Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2242: Power of the Earth

Chapter 2242 The Power of the Earth

"Good mysterious earth magic!" Shi Feng exclaimed, looking at the headless corpse.

This headless corpse, apart from the supernatural powers and mysteries of the earth, exuded an unparalleled momentum throughout the body, as if full of overbearing power.

"The corpse! This is also a corpse! Your kind!" At this time, the mysterious creature with a black bandage on its face also exclaimed.

This headless corpse was naturally sensed by Shi Feng. The breath on her body really resembled the corpse, but it did not seem to be a corpse.

Although he is also pregnant with mysterious earth magic.

And at this moment, Shi Feng and the mysterious creature saw the headless corpse walking slowly, his right foot slowly lifted, and then, one foot trampled on the ground extremely violently!


"not good!"

A burst of rumor sounded at the same time as Shi Feng's exclamation.

I saw the shape of Shi Feng and the shape of the mysterious creature moved instantly, straight up.

And immediately followed, "Oh!"


I saw two piercing thorns blasting out of the ground where the two men were standing.

Shi Feng, who was still rushing up in shape, looked at the spur rushing out of the ground with horror, full of fear.

This stinging force is more terrifying than the previous blood dripping force.

"This is! The corpse that has evolved to the Seventh Heaven of the True God!" At this moment, the mysterious creature screamed in surprise.

Then he said, "This! This power, the Seventh Heavenly Spirit of the real God, dare not resist!"

Later, he looked at Shi Feng again and yelled, "The corpse, you are the same as him, see if you can communicate!"

"Communicate your sister!" Shi Feng scolded inwardly.

"If I can communicate with it, the first one will let it destroy you!" Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

Not to mention that he is not the same as him, even if it is the same, this is a headless body without a head, sister, how to communicate!

you teach me?

"Can't communicate!" Shi Feng replied to the mysterious creature with a black bandage on his face.

Followed again: "Let's get out of here as soon as possible, don't entangle it!"

After saying this, Shi Feng's rushing figure suddenly moved up again, and dived down toward the ground ahead.

Not only Shi Feng, but also the mysterious creature. In an instant, the two bodies jumped over the headless corpse in the void and plunged towards the land far behind it.

At this time, the headless corpse seemed to know the intentions of the two, and turned slowly toward the rear. The next moment, I saw Shi Feng and the mysterious creature falling, and the land had a violent change. .



Immediately after that, there were two more violent sounds, and two stabs of land rushed out of the land where they fell.

Shi Feng's face changed suddenly again, and immediately changed the flying direction with the mysterious creature and rushed forward.

"Boom!" Then, the ground in front of them stood up directly, forming a huge earth wall, exuding the power of the earth, which immediately blocked the way of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Was another burst of thunder.

I saw three earth walls rising from three directions of the stone maple and the mysterious creature at the same time, and the earth walls surrounded them instantly.

"Boom!" Even above his head, a mountain appeared, making this already dark world even darker, and then suddenly pressed down.

"Boom!" Instantly, Shi Feng and the mysterious creature were completely trapped in it.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

This heaven and earth trembled with violent earthquakes, and the forces of the earth began to swell in this fierce, rushing to him.

"What to do, corpse!" At this moment, the mysterious creature with bandages on his face asked Shi Feng what to do.

"Even if you don't know what to do, how can I know." Shi Feng said.

"You are a corpse, and you should be more familiar with the power of this earth than you. Can you use her supernatural powers to take me out of here?" The mysterious creature asked again.

Although Earth Maple Stone Maple doesn't have it, there are countless corpses in his blood stone stele, which can be used to run the Earth Maple.

But now, the power of the earth in all directions, but the power of the Seventh Heavenly God formed by the headless corpse, the magical powers of those corpses will be completely suppressed, if forced to operate, it will inevitably suffer backwash.

Dare to contend with the supernatural powers of the Seven Realms of the True God, no matter which corpse in his blood stele will instantly turn to ashes.


At this moment, seeing the power of the earth in all directions approaching the flesh, suddenly, the black light curtain that Shi Feng saw before appeared again.

This time, the black light curtain appeared in all directions, protecting them all around, "Oh!"

Immediately afterwards, the raging forces of the earth stormed on the black light curtain, but all were blocked by the black light curtain.

"Patter! Patter! Patter!" At that moment, the gentle footsteps sounded from under the maple and the mysterious creature.

I saw that the headless body had come to the ground below them, followed, and stopped.

"We have no way to escape! If we continue to do so, the black light curtain around us will break, it will be you and me." The mysterious creature with black bandages on his face came out in surprise.

"The corpse, what is your magical power of the earth?" Shi Feng didn't answer him just now, he asked Xiang Feng again.

"No!" Shi Feng only answered these simple words to him.

At this moment, his complexion was also abnormally dignified.

The powerful earth force from all sides and the headless corpse below, if you go on like this, you will be killed sooner or later.

"What to do?" Shi Feng murmured in his heart.

Although there is a bodyguard of the source of all things, the one below is, after all, a creature of the seventh level of the true God.

"Eh! Heh!" There was a loud noise, still echoing in this dark space, and the power of the earth, constantly attacking the black light curtain.

At this point, Shi Feng can clearly sense that the black light curtain protecting himself and the mysterious creature has become more and more bleak. Looking at this situation, it is estimated that it will not be long before it is really broken.

Once the black light curtain is broken, you and him will be in danger!

At this time, Shi Feng and the mysterious creature saw again, the headless corpse below, the right foot slowly raised again, the higher the higher, the higher the higher, followed closely, toward his feet A sudden step on the earth!

"Boom!" An incomparable, thunderous sound burst out loud in this space.

I saw in the ground below that an unusually large, gigantic, and extremely powerful, which made Shi Feng feel the heart stabbing, piercing from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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