Chapter 2229 Ruthless!


Under the roar, Shi Feng was shaken physically and mentally. Nine ghostly powers, black magic thunder, **** flames, and the power of nine stars, all power poured out from him.

"Now! The source of all things, you show me!" Shi Feng yelled, his voice full of extreme anger, as if giving an irresistible order!

"Boom boom boom boom!" Under the incomparable force from Shi Fengdao Road, under his roar, the temple shook violently as if it was about to collapse.

"The source? In the face of that one, is it useful to roar so loudly? Hehe." An alien said with a disdain when he heard Shi Feng's roar.

"Oh, yeah! When I meet this guy today, he is going to die anyway." Another alien said.

"Hehe, struggling before dying."


"Hmm!" Even the one on the proud altar, grinning at the sound of Shi Feng's roar, grinned and said, "Just jumping clown!"

"Huh?" When the alien youth had just finished saying this, his face suddenly changed, and he saw the black palm print still violently in the air, suddenly as if bombarded on an extremely strong force.

Immediately after, the extremely bright golden light overflowed from the five fingers of the dark palm print.

"Ah! Broken!" Then a roar rang again.

Shi Feng's body moved fiercely, hitting the black palm print violently, and there was a violent bang, "I saw that the black palm print suddenly burst out, and a figure radiating bright golden light all over the people Appeared in his eyes.

"Huh? What's going on? What happened?"

"So strong! So dazzling golden light?"

"What kind of treasure did the tribe sacrifice? It even broke that one's power!"


The sounds of cries kept ringing in the temple.

The alien young man on the altar, with a cold face, frowned quietly, looking up slightly, and stared at the golden figure again.

"King! Eight! Egg!" Shi Feng sang in a cold voice, and his body rushed down violently, toward the altar and toward the figure.

"Well? What kind of treasure actually made this residue suddenly have such a violent power?" From the impact force that Shi Feng rushed down, the alien youth felt an energy not weaker than him.

Following this, his body moved, and finally left the teleportation altar, flying up to Shi Feng.

At the same time, I saw him holding his fist in his right hand, and above his fist, there was an eerie dark power that faintly appeared, as if a dark shadow appeared on his fist.

"The ancient ancestors used their power to destroy everything!" A low drink rang from the mouth of this alien young man, and then, his fists blasted up and rushed to the stone maple rushing down.

"Boom!" Another peerless collision.

Under the eyes of all people, the other races saw the race that rushed down, and they stopped in mid-air at the same time after colliding with that one.

This collision, these two, even hit a tie.

"Huh? It's ... stopped my blow!" Shi Feng blocked the power of that punch, and the look of the alien youth changed dramatically.

A true God's dual heavenly creature blocked his fist. It is estimated that if he said it, no creature would believe it.

But such a thing really happened.

"Ah!" At this moment, Shi Feng shouted again, stepping back, and then violently blasted at the alien youth.

The collision just now, so all the power was blocked by the source of all things, he was not harmed in the slightest.

Since it is not harmed, continue to storm! It's better to rush that alien to death!

Seeing Shi Feng rushing again, the face of the alien youth has become very serious, this time, he began to mobilize the strength of his whole body, all gathered on his right hand.

Followed by, slowly raising his hand upwards, and another ghost appeared on his hand, with five fingers close together, his hands like a magic knife, and then slashing down towards the rushing golden figure.

Peerless sword-like slash, struck Shi Feng's body in an instant, "Well!" There was another violent echo.

"A draw? Is it a draw again?"

"The one that was cut by that one was blocked again by that human race?"

"Yeah! What kind of treasure did this human race use?"


The action of the alien youth and Shi Feng stopped again under the force of the other.

At this moment, his anger had not receded on Shi Feng's face. At this moment, he became even more angry.

I didn't expect that the source of all things was summoned under his anger, and even there was no way to take this alien man.

However, Shi Feng will not give up on this.

Each of his collisions is the power of the source of all things, and the opponent is the force that urges him.

"Ben Shao is to see how many times he can stop the power of all things. A thousand times? Or ten thousand times? Huh!" With a cold hum, Shi Feng retreated, and then violently shocked forward. , Rushed to that alien youth.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Immediately after that, there were bangs and echoes in the temple.

The aliens saw the two figures in midair constantly colliding and fighting each other.

The movement caused by the battle in the temple was too great, coupled with the spread of the news that appeared in Meteor City, and the tribe who survived the city ’s peerless battle with that one poured into the temple In the figure, more and more.

"This people! I didn't expect that after fighting with this man, there is no victory or defeat!"

"No wonder, no wonder! It's no wonder that this tribe has survived for so many days after entering the main city!"

"It turns out there is a peerless treasure in this people! No wonder he can live to this day."


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With repeated collisions again and again, at this moment, the face of the alien youth finally showed shock.

He has gradually realized that it is not good.

Now with every collision, he has spurred the strength of his whole body, constantly consuming the energy in his body.

As the collision continued, the energy in his body was quickly lost.

However, he found that the human race in front of him had not weakened at the moment, but instead became more and more fierce!

Faintly, Shi Feng has the tendency to prevail.

And Shi Feng, naturally has also found this problem.

"Give me, let's die!" He slammed again, and saw Shi Feng's figure again violently, and rushed to the alien cold young man again.

This time, when seeing Shi Feng's body shape as before, and then colliding with the alien youth, he suddenly saw that alien youth's body moved, and he began to fly upward.

He, at the moment, was avoiding Shi Feng's attack!

(End of this chapter)

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