Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2222: Human woman?

Chapter 2222 Human Race Woman?

In the sky, as soon as the figure of Shi Feng appeared, it attracted a strange look.

"Human race?"

"Meteorite City, even a human race appears?"

"Human race, actually appeared in Meteorite City?"


Shi Feng naturally felt it, and the eyes of the aliens looking at themselves were unusual.

"Meteorite City, once a place of human race, now some people appear, but it is such a strange look, think about it, it is really ridiculous." Shi Feng secretly said.

Facing those strange eyes, Shi Feng walked in the avenue of the sky, and went to another space in the city to transmit the altar.

In this divine war continent, in order for the space teleportation array to operate more quickly, many cities have two space teleport altars, one for receiving foreign souls and the other for teleportation.

This is true in many big cities!

"Human race!"

"Yes! It's human!"

"Human race!"


And walking in this meteorological city, no matter where Shi Feng went, Shi Feng would hear a burst of exclaims, a strange look.

"This is the second human race that has appeared in the past few days. The human race woman who appeared in Meteor Sky City a few days ago was heard and has not yet come out after being arrested into the main city of Meteor Sky City. Come on! "

"Even if the Terran woman wasn't dead, it must be miserable now! Terran, it shouldn't have appeared in Skyrim City."

"Yeah, this Terran now appears in our Meteorological City. I believe that soon the strong man will come out to arrest him."


Shi Feng's ears were sharp, and two conversations suddenly passed into his ears.

After hearing the conversation between the two aliens, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly changed, and he walked.

Human woman, he immediately remembered Jian Tong who was separated from himself!

"Did Jiantong come to this meteorological city, showing that his real body was seen by the creatures in this meteorological city, and then he was captured into that city's main mansion?" Shi Feng secretly said.

Immediately following him, he turned his head and looked at the two aliens who were just talking.

These are two aliens covered with silvery white barbs, with two extremely sharp fangs, looking very vicious.

However, Shi Feng did not look at these two aliens at all, their realm, but at the level of Wu Sheng, one two-star Wu Sheng, the other, Samsung Wu Sheng.

Seeing Shi Feng staring at himself, the two fierce aliens trembled, their bodies involuntarily moved backwards.

Although the two aliens were not in a high state, they were born with a keen sense of perception, and immediately felt that they were being followed by that "vicious creature".

"Huh?" But at this moment, Shi Feng's face moved again, then she looked up and looked into the distant void.

There, Shi Feng saw a row of soldiers, rushing towards the empty air menacingly.

And this soldier is very familiar to him, this is ... Sea Witch!

There are twenty-five sea warrior warriors, each of whom is handsome, surrounded by seaweed like iron chains, with blisters like guards.

The head is a sea witch warrior who has reached the triple realm of true God.

"Sea Witch Tribe!" Shi Feng spit out these three words coldly.

After coming to the Divine Continent, this is also an old opponent!

And he can clearly feel that the target of this sea witch tribe that rushes into this void is himself!

"It seems likely that Jian Tong will enter this meteorological city and be caught by this **** sea witch tribe! I hope that girl will be fine, otherwise, I will destroy this **** race!"

When Shi Feng said this sentence, there was endless murderous intent on all sides, and the surrounding creatures could clearly feel the bitter chill, and many of them were moving backwards involuntarily.

"So strong ... I can feel that this Terran is really strong!"

"Strong, it's really strong! But this time, the city's main government has dispatched a number of strong people. I look at this people, and wait a bit, they can't get up."

"That's right! Although there are few soldiers in our city's main government, all of them are elites! Although the mysterious sea witches are scarce, all of them are talented!"


Shi Feng has also felt from this list of soldiers that this is a true elite!

Twenty-five sea witches, the lowest in the realm, are all in Jiuxing Demigod!

One true God triple, two triple heavens, one heavy heaven, eight!

In an instant, the twenty Sea Witch warriors had arrived. The leader of the Sea Witch Warrior was a woman with an unusually beautiful appearance, extremely sophisticated features, and a full body hidden by water plants. It's all temptation.

But at this moment, the eerie and glamorous face looked down, as if full of disgust, making a cold voice: "Humble people!"

While saying that, the Haiwo woman turned her right hand into a claw, facing Shi Feng below.

Shi Feng suddenly felt that an invisible force was hanging down to herself.

However, he felt even more that this Haiwo woman did not use her full strength, presumably in her eyes, she was just a double world of true gods, and could not get into her eyes.

"Huh!" A cold hum hummed from Shi Feng's mouth, and at this moment, he saw a sudden movement of his figure, and immediately rushed up against the enveloping energy.

She didn't use her full strength, that invisible force could not stop Shi Feng's figure at all.

"Huh? How!" After feeling that his power was constantly being destroyed, the seawitch woman's strange face changed immediately.

She didn't expect that a human being who was not in the dual world of the true gods would be able to break her power even if she was weak and weak!

"Drink!" Jiao Yin sang from the woman's mouth. Above her right paw, she gathered more power immediately, pressing down on Shi Feng, which was rushing down, and then cold Out voice: "Give me, get out!"

Shi Feng did feel that invisible force had become stronger, but for him, it was just the same, and then she said rudely, "You can't help it!"

Later, he saw that his body continued to storm upwards, and the stronger triple-strength force continued to break under his flying charge.

At this moment, the stunned woman of the Haiwu tribe realized that it was not good, but at this moment, Shi Feng's rushing figure had already rushed to her.

"Everyone join forces to run the Poseidon array of my sea witch tribe, kill him!" The sea witch woman shouted, but her figure evaded.

At this time, I saw one by one the sea witch warriors, rising up a mysterious sea power.

"Wow!" Suddenly, a tsunami echoed in this void.

(End of this chapter)

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