Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2195: Here comes the War Witch

Chapter 2195: The Witch Is Coming

As time passed, the injuries on the evil monsters continued to recover.

At this moment, Shi Feng has stopped helping the evil demon to recover from his injuries, and then began to realize martial arts.

He already felt that it wouldn't be long before he could break through successfully.

And this time will be the same as last time. If you continue this way, martial arts and the physical body will break together.

"Huh!" But at this moment, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved.

"Well!" Not only Shi Feng, but even the fiendish demon beneath him, felt something and snarled.

And from its roar, you can feel that it seems to be scared!

This is a beastly nature that a beast is born with, and it is a feeling of being more terrifying than him.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm disturbing you." And just then, listening to only a young and clear voice, suddenly the sound of the void in front of them sounded.

The sound sounded like the person coming was very easy-going.

At this moment, Shi Feng, Jian Tong, and the evil demon stared at the soundless void.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a figure walking out of the void in a hurry, slowly and slowly, appearing in the eyes of Shi Feng, Jian Tong and the evil demon.

Flowing black hair and a young face that is even more beautiful than a woman with a dazzling strangeness. On the body, there are green plants like green chains.

From that feature, Shi Feng could tell at a glance that the Haiwu tribe!

And it is an extremely powerful sea witch family, even stronger than that evil demon!

When facing the figure, Shi Feng can clearly feel that the huge monster body under his feet is slowly flying backwards.

The appearance of the Haiwu tribe is very young, looking only in his twenties, but Shi Feng feels an ancient vicissitude from his body. This "person" has lived in this sky for a long time .

At this moment, Shi Feng's complexion had become unusually dignified.

With his own power, he can't compete with that sea witch at all!

And the injury of the evil monster after being violently bombed by him did not heal.

Even if it recovers, it may not be able to compete with that "person."

Now, Shi Feng can only hope to hide the source of all things in his body.

But the old lady didn't listen to her call at all.

He came out when he was happy, and did not see it at all when he was unhappy. If he was counting on the source of all things, he would be betting his life.

"I seem to see you nervous?" The Haiwu tribe on the other side was still walking slowly towards Shi Feng and smiled at them.

He didn't look like an enemy at all, he looked like a kind and kind big brother next door.

Then he said again, "I was going to come earlier to meet you, but I was delayed because of something happening on the road. I'm really sorry!"

And speaking of this time, I saw that the sea witches suddenly bowed their heads, and then grinned the corners of their mouths, revealing a strange and evil sneer, saying: "Let you live so long and live so long, I'll take it now Everyone ... dog! Fate! "

When this sentence came to an end, I saw that body shape moved quickly, rushing forward, rushing forward.

Shi Feng suddenly felt that an intimidating coercion was coming towards her extremely fierce oppression.

At this moment, Shi Feng, Jian Tong, and the evil demon under his feet were shaking involuntarily.

"Eh! Heh!" Burst out of rage, and then roared out of that evil demon's big mouth.

If he were at his peak, he might still be able to block the attack of that creature a few times, but at this point he was all over.

"Shit ... **** ... why, it hasn't appeared yet!" Looking at the figure getting closer and closer, but the old lady's source of things still didn't appear, Shi Feng jumped anxiously.

If the source of all things really doesn't appear, it's time to kill Huang Quan!

"Eh! No!" And at this moment, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, as if she found nothing, suddenly woke up and said secretly:

"When did I become so dependent on foreign objects? Because the source of all things helped me just now, I started and always wanted to count on it!

This is simply against my martial arts! I used to teach them from time to time to martial arts and to be brave! I am physically strong, and it would not be so easy for the sea witches to kill me! I fear, fight! "

Just then, a "war" drank from Shi Feng's mouth.

When he saw a look of enlightenment on his face, he followed, and his face was determined.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's figure sitting cross-legged suddenly moved, and he rushed towards the figure.

"Shi Feng!" Jian Tong exclaimed when Shi Feng suddenly rushed out of her side.

As she realized what, she secretly said, "Can he use the artifact mentioned earlier? But this sea witch is too strong!"

Not only Jiantong, but also the vicious face of that evil demon, a touch of human shock emerged.

I was thinking, Can that "person" block that being?

"Perhaps, it's okay!" The evil demon recalled the golden iris that guarded the person's body. It was an energy that could not be destroyed no matter how he attacked.




At this moment, it was the sea witch Dana, the Leigu tribe, and the strong man of the sea witch, and they were all shocked to see the face of the attack.

And then, Dana the priest gave a disdainful smile, and said, "This man's evil barrier, dare to contend with this secret treasure of him?

Soon he will know the gap between them! "

Dana had some absolute confidence in their war wizard of the Sea Witch tribe.

The astonishment on the war witch's face had also disappeared. He looked at Shi Feng who was approaching him quickly, and said with a smile, "Do you rush over to die? What's better, you can save some unnecessary time!"

The two bodies that were moving at the same time were getting closer and closer, and at this moment, like two meteors, they hit each other fiercely.

"Boom!" This world calmed for a while, and the roar rang again.

"Ah!" And followed, listening only to a roar of pain.

Shi Feng only felt that at this moment, his own body was going to be crushed.

pain! very painful! It hurts!

However, Shi Feng could not really be broken. On that day, even a double thunderstorm would not allow his perverted physical body to be destroyed.

"Eh? There is no destruction?" At this moment, the sea witch war witch who hit Shi Feng fiercely suddenly made a sound of surprise.

He had previously heard Dana say that this man had a secret treasure that could protect the whole body and withstand the blast of the power of the Five Gods of True God.

But at this moment he clearly felt that this human race did not use any secret treasures.

The reason why he blocked his own strength was entirely based on his physical body.

(End of this chapter)

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