Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2191: Unexpected old lady

Chapter 2191 Unexpected Old Lady

Jian Tong's abnormal shape on the body, Shi Feng increasingly felt that there was an invisible hand in the secret, playing with himself.

All thoughts turned rapidly in his mind, and gradually, his face became colder and colder.

The two of them escaped at an extremely fast speed, but the black giant demon chased faster, and if they continued to do so, sooner or later they would be caught up by the demon evil.


"Oh!" A laugh sounded in the void far from Shi Feng and Jian Tong.

There are two figures secretly hidden in this void, which is the Dana of the Sea Witch tribe, and the Checo of the Leigu tribe.

The chuckle just sounded from Checo's mouth, glaring at the fleeing figure and the black giant monster chasing after him, his dark purple face showed a cat-like mouse smile.

Then, Checo sneered again and said to Dana beside him:

"Stop this way, these two evil barriers will sooner or later be killed by the demon evil. By then, he will look for the heavenly sacred place, and also look for the evil evil."

At the end, Checo turned his head slightly and looked at Dana.

Dana ’s peculiar and beautiful face of the sea witch family is still a cold color. On the palm of his right hand, he holds a blue crystal ball, exuding blue light, exuding mysterious power.

At this moment, Checo's gaze was gazing at the blue crystal ball, and he naturally knew that the reason why the female ghost could not perform her strange magical power was interfered by this "sea blue heart".

"Wait a second, when the evil wicker catches up with the wicked wicker, the wicked wicker will die!"


"Roar!" At this time, the roar of the roar had sounded over Shi Feng and Jian Tong.

The black giant demon had chased them, and then roared, "Two lowly souls, to my king, destroy! Oh!"

The black giant demon roared for the last time, and the whole space of the world was violently shaken, violently surging like a sea wave.

Shi Feng and Jian Tong were suddenly hit by the sonic force, and the surrounding trees instantly shattered under the sonic force.

"Ah!" Suddenly, just listening to a painful coquett, exhaled from Jian Tong's mouth.

She could no longer compete with that violent sonic force.

When Shi Feng saw the situation, she quickly stretched out her hands and hugged her tightly, urging the power of the Black Demon Extermination, the Nine Nether Power, and the power of the Holy Fire to gather almost all the power of the body on Jian Tong to protect her body of.

When Shi Feng hugged and infused her strength, Jian Tong felt better.

However, she yelled at Shi Feng immediately: "You don't need to control me, take care of yourself! You use these powers to protect me, what do you do!"

"Let go of your mind, you first enter my mysterious space to escape, hurry up!" Shi Feng urged.

"But ... but ... I'm gone, what do you do?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jiantong's face hesitated.

She also wanted to help him out of danger when she recovered her magical powers.

"I have thick skin and can't die! You hurry up! Listen to me! I have used all my strength to bless you, do you want to involve me?" Shi Feng shouted at Jian Tong.

"But ... but ..." Jian Tong still hesitated. Shi Feng had to run alone.

"Don't do it, hurry up! Vomit!" At this moment, under the impact of the violent sonic force, all his power was used to protect Jiantong, his body shook, and a mouthful of red blood spewed out of his mouth.

"I ... I see!" When seeing Shi Feng like this, Jian Tong didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and immediately let go of his mind.

As soon as Shi Feng was thinking, a burst of **** light lit up in his arms. In an instant, Jian Tong disappeared and entered the space of his blood stele.

As soon as Jian Tong entered, Shi Feng immediately blessed all her strength.

The void was still violently shaking under the force of sound waves, and Shi Feng, in this way, urged his full strength to compete with the force of sound waves.

The flesh of his body was constantly cracking under the violent sonic power, and he was constantly healing back.

"Huh?" A horrified voice suddenly sounded from the mouth of the black giant demon in the void.

The humble creature who only had the true God's heavy heaven in his eyes, had not yet been destroyed by his roar, making it feel unexpected.

Immediately afterwards, the black giant demon said again: "The humble low-level creatures, so tough physical bodies, can actually block the power of the king until now! Huh, but it's just a stubborn resistance!"

The next moment, I saw the **** mouth, and once again spewed a billowing black mist, once again filled the world.

Shi Feng was also engulfed in the black mist instantly, and felt immediately that the rolling black mist was to corrode his body!

"Abominable!" Spit out the words fiercely, Shi Feng gritted his teeth.

At this moment, he can only stiffen!

"Is it true today that Lao Tzu is going to fall here?" Although his physical body was abnormal and strong, he still felt that the physical body was constantly corroded in the dark mist.

If this continues, this undead monster will soon be corroded into **** water.

"Ah!" An unwilling roar roared from Shi Feng's mouth.

Yesterday, he swallowed so much magical medicine in one breath. As long as he was given some time, he could break through.

As long as he breaks through again, he can definitely fight against the black giant demon!

However, he didn't have that much time to continue to martial arts and let him break through!

"No! I can't die! No! I haven't reached the real peak of martial arts, how can I die! I don't!" The roar roared again from Shi Feng's mouth, and then, I saw a gold Man, suddenly flashed from his body.

Suddenly, he saw him in a golden circle.

As soon as the golden aperture appeared, all those rolling black mists were suddenly blocked, and Shi Feng felt a great deal of pressure. Looking at the golden aperture protecting her body, she shouted excitedly: "I trust, you finally gave it up!"

This aperture that protects him is naturally the source of all things that have not appeared for a long time!

What Shi Feng did not expect was that the source of all things, which had not been seen for a long time, had become so abnormal.

It turned out that they could block the power of that black giant demon.

"What happened to the source of all things during this time? How did it become so powerful? His advanced speed was faster than mine!" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

If Shi Feng remembered it correctly, the last time the Source of Everything was powerful, it was about eight stars.

And this time, it directly blocked at least the power of the fifth level of the true God, which is simply too abnormal!

However, Shi Feng didn't think so much anymore. Her body was moving, she was rushing violently, and she was rushing into the black mist.

He was blessed by the source of all things, and the rolling black mist couldn't stop his momentum at all!

(End of this chapter)

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