Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2244: Don't underestimate the corpse

Chapter 2244 Don't Underestimate The Inferno

Looking at the shocking scene that happened on the ground, Shi Feng also realized that it was no wonder that when the alien young man appeared, he didn't put everything in his eyes.

It turns out that they have such a powerful means!

"This silver ring, what ... what grade artifact is it?"

Previously, Shi Feng asked Gu Yan what grade it was. He didn't answer. At this moment, Shi Feng asked him again.

Gu Yan's eyes that were seeping from the black bandages still stared tightly above the deadly circle of silence, and heard Shi Feng's words, saying:

"I don't know! In Dongyue Divine Land, there are many rumors about the death silence of this Hemo dead!

There are rumors that it is the Seventh Heavenly Artifact of the True God, and there are rumors that it is the Eighth Reality of the True God, that is, the Nine Heavenly Realm of the True God! More legend, this is the war weapon left by the ancient **** king, which has surpassed the true god! "

"Beyond the true god?" Shi Feng secretly muttered these five words in his mouth.

It seems that only the Hemo Dead knows what kind of rank this dead **** circle is in.

However, Shi Feng believes that this artifact should not only be in the realm of the Seventh Heaven of the True God!

That headless corpse is, after all, a true Seventh Heaven, and the middle-aged alien is also in the realm of Seventh Heaven.

But he only made that lap and destroyed the headless body easily.

At this moment, the middle-aged middle-aged man's right hand moved slightly, and the circle of death below immediately rose up, and instantly flew back to his hand and was taken back by him.

After doing this, his gaze looked down at Shi Feng and Gu Yan who were not far away.

"Father, what should I do with them?" At this moment, the alien youth spoke.

"This overcast forest is dangerous and must not be careless. Let them explore the way for us." The middle-aged alien said quietly.

"He Jiang, you asked me to explore the way for you! If my father knew, he would lead my army of bones and seek justice for me!" After hearing the conversation between the two above, Gu Yan was angry at the top. Then drank.

"His tribe can compete with them? Even this death race has that powerful fetish!" Shi Feng said secretly in his heart when he heard the sound of bone Yan drinking.

"Is the bone discipline? Hehe!" When the middle-aged alien named He Jiang heard Gu Yan's words, he sneered, saying:

"If your grandfather Gu Tuo is alive, I might still be a little bit cautious! Just your father's bone discipline, ha ha ha ..." When it comes to this last sentence, He Jiang sneered even more.

His attitude is already obvious, and now, he no longer regards his bones and his father's bone discipline.

At this time, even the alien youth was embarrassed and said, "Bone Yan, your bone race has completely fallen after your grandfather Gu Tuo is gone! Your father is not as good as my father. You will always be stepped on by me Underfoot! "

"Hello! You!" Gu Yan Leng cold shouted the name of the alien youth.

At this moment, Shi Feng saw that Yan Yan's fists beside her were clenching tightly, and her body was trembling.

The Hemo death youth Hexun, like this bone Yan, is in the realm of the Sixth Heaven of the True God.

Both are characters on the Dongyue Divine Genius List.

And He Yan, the genius battle list, but ranked third, Gu Yan, only ranked seventh!

As the top ten in the genius battle list, only these two dead creatures, so in recent years, the souls of various ethnic groups in Dongyue Shenzhou will compare each other when they talk about them.

In all these years, no matter where they are, as long as these creatures mention these two people, it is his bones that are suppressed.

At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly felt a mighty battle, rising from the bone Yan beside him.

The pair of eyes that appeared from the black bandages seemed to be released by Lengman, glaring up angrily and yelling coldly:

"At the time of the Dongyue Divine Genius Battle, you Huxu ranked third, and I was only ranked seventh! Today, you Huxu, dare not accept my battle!"

"Today, you are aloof, dare you accept my battle!"

"Today, you are aloof, dare you accept my battle!"


The cold sound of war drinking reverberates for a long time in this gloomy jungle.

But when He Yan's battle drank, the Huxue opened his face disdainfully, and hummed coldly: "Huh, a cannon fodder, if I Huxu fights with you, there will only be a drop!

Just after Hussein's voice had just fallen, He Jiang nodded gently and said, "Indeed, this battle is not necessary."

At the next moment, Shi Feng and Bone Yan immediately sensed that a peerless divine power had covered themselves.

Shi Feng's face changed quickly.

The bones of war that have just soared to the sky, the war will be crushed back in a moment by this peerless divine power.

Then, Na Hejiang's voice rang again: "Well, let's explore the way!" This was a mighty and irresistible command.

It seems that the gods above have given orders to the living beings of the world.

"Go!" Later, Shi Feng heard the bone Yan beside him and spit out the word coldly to him.

Leading the way for them, for Bone Yan, this is the extreme humiliation these two fathers and sons have made on themselves and their bones.

If today ’s events come out, not only will he be ashamed, but his father and their bones will be ashamed.

After saying that word, the bone Yan fluttered and flew forward.

However, his fist was still clenched tightly, and today's events, he was deeply remembered.

Seeing the bones of Yan Yan fluttering, Shi Feng's body fluttered forward.

Earlier Bone Yan had made him a cannon fodder, he didn't take it to heart, and at this moment, he was really "controlled by others"!

That He Jiang, that dying silence, is too horrible, even if his physical metamorphosis, he will be killed.

Soon after, the figures of Gu Yan and Shi Feng fell on the ground in front of them, and the two fathers and sons of Hemo's dead also followed, and fell behind them.

Shi Feng, went on, and continued to be a cannon fodder, but he now has a companion.

In fact, in the eyes of Gu Yan, Shi Feng, the incarnation of the true dual world, can be used as No. 1 cannon fodder. He can be behind Shi Feng and used as No. 2 cannon fodder.

However, Gu Yan at the moment did not do so, walking side by side with Shi Feng.

"I don't know how to find this bone Yan, how to find such a weak dead creature as his partner." Looking at the two figures walking forward, He Yan still looked disdainfully, and said.

"Don't underestimate the corpse!" At this time, He Jiang said.

"Huh? A dead creature in the duality of the true gods can't be underestimated? Father, is there any incomprehensible thing in this corpse?" Hear asked.

However, when he said this sentence, he could still see that he was very impressed.

A dead creature of the duality of the true God can hardly reach his hilarious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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