Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2205: Feather **** cut

Chapter 2205 Feather God Cut

"I have a son who died, and Yu Guang was dead. I don't want to lose you."

"City Lord!" After hearing the words of Haijing City Lord, Yu Lian had no more tears. Among the five eyes, tears were already flowing.

The gods of the Wumu tribe in the sea crystal city below, they used to be really hard to imagine that even the heavenly feathers would cry.

In the hearts of the clan people, this is a man of iron and blood, even if the enemy stabs a sword into his chest, he will not shed a tear.

But at this moment, he ...

Men do not cry easily, but they are not sad yet!

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill the aliens that invaded our sea crystal city!"

"Kill them! Shou will also Haijing City!"

"Kill them, take revenge for the main feather of Shaocheng! Take revenge for Yuguang!"


Suddenly, just listening to the high-pitched shouts, resounding in the sea crystal city, like a row of mountains and rivers, echoed for a long time.

At this time, the owner of Haijing City slowly turned his head back, and above the mighty face, he looked at the huge black figure and the human race on the huge figure.

He considers himself strong, and if one of them is ahead, he has the confidence to leave them.

But these two have come together.

The blow that the human race launched just now should ... have reached the power of the true God Five.

In the news that Yu Kun reported to the "King" at that time, that human race was only in the realm of the true God, and now, he has entered the true God of the second heaven.

But at this moment, the owner of Haijing City found that all the people in the city were moving together. The people of Haijing City rushed into the void together, fighting to fight the two invaders. !!

"No!" A burst of violent drinking suddenly made a loud noise in the main mouth of Haijing City. When he saw his left hand move, he immediately concluded an ancient mysterious seal.

An invisible barrier formed immediately outside Haijing City, "嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" I saw a rushing outward figure, which was instantly blocked by that invisible barrier.

The owner of Haijing City has already started the big formation in Haijing City and closed the city!

Since he would not let Tian Xiangyu rush to the death, naturally he would not let his people love him to die.

These two evil barriers, he will, solve them in person!

Regardless of the price paid, these two evil barriers must be dead!

When he said these words fiercely in his heart, the five gazes of the owner of Haijing City stared forward again.

From now until now, the two figures in front don't seem to move anymore.

The evil demon's huge body was quietly suspended, and Shi Feng's whole body was flying with many artifacts. His face seemed dull, but at this moment, he kept thinking in his mind **** the Lord of the Wumu tribe in front of him.

This alien is not only strong, but also has a divine feather sword equivalent to the five-fold heavenly weapon. Even if he joins the evil demon, he cannot kill one of them.

"If you want to kill this birdman, it seems that you can't rush. You must slowly kill him." Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

Then, just listen to him calmly speaking to the evil demon below him: "Chong!"

"Roar!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the roar growled again, and the huge black demon body suddenly moved and rushed forward!

"Facing these two beasts, you can't intervene with your own strength. Stay here and listen to my orders!" With his eyes fixed on the front, the Lord of the Crystal City ordered the Heavenly General Yulian.

At this moment, I saw he clenched the sword in his hand and fought forward again.

"Yu Shen cut!" Yelped.

I saw a huge gray figure suddenly appeared above the sky, as if the ancient **** of heaven came to the world, with a huge divine sword in his hand, then cut down suddenly, and cut to Shi Feng and the evil demon.

"You come to break!" Shi Feng drank at the evil demon.

The evil demon tail fluttered fiercely again, and threw at the great sword cut by the sky, but Shi Feng, together with the fifty-eight true **** warriors flying around him, stormed forward and flew into the sea. Crystal City Master.

The fierce power of thunder appeared again.

"Cut!" Looking at the rushing Shi Feng, the lord of Haijing City drank coldly, his sword slashed forward.

The huge sword spirit appeared, as if the world had been cut into two, and cut to Shi Feng.

"Stop!" Shi Feng only spit out this word, and fifty-eight real war fighters flew in front of him to meet the slashing sword qi.


The artifact collided violently with the sword gas, the fifty-eight artifact was violently shaking, and Shi Feng had already stepped forward at this time, and a punch that shone from the dark thunder burst out.

"Oh!" Another violent blast.

Under Shi Feng's fist, the huge sword energy finally collapsed.

On the other side, the tail swept away by the evil demon has also collided with a sword cut by the virtual shadow, and the power of the beating seems to be stronger. The huge body of the evil demon constantly trembles with tremors and aches.

But in the end, the ghost-like shadow disappeared.

"Dead!" Shi Feng gave a cold drink, and then attacked with the fifty-eight artifacts and blasted to the Lord of the Crystal City.

"Yeah!" The Lord of the Crystal City just cut another sword forward, and turned off the attacks of the artifacts, then stabbed the sword and stabbed Shi Feng into a punch.

"Well!" With the power of a sword, Shi Feng's body continued to retreat, and the fifty-eight true **** war weapons seemed to have become a little messy.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of the Sea Crystal was another slash, and the fifty-eight true gods continued to fly wildly and chaotically.

There were several swords, and even with the power of his sword, he flew towards Shi Feng.

Shi Feng's violent figure stopped at this moment, and he whispered, "Return!"

Pieces of real artifacts flew back to him, fifty-eight pieces of real artifacts, but returned to his whole body in an instant.

"Oh!" I don't know when the evil demon had already flown over the master of the sea crystal city, and then the huge black demon body slammed down at him as if to suppress everything!

He immediately greeted him with his sword and rushed up.

Shi Feng, moved again, he rushed to the master of the sea crystal again with 58 real artifacts.

"Boom!" The evil demon slamming down collided with the **** feather sword of the Lord of the Sea Crystal again.

The demon trembled again, and the main body of Haijing City trembled.

Taking advantage of this moment, Shi Feng's attack came again, but in the face of the owner of Haijing City, there was still a calm and calm look. The left hand, which had not been moved, was also moved at this time. The bottom circled as if it were an understatement.

Instantly saw the gray hair feathers flying, dense hair feathers, turned into a small whirlpool, like a hair feather whirlwind, rotating down, rolled towards the stone maple.

(End of this chapter)

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