forest."

"Misty forest?" The charming voice sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the apprentice-level Xuan sword suddenly trembled in Shi Feng's hand. Shi Feng's right hand was loose. The sword flew from his hand and followed, instantly turning into a red shadow, a charming beauty Jian Tong, standing Beside Shi Feng.

At this time, Jian Tong's eyes were gazing at the two open iron doors.

"Let ’s go through this. It is said that it is the war against the mainland." Shi Feng said to Jian Tong.

"Well, God is fighting the mainland." Jian Tong's mouth also began to meditate on this strange name.

Then, Shi Feng and Jian Tong moved forward together, gradually approaching the two black iron giant gates. Soon, two relatively seemingly tiny figures entered the cave and opened the giant gate.

The black iron giant door is still violently roaring, but at this moment there is no impact of Shi Feng's invisible force, and it is closing rapidly.

"Boom!" A violent roar, two black iron giant mountains closed heavily, the mountain shook and the ground swayed!


Shi Feng and Jian Tong entered a boundless darkness.

Shi Feng felt that in all directions, there was a strong force of space. At this moment, he was entering a space tunnel with Jian Tong.

The two went on like this, moving forward as if aimlessly.

Ahead, there is a boundless darkness, as if never ending.

At this time, Shi Feng said to Jian Tong again, saying: "I have sensed you and that sword before. With my ability, I can change a better sword for you."

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong was startled, and immediately opened his mouth, and asked Shi Feng: "You mean, you can separate me from that waste sword?"

The person who hit him into the waste sword that year made her soul completely merge with the waste sword by the secret method.

After so many years, Jian Tong tried everything, and he couldn't get rid of the body of the waste sword.

Originally she thought that in this life, she could not do without the waste sword.

But I didn't expect that the person around him ...

Shi Feng could clearly feel that the woman around her was obviously a little excited after hearing her words.

"Well, you can!" Shi Feng replied with great certainty.

With his soul, and his control of the soul, he has no problem at all.

"As long as you can get me out of this waste sword, I can do everything for you!" Jian Tong said with a little excitement.

"You have saved me. I should have done this for you." Shi Feng said, "If you want, I can help you to be separated from this sword now, but there may be some discomfort in the middle process. . "

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong's charming face became extremely tenacious, saying, "As long as I get rid of this waste sword, I can endure any hardships! Let's start now!"

"Okay!" Shi Feng nodded, and then said, "You turn your sword!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiantong Jiao's body trembled, and a sword light flickered in the darkness. In an instant, Jiantong again transformed into a waste sword, slowly flew up, and flew towards Shi Feng. .

Shi Feng reached out and gently grasped the sword into his hand. Then, the power of the soul was released again, and he concentrated on the waste sword, inducing the spirit of the sword.

The secret method of Jiantong's fusion with this sword is a bit weird, so Shi Feng must be careful and not tolerate a little negligence. If it is not good, this woman may not be so extinct.

"Min!" And at this moment, Shi Feng drank aloud, the power of the soul covering the waste sword, suddenly suddenly rolled a roll, wrapped the soul of Jian Tong, and then pulled out suddenly!

"Ah!" A woman's voice sounded again for a moment.

But ... it was ... a breathless ...

Could it be ... this is what Shi Feng said just now?

But then, the sound came to an abrupt halt.

"Success!" Shi Feng secretly said.

Just now, he pulled Jian Tong's soul out of the waste sword, and was completely separated from the waste sword.

When Shi Feng's soul power was recovered, the red shadow appeared again next to him, but at this moment, the shadow seemed to be a little thin, as if the red mist had condensed.

Jian Tong bowed his head, looking at his hands, looking at his thin body, and his charming face was full of excitement. He said with excitement: "Success ... success! More than three thousand years, three For thousands of years, I finally got rid of that waste sword! "

Following that, Jian Tong turned his head and looked at the man next to him again, saying gratefully, "Thank you!"

When these three words were spoken, Jian Tong opened her hands and wanted to hug him, but just halfway through the hands, she stopped her hands again.

Jian Tong's action, although Shi Feng looked in his eyes, but as if he hadn't seen it, said: "You have saved me, I should help you, why thank you between me and you!"

"Today, you are still the soul, and here I am, you have two choices.

First, I can teach you the practice of ghost cultivation, and you can become a ghost cultivation.

Second, I have five triple innocent artifacts. You can choose one to become your new body! You who own the triple **** of the true God will surely be more powerful and countless times stronger than before! "

(End of this chapter)

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