Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2232: Incarnation

Chapter 2232 Incarnation

"You go to Zhong Ao Shenzhou?"

In the world of space in the blood stele, Shi Fengdao.

Subsequently, the woman nodded to Shi Feng.

"That being the case, then during this time, you will stay in my mysterious space and rest assured. If there is anything, you can always call me!" Shi Feng said to her.

How to say, this woman has helped herself in the city main mansion of Meteorite City, although she said that she eventually saved her by entering the city mansion.

Suddenly, I saw dozens of blood shining in front of the woman. When the blood dropped, all the jade bottles appeared.

In each jade bottle, there is a faint medicinal fragrance.

These jade bottles are filled with high-grade elixir, which are all the spoils obtained by Shi Feng.

This woman was being held in a sea witch dungeon, except for the broken blood-stained shirt on her body, and everything should have been taken away by that sea witch.

Today, she should need these elixir very much.

Looking at the dozen or so jade bottles in front of her, the woman nodded again at Shi Feng and said, "Thank you!"

Shi Feng nodded slightly to her and followed her thoughts. The manifested soul body dissipated and returned to his thoughts.

Outside of the void, Shi Feng was still breaking all the way west. Suddenly, he saw a movement in his heart, a huge blood shining from under him.

Immediately afterwards, "Roar! Roar!" A loud roar sounded, causing the space to shake wildly.

Shi Feng, summoned the six-headed serpent from the blood stone stele, standing proudly on the head of the green serpent.

Since entering the Divine War, the strength of the enemies encountered during this period of time is simply unthinkable on other continents.

Fighting against these powerful enemies, and realizing the peerless power of these powerful enemies, Shi Feng has learned a lot, and in martial arts, I can also digest it at this time.

Entering the Divine War Continent, he began to flee from the first Chenghai Witch City he entered. This feeling made him feel extremely unhappy!

Especially several times, almost died in the hands of those aliens.

He is really stronger than the desire!

He, if he wants to continue to advance, if martial arts situation enters the triple heaven of the true god, manipulate fifty-eight true **** war weapons to perform the hundred sword **** killing tactics, plus the Thunder God of War tactics, should be able to resist the true **** six heaven Last antibody!

Now, I do n’t know why, the golden light of the source of all things has not disappeared from him. The source of all things has been protecting his body.

But Shi Feng, from his heart, still doesn't expect much from all things. This moody guy is out of his control. For Shi Feng, this is not his own power!

Shi Feng is still feeling for this **** war continent. I did not expect this powerful continent, but the true **** war weapon is so scarce!

He once thought that since the Divine War Continent is a stronger continent, then there should be more true God warfare weapons than the Mang Continent and the ranks are higher.

However, I did not expect that after entering the war war continent for so long and facing so many powerful men, I did not see a true true war soldier.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng's figure slowly squatted, and finally, sitting cross-legged on the green snake's head, began to realize martial arts.

To say that this war against the continent is really a vast world. There are thousands of people and powerful creatures. Under such a world, you can easily see that the powerful forces and creatures become stronger.

Shi Feng's understanding of martial arts gradually became more cheerful.

Time passed gradually. The moment Shi Feng opened his eyes, the sky was dark and he looked at the night. He slowly said, "It won't be long before, I should be able to enter that wooden virtual city!"

"However, I better prepare!"

Shi Feng knows that after these several wars, the source of all things has shown great power and must have received the attention of those aliens.

Especially today, I used the source of all things to get rid of that Dongyue Shenzhou on the first day.

Today, it is estimated that the source of all things has been remembered by many souls!

A true **** dual sky, blasting all six gods from the source of all things. After knowing this news, which creature is not excited?

Especially those who are more powerful.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng immediately whispered, "Humming!"

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the skin on and around his body became completely white, and the body and his body exuded a very cold death.

At this moment, he is using the secret corpse secret method that was taught in the imprisoned world by the ancient corpse.

With this secret corpse secret, the breath of the human race was instantly masked and turned into a corpse.

Although it can be said that the corpses cannot be related to the human race, on this continent of war, some alien races are not much different from the human race. For example, the Haiwu tribe and Ronnie who battled with himself not long ago are all human figures and faces similar.

In addition, during this time he also saw many races that looked similar to the human race.

Now he should be a corpse, and it should be better to cover up the human breath.

After this period of time through various alien cities, Shi Feng has also discovered that those aliens who see the human race in this Dongyue Divine Kingdom always make him feel a little different!

"The power of all things seems to be relentless!" Although Shi Feng's skin turned white after being transformed into a corpse, the golden skin was still shining on the white skin, making him look Still so dazzling.

If you enter Muxucheng like this, it is estimated that it is difficult to keep a low profile.

"Forget it, don't retreat!" Shi Feng said again.

Soon after, he saw a huge city surrounded by jungles in the ground below. This city was the Muxu city indicated by the world stone.

In this world, Shi Feng sensed a strong breath of life from an alien!

"Roar! Roar!" The six snakes underneath roared.

Now that it is so dazzling, in order to be low-key, Shi Feng thought of it, and the six big snakes were about to be taken back to the blood stone monument space.

Then, his body slowly drifted down and drifted towards the wooden virtual city.

I don't know what kind of city this city will be!

Soon after, Shi Feng's figure fell into the gate of Muxu City. Because it was late at night, there were very few aliens entering and leaving the city, and the shining golden light on Shi Feng's body instantly attracted the gate guard. Attention.

At this moment, looking at it is too high-profile!

Seeing the alien guards gathered their eyes together, the ones that appeared one after another seemed to be a little wary of themselves, one by one holding the weapons in their hands.

Shi Feng was a little speechless, stepped forward, and walked towards the city.

"What race? What happened to my Muxu city?" An alien wearing a scorpion armor drank coldly at Shi Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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