Chapter 2219: Old Thoughts

Since these guys pursued themselves relentlessly, Shi Feng used the source of all things to bless his strength and hit the old man.

When seeing Shi Feng's impact, the old man's face began to change again.

Seeing that Shi Feng's body was about to hit, the old man's figure flashed, and he avoided the impact of Shi Feng instantly.

Shi Feng, suddenly hit an empty space, immediately stunned, then turned his head, glaring at Xin Gongzi and Qi Ke behind him!

At this moment, when I saw Shi Feng looking back, I remembered the scene where Shi Feng had crashed violently just now. The figures of Xin Gongzi and the contract turned back at the same time.

They were frightened by Shi Feng's hope!

"Huh!" A disdainful cold hum came out of Shi Feng's mouth, followed by a disdainful sneer on his face, then he turned his head and looked at the endless void ahead.

Then, Shi Feng's figure moved violently, rushing forward.

"Are you chasing it?" Looking at the figure and leaving, Qi Ke said weakly and asked Xin Gongzi beside him.

At this moment, the expression on Gong Xin's face was a little hesitant. He wanted to chase after him and leave that person behind.

At this time, the disappearing old figure appeared in front of them, and the old man appeared again.

"Lao Lao." After seeing Lao Lao, Xin Gongzi yelled, and moved forward, came to Lao Lao's side.

Now, if he was allowed to chase Shi Feng, he wouldn't dare, everything, and still wanted a strong elder to decide.

Hearing the shout of Son Gongzi, Lao Lao naturally knew what he was going to say, and then said, "This man has the secret treasure in his body, and it is up to us to catch up with him, and he cannot be left behind."

"But ... did he just let him run away?" Xin Gongzi said unwillingly.

"What else could that be?" Wu Lao asked him instead.

Shi Feng's shocking force just now, although he couldn't give him anything, but he didn't dare to resist.

"Ah." After hearing Lao Lao's words, Xin Gongzi sighed, clenched his fist in the right hand, and banged heavily in the air, exclaiming: "Really, **** it!"

"That's it, let him run away?" At this moment, when he heard the conversation between the two gods and Wumu tribe in front of him, Chek's face also appeared extremely unwilling.

"No! You can't just leave it alone, this person must die! You must die! I, I must avenge my Yaoer!" Qi Ke shouted in his heart.

For a moment, none of the three people floating in the void spoke again, staring at the void tightly, even if the man had disappeared at the end of the void and disappeared into their sight.

But Che Ke and Xin Gongzi did not notice. At this moment, the elder five eyes blinked, the corners of his mouth cracked, and a sneer appeared, his heart secretly said:

"Huh, this family has such a secret treasure, thinking that the old man would really let him leave like this? His body has been quietly left a mark by the old man. As long as the old man is looking for that mark, it is difficult for this person to go to the ends of the earth Run away from the palm of the old husband.

This secret treasure, my husband, will have it! "

Time gradually passed. At this moment, the sky was almost dusk, and in the void, a colorful morning glow emerged, which was very beautiful.

But Ke Ke and Xin Gongzi couldn't be more beautiful.

After a while, Lao Lao took the lead in speaking slowly and said to Xin Gongzi, "Let's go!"

"Yeah!" Hearing the words of the old man, Gong Xin nodded slowly to him and responded.

Later, he and his elder turned slowly.

But when they turned around, they found that the Commander of the Leigu Tribe, Ke Ke, did not know when he had left here.


"I don't know where the girl is now." While Shi Feng's figure was still raging in the void, the power of her soul was swept out.

One is to prevent those who are behind from chasing, and the other is to search for Jian Tong.

Today, this world is after all a god-fighting continent and a powerful creature. He is worried that Jian Tong will be alone in this world.

I had previously let her leave alone, which was an urgent situation, but now I am temporarily out of danger and still want to find her again.

But he also knew that time had passed so long, and the girl was teleported with her supernatural power at that time, and it was estimated that at this moment she was far away from herself.

"Appeared on the map, and at the speed I have been going in this direction for about ten days, I will enter the territory of the Rock Demon Clan. And Jian Tong, she has no map guidance at all, I do n’t know her, and I will Will change direction. "

The size of the world, he and Jian Tong were not prepared to contact or transmit information, but now, respectively, it is extremely difficult to meet again.

"Ah, I can only go one step at a time." Shi Feng sighed.

Whether they can meet is up to God.

Now, he can only hope that the girl does nothing.

"Huh?" At that moment, Shi Feng's face moved again. He saw that the golden light shining on his body finally disappeared.

Now that it is temporarily safe, the Source of Everything no longer protects his body.

But Shi Feng thought, what is the source of all things!

Appearing again and again, but stronger than ever.

Once in the Tianheng continent, it was comparable to that of the blood-streak blood eggs of the demigod level, and eventually the colors became extremely dim.

At that time, it really only had the power of demigods.

But now, even the Sixth Heaven of the True God cannot destroy his power, how can he be so strong?

He should have been hiding in his own body, and now he has become so strong, where did he draw the power from?

"Is it from me?" Shi Feng secretly said.

However, just when he first came up with this thought, he shook his head secretly. If the source of all things absorbed his own power, he would certainly feel the loss of power.

However, he never felt that way.

For the source of all things, Shi Feng felt more and more mysterious.

Once upon a time, Tianheng's legend about the source of all things was to have the secret of becoming a god, and now Shi Feng has truly become a god. He even knows that the source of all things is not only as simple as the secret of becoming god.

The so-called secret of becoming a god, he did not get from the source of all things.

Following this, Shi Feng said to himself: "Forget it, I guess I can't understand it. Only one day, he told me what he is."

After speaking these words, Shi Feng had left these thoughts behind, and his body continued to fly in the void, and the power of the soul continued to glance in all directions.

In this way, Shi Feng broke through the void for eleven days.

"Now, I should enter the territory of the Rock Demon Clan?"

(End of this chapter)

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