Chapter 2211 Prince Xin

"As long as you leave this city, you are leaving the site of the Shenyu Wumu tribe!"

Walking in a city called Yuanyu City, Shi Feng said to Jian Tong.

Recently, they have been traveling through the site of the Shenyu Wumu tribe, mainly in accordance with the instructions of the world stone. Passing through these cities of the Shenyu Wumu tribe, it is the fastest route to Zhongao Shenzhou.

And along the way, except for the Ye Yucheng Lord who shot at them, the other gods of the Wumu tribe no longer shot at him.

Among them, the owner of several cities also sent him a kind invitation, but all were rejected by Shi Feng.

And each Fengmu Wumu tribe who sent him an invitation, Shi Feng was especially vigilant.

Earlier in the city of Ye Yu, it was the city lord Yu Ou who invited him and urged them to bronze.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong said, "Finally, you don't need to see these birdmen again."

These days, she always looks at the bird people, and she has seen enough.

If you continue to look at it, it is estimated that you have to vomit.

I do n’t know what kind of thoughts the gods and the five-eyed clans know how they feel.

They remember that when they were walking in a city the other day, a child of the God Wugou tribe saw them and said to his mother, "Mother, mother, who is he? Why is he so ugly!"

Then his mother said to him earnestly: "This is a human race! In this world, only our God-Five Gouge is the best-looking race, and all other races look ugly!"


Within Motoyu Shrine!

Shi Feng, Jian Tong, and the evil demon have stepped on the teleportation altar, filled in Yuan Shi, and adjusted the coordinates.

The next city is called Qiu Yecheng. According to the appearance of the world stone, Qiu Yecheng is the site of the rock demons.

"Okay, let's get started!" Shi Feng said to several god-feathered Wumu clan under the altar.

But after saying this, the gods and five-eyes have not yet started the teleportation altar.

After a while, they still didn't see them started!

"Huh? What's the matter? Don't understand me?" Shi Feng frowned, and spoke coldly at the gods and five-eyed tribe.

Seeing the strangeness of these "birdmen", he already felt abnormal.

Then, I saw four bird figures retreating quickly, away from the teleportation altar.

Seeing their actions, Shi Feng immediately drank at Jian Tong and the evil demon: "Leave this altar first, hurry up!"

At the sound of this shout, Shi Feng's figure flickered, but at this moment, four golden light curtains were seen, and he suddenly rose from the four sides of the teleportation altar.

With a bang, Shi Feng's figure hit heavily on a golden light curtain.

However, he did not expect that the golden light curtain was extremely hard, blocking his figure.



Not only Shi Feng, but even the evil demon in the realm of the True God Wutian Heaven were blocked, and suddenly opened his mouth wide, making a loud roar.

Previously, Shi Feng had thought that he had killed a lot of these gods and five-eyed tribe by himself. If he wanted to leave, it was not as simple as it seemed.

The result is waiting here for myself.

"Get out of Ben!"

At this moment, the four gods and five-eyed clan who control the altar have left the temple, but Shi Feng knows that they are not the masters hiding behind them at all.

"My son didn't expect to capture your tribe in this way. It seems that your tribe is quite stupid!"

Suddenly, only a sound of sneer was heard, and suddenly it sounded from above them.

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng immediately raised her head and looked up.

Three figures suddenly appeared in his sight.

Two gods and five-eyed clan, one youth, realm, in the real God Wutian!

So young, but with such a state, is definitely a genius.

And a man with a body on his back looks like an old man. The imposing power of the God-Five Wumu tribe is like the boundless sea, unfathomable, and bound to be above the fifth heaven.

And such an old man, standing beside the young man and then taking a step back, has proved that this young man's identity is not simple.

And beside the young man, there was a middle-aged man standing by. Shi Feng looked at his appearance. This person should be the Leigu who had fought with the Rock Demon in the ancient battlefield!

This middle age of the Leigu tribe is also a strong man in the realm of the Fivefold Heavenly Realm. At this moment, the face of Shi Feng is filled with coldness and hatred.

Looking at the three figures with cold eyes, Shi Feng said coldly, "It seems that Ben had killed a few of you birdies, and still can't scare you. Now, there are people coming to death!"

"Shock us?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the young **** of the five-eyes of Shenyu grinned dismissively, and said, "Want to shock us? Are you worthy?

The strength of my God-Five Wumu tribe is far from what you can imagine as a humble tribe. If my father and king had given those orders, you tribe would already be dead! "

"Xin Gongzi is right, your God Wumu tribe will kill him, but it is as simple as pinching an ant." Upon hearing the words of the young man, the Leigu tribe spoke quickly and nodded.

He is the commander of the Leigu tribe, Checo!

After Checo said that sentence, his face was immediately puzzled, and he asked the son Xin: "I just do n’t know below. Why is the powerful God Yu Wang, why is it in your God Yu family? The command?"

"Huh!" Hearing the words of Chico, the prince Xin snorted again and said, "It's not that my father has got the news, this boy is related to the heavenly ancestor of that deserted sacred place that day!"

"Oh! That's it!" When he heard what he said, Cheko looked ashamed.

In fact, he knew that because of this, the news about the inferiority and the ancestor of the Heavenly Famine had been told from his mouth.

Then, Checo said:

"Actually, even if this person is related to the Emperor of the Heavenly Desolation, how can it be? Although the Emperor of the Desolation is strong, but is far away from Zhong Ao Shenzhou, is it really impossible for such a kid to come to our Dongyue Divine State?

Moreover, even if you have the mark of the Heavenly Sacred Land in your kid, it is not difficult for us to remove the mark before his death, so that the Heavenly Sacred Land cannot see the scene before his death. "

"That's natural! There is a senior teacher and brother who specializes in studying the way of Yin. At that time, as long as you invite that person to come, you will be able to break the imprint of the sky in this boy." Xin Gongzi said to Checo.

While speaking these words, the son-in-law pointed at the old man beside him, presumably he was the old man in his mouth just now.

Hearing Xin Gongzi's words, although Lao Lao did not say anything, he nodded slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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