Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2203: Young Master of Ocean City

Chapter 2203: Master of the Crystal City

"Today you are very unfortunate. You met Ben Shaozhu in Haijing City!" Whether facing Shi Feng or the evil demon, the youth of the gods and five-eyes is full of disdain.

"That's ... that's the young master of our sea crystal city, Yu Wei!"

"That's right! It is indeed the young master of Haijing City!"

"Feather wither! The master of the sea crystal city Shaocheng, we are the gods of the Wumu tribe, and the third place in the top ten battle list!"


The movement of the void outside Haijing City immediately attracted a look in the city, and when they saw the young figure who stood proudly in the void, they opened their mouths.

Unexpectedly, this young man of the Gods and Wumu tribe has such origins. No wonder even Shi Feng and the evil devil are not in their eyes.

"What is that? Isn't it? This is our existence in the evil demon mountains, the evil demon abyss?"

"This ... this ... looks a lot like the legend?"

"But ... but ... how did that existence get out of the evil demon abyss? Or even let a human race stand proud of his body?"

"Human race? Could this human race be in Yihucheng a few days ago ..."

When the spirits in the city saw the evil demon and Shi Feng again, the cries resounded.

Although Haijing City and Yihu City are both the territory of the Shenyu Wumu tribe, and the two cities are not too far apart, the two cities are somewhat different.

In Yihu City, at a glance, most of the other races were living. At the last time in Yihu City, except for the army of Shen Yu, Shi Feng didn't notice the other bird races.

But this Haijing clan, at this moment, looked at it at the moment, and they were all Shenyu Wumu clan!

"Young Master! Kill this arrogant race!"

"Yes! Kill him! This human race must be in the city of Yihu, threatening to destroy the arrogant man of our **** Yu Wumu! Huh!"

"Yes! It must be him! Kill him!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of drunken sound in this sea crystal city.

"Hum! Kill!" Hearing the drunkenness in the city, a cold humming sound, also drank from Yu Kui's mouth.

At the same time, I saw the divine sword in his hand making another move, ready to pierce straight ahead.

But at this moment, I only heard an angry voice, and spit out from the evil demon's mouth: "To the king, die!"

When these five words were spoken, the evil demon opened his mouth and spewed a thick black mist.

"Break!" Feather Wither's formerly stabbed God Feather Sword fiercely recovered, and then the sword swept down and circled.

Immediately, a sword's power condensed around him, protecting him, while breaking his sword, he broke into the raging black mist.

Looking at the young face covered with hairy feathers, he, the main feather of Haijingcheng Shaocheng, still didn't pay attention to the evil demon's attack at all.

Looking at the withering look of Yu Wither, the souls in Haijing City also thought that there should be no problem in breaking the weird black mist.

However, under the eyes of all, they only saw that the sword power of Yuhuai Huyou's whole body was instantly destroyed, and then the black mist continued to surge, directly devouring their Shaocheng Lord!

"Ah!" Immediately afterwards, an unusually loud roar resounded in this heaven and earth, sounding extremely terrible.

"Little ... Shaocheng's main feather wither ... This is the shout of Shaocheng's main feather wither ... this ... how is this possible!"

"Yeah, it's the voice of the Shaocheng master! How could it be ... Shaocheng's master is so brazen that he doesn't put all this in his eyes!"

"Yeah, Shaocheng's main feather is withered, but he is the third-largest existence of the ten great Tianjiao of our **** Wuwu tribe! How can he ..."

In Haijing City, he burst into disbelief suddenly.

Seeing the arrogant appearance of Yu Chiu just now was swallowed by the black mist, making them somewhat unacceptable. This scene is completely different from what they thought.

And Shi Feng ’s keen soul power has been sensed, and the flesh and blood of the young God Wumu tribe that is devoured by the black mist will continue to be eroded.

Just listening to the screams that echoed this world became increasingly screaming.

"My son! Rebel, how dare you!" While they were still listening to the scream of pain, they only heard a thunderous explosion in Haijing City.

"Here are three strong gods and five heads!" Shi Feng immediately sensed that there were three powerful breaths coming from a distance.

Of these three breaths, two of them, like the genius feather of the God Fei Wumu tribe, withdrew into the Four Heavens of the True God.

There is another person who has reached the level of Wuzhong Heaven!

"Is the so-called Lord of the Sea Crystal City?" Shi Feng stared for a moment, staring at the fastest and most vigorous figure, secretly speaking.

"City Lord! Lord City Lord appears!"

"In addition to the Lord of the City, there is also the heaven and earth **** of our sea crystal city!"

"The Lord of the City appears, this race and this evil demon will inevitably die!"


When the three figures rushed towards the void where Shi Feng was, they saw feathers fluttering in their hands, and then spun quickly, looking like a small vortex composed of feathers.

In the end, the three feather whirlpools condensed into three sacred feather swords!

At this moment, it is equivalent to three true gods strong, holding three true **** war swords and rushing over.

And the rank of the three-handed sword, one true **** five heavens, two true **** four heavens! !!

"Okay ... powerful!" Looking at the peerless figure holding the Wuzhong Tianshen Feather Sword, even the indifferent Shi Feng, couldn't help but exclaim.

"Can you kill these three?" Shi Feng said at this time, and asked the evil demon.

"My lord, naturally there is no problem!" Unexpectedly, this evil demon turned back with disdain.

After saying this, I saw the huge monster body of the evil demon rushing forward fiercely.

Under the rush, the little city master engulfed in the black mist was instantly crushed by the charge of the evil demon, and the master of the sea crystal city, a generation of the gods and gods in the quadruple realm of the gods, fell down.

Immediately, Shi Feng's Nine Ghosts functioned, and instantly swallowed the power of death, blood, and soul.

"Wither! My wither! Ah!" The rushing Lord of the Sea Crystal City, as if going crazy, kept roaring.

The sky-high killing intention suddenly rushed from his body, his face suddenly became abnormally haggard.

It takes a lot of effort to train such a gifted son. Such a gifted son has always been his pride over the years.

Among the five members of the Shenyu family, I don't know how many people are envious of him, so he has such a good son.

He believes that if his son continues to grow, his future achievements will definitely surpass himself.

But he did not expect that such a son would die like this! And he died dead.

"Dead!" The main figure of Haijingcheng has not yet arrived, but it is a sword slashing down front.

(End of this chapter)

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